Genesis 26:18-21

  18 G2532 And G3825 again G* Isaac G3736 dug G3588 the G5421 wells G3588   G5204 of water G3739 which G3736 [5dug G3588 1the G3816 2servants G* 3of Abraham G3588   G3962 4his father]; G1473   G2532 and G1719.2 [3obstructed G1473 4them G3588 1the G* 2Philistines], G3326 after G3588 the G599 dying G* of Abraham G3588   G3962 his father. G1473   G2532 And G2028 he named G1473 them G3686 with names G2596 according to G3588 the G3686 names G3739 which G3687 [2named G3588   G3962 1his father]. G1473  
  19 G2532 And G3736 [4dug G3588 1the G3816 2servants G* 3of Isaac] G1722 in G3588 the G5327 ravine G* of Gerar, G2532 and G2147 found G1563 there G5421 a well of G5204 [2water G2198 1living].
  20 G2532 And G3164 [4did combat G3588 1the G4166 2shepherds G* 3of Gerar] G3326 with G3588 the G4166 shepherds G* of Isaac, G5335 maintaining G1473 [4theirs G1510.1 3to be G3588 1the G5204 2water]. G2532 And G2564 they called G3588 the G3686 name G3588 of the G5421 well, G93 Injustice, G*   G91 for they wronged G1063   G1473 him.
  21 G522 And departing G1161   G1564 from there G3736 he dug G5421 [2well G2087 1another]. G2919 And they quarreled G1161   G2532 also G4012 on account of G1565 that well . G2532 And G2028 he named G3588 the G3686 name G1473 of it, G2189.3 Hatred. G*  
  18 G2532 και G3825 πάλιν G* Ισαάκ G3736 ώρυξε G3588 τα G5421 φρέατα G3588 του G5204 ύδατος G3739 α G3736 ώρυξαν G3588 οι G3816 παίδες G* Αβραάμ G3588 του G3962 πατρός αυτού G1473   G2532 και G1719.2 ενέφραξαν G1473 αυτά G3588 οι G* Φυλιστιείμ G3326 μετά G3588 το G599 αποθανείν G* Αβραάμ G3588 τον G3962 πατέρα αυτού G1473   G2532 και G2028 επωνόμασεν G1473 αυτοίς G3686 ονόματα G2596 κατά G3588 τα G3686 ονόματα G3739 α G3687 ωνόμασεν G3588 ο G3962 πατήρ αυτού G1473  
  19 G2532 και G3736 ώρυξαν G3588 οι G3816 παίδες G* Ισαάκ G1722 εν G3588 τη G5327 φάραγγι G* Γεράρων G2532 και G2147 εύρον G1563 εκεί G5421 φρέαρ G5204 ύδατος G2198 ζώντος
  20 G2532 και G3164 εμαχέσαντο G3588 οι G4166 ποιμένες G* Γεράρων G3326 μετά G3588 των G4166 ποιμένων G* Ισαάκ G5335 φάσκοντες G1473 αυτών G1510.1 είναι G3588 το G5204 ύδωρ G2532 και G2564 εκάλεσαν G3588 το G3686 όνομα G3588 του G5421 φρέατος G93 αδικία G*   G91 ηδίκησαν γαρ G1063   G1473 αυτόν
  21 G522 απάρας δε G1161   G1564 εκείθεν G3736 ώρυξε G5421 φρέαρ G2087 έτερον G2919 εκρίνοντο δε G1161   G2532 και G4012 περί G1565 εκείνου G2532 και G2028 επωνόμασε G3588 το G3686 όνομα G1473 αυτού G2189.3 εχθρία G*  
    18 G2532 CONJ και G3825 ADV παλιν G2464 N-PRI ισαακ G3736 V-AAI-3S ωρυξεν G3588 T-APN τα G5421 N-APN φρεατα G3588 T-GSN του G5204 N-GSN υδατος G3739 R-APN α G3736 V-AAI-3P ωρυξαν G3588 T-NPM οι G3816 N-NPM παιδες G11 N-PRI αβρααμ G3588 T-GSM του G3962 N-GSM πατρος G846 D-GSM αυτου G2532 CONJ και   V-AAI-3P ενεφραξαν G846 D-APN αυτα G3588 T-NPM οι   N-PRI φυλιστιιμ G3326 PREP μετα G3588 T-ASN το G599 V-AAN αποθανειν G11 N-PRI αβρααμ G3588 T-ASM τον G3962 N-ASM πατερα G846 D-GSM αυτου G2532 CONJ και   V-AAI-3S επωνομασεν G846 D-DPM αυτοις G3686 N-APN ονοματα G2596 PREP κατα G3588 T-APN τα G3686 N-APN ονοματα G3739 R-APN α   V-AAI-3S επωνομασεν G11 N-PRI αβρααμ G3588 T-NSM ο G3962 N-NSM πατηρ G846 D-GSM αυτου
