Genesis 26:18-21

Wycliffe(i) 18 And he diggide eft other pittis, whiche the seruauntis of Abraham his fadir hadden diggid, and whiche the Filisteis hadden stoppid sumtyme, whanne Abraham was deed; and he clepide tho pittis bi the same names, bi whiche his fadir hadde clepid bifore. 19 Thei diggiden in the stronde, and thei founden wellynge watir. 20 But also strijf of scheepherdis of Gerare was there ayens the scheepherdis of Isaac, and thei seiden, The watir is oure; wherfor of that that bifelde he clepide the name of the pit fals chaleng. 21 And thei diggiden anothir, and thei stryueden also for that, and Ysaac clepide that pit enemytes.