Jeremiah 43

ECB(i) 1
And so be it, Yirme Yah concludes wording all the words of Yah Veh their Elohim to all the people, for which Yah Veh their Elohim sent him to them - all these words, 2 that Azar Yah the son of Hosha Yah and Yah Hanan the son of Qareach and all the arrogant men say to Yirme Yah, saying, You speak falsely: Yah Veh our Elohim sent you not, saying, Go not into Misrayim to sojourn there. 3 - for Baruch the son of Neri Yah goads you against us, to give us into the hand of the Kesediym so that they put us to death and exile us to Babel. 4 And Yah Hanan the son of Qareach and all the governors of the valiant and all the people hearken not to the voice of Yah Veh to settle in the land of Yah Hudah: 5 and Yah Hanan the son of Qareach and all the governors of the valiant take all the survivors of Yah Hudah, who returned from all goyim where they were driven, to sojourn in the land of Yah Hudah; 6 - mighty and women and toddlers and daughters of the sovereign and every soul Nebu Zaradan the rabbi slaughterer left with Gedal Yah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan and Yirme Yah the prophet and Baruch the son of Neri Yah. 7 And they come to the land of Misrayim: for they hearken not to the voice of Yah Veh: thus they come to Tachpanches. 8 And so be the word of Yah Veh to Yirme Yah in Tachpanches, saying, 9 Take great stones in your hand, and hide them in the cement in the brickkiln at the portal of the house of Paroh in Tachpanches in the eyes of the men of Yah Hudah; 10 and say to them, Thus says Yah Veh Sabaoth Elohim of Yisra El: Behold, I send and take Nebukadnets Tsar the sovereign of Babel, my servant, and set his throne on these stones I hid: and he spreads his glory pavilion over them: 11 and he comes and smites the land of Misrayim - such as are for death, to death; and such as are for captivity, to captivity; and such as are for the sword, to the sword: 12 and I kindle a fire in the houses of the elohim of Misrayim; and he burns them and captures them: and he covers himself with the land of Misrayim as a tender covers with his clothes; and he comes from there in shalom: 13 and he breaks the monoliths of Beth Shemesh in the land of Misrayim; and burns the houses of the elohim of the Misrayim with fire.