    19 G2532 CONJ και G3736 V-AAI-3P ωρυξαν G3588 T-NPM οι G3816 N-NPM παιδες G2464 N-PRI ισαακ G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSF τη G5327 N-DSF φαραγγι   N-GP γεραρων G2532 CONJ και G2147 V-AAI-3P ευρον G1563 ADV εκει G5421 N-ASN φρεαρ G5204 N-GSN υδατος G2198 V-PAPGS ζωντος
    20 G2532 CONJ και G3164 V-AMI-3P εμαχεσαντο G3588 T-NPM οι G4166 N-NPM ποιμενες   N-GP γεραρων G3326 PREP μετα G3588 T-GPM των G4166 N-GPM ποιμενων G2464 N-PRI ισαακ G5335 V-PAPNP φασκοντες G846 D-GPM αυτων G1510 V-PAN ειναι G3588 T-ASN το G5204 N-ASN υδωρ G2532 CONJ και G2564 V-AAI-3S εκαλεσεν G3588 T-ASN το G3686 N-ASN ονομα G3588 T-GSN του G5421 N-GSN φρεατος G93 N-NSF αδικια G91 V-AAI-3P ηδικησαν G1063 PRT γαρ G846 D-ASM αυτον
    21 G522 V-AAPNS απαρας G1161 PRT δε G2464 N-PRI ισαακ G1564 ADV εκειθεν G3736 V-AAI-3S ωρυξεν G5421 N-ASN φρεαρ G2087 A-ASN ετερον G2919 V-IMI-3P εκρινοντο G1161 PRT δε G2532 CONJ και G4012 PREP περι G1565 D-GSM εκεινου G2532 CONJ και   V-AAI-3S επωνομασεν G3588 T-ASN το G3686 N-ASN ονομα G846 D-GSM αυτου   N-NSF εχθρια
HOT(i) 18 וישׁב יצחק ויחפר את בארת המים אשׁר חפרו בימי אברהם אביו ויסתמום פלשׁתים אחרי מות אברהם ויקרא להן שׁמות כשׁמת אשׁר קרא להן אביו׃ 19 ויחפרו עבדי יצחק בנחל וימצאו שׁם באר מים חיים׃ 20 ויריבו רעי גרר עם רעי יצחק לאמר לנו המים ויקרא שׁם הבאר עשׂק כי התעשׂקו עמו׃ 21 ויחפרו באר אחרת ויריבו גם עליה ויקרא שׁמה שׂטנה׃
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  18 H7725 וישׁב again H3327 יצחק And Isaac H2658 ויחפר digged H853 את   H875 בארת the wells H4325 המים of water, H834 אשׁר which H2658 חפרו they had digged H3117 בימי in the days H85 אברהם of Abraham H1 אביו his father; H5640 ויסתמום had stopped H6430 פלשׁתים for the Philistines H310 אחרי them after H4194 מות the death H85 אברהם of Abraham: H7121 ויקרא and he called H8034 להן שׁמות their names H8034 כשׁמת after the names H834 אשׁר by which H7121 קרא had called H1 להן אביו׃ his father
  19 H2658 ויחפרו digged H5650 עבדי servants H3327 יצחק And Isaac's H5158 בנחל in the valley, H4672 וימצאו and found H8033 שׁם there H875 באר a well H4325 מים water. H2416 חיים׃ of springing
  20 H7378 ויריבו did strive H7473 רעי   H1642 גרר of Gerar H5973 עם with H7473 רעי   H3327 יצחק Isaac's H559 לאמר saying, H4325 לנו המים The water H7121 ויקרא ours: and he called H8034 שׁם the name H875 הבאר of the well H6230 עשׂק Esek; H3588 כי because H6229 התעשׂקו they strove H5973 עמו׃ with
  21 H2658 ויחפרו And they digged H875 באר well, H312 אחרת another H7378 ויריבו and strove H1571 גם that also: H5921 עליה for H7121 ויקרא and he called H8034 שׁמה the name H7856 שׂטנה׃ of it Sitnah.
  18 H3327 And Isaac H2658 [H8799] dug H7725 [H8799] again H875 the wells H4325 of water, H2658 [H8804] which they had dug H3117 in the days H85 of Abraham H1 his father; H6430 for the Philistines H5640 [H8762] had stopped H310 them after H4194 the death H85 of Abraham: H7121 [H8799] and he called H8034 their names H8034 after the names H834 by which H1 his father H7121 [H8804] had called them.
  19 H3327 And Isaac's H5650 servants H2658 [H8799] dug H5158 in the valley, H4672 [H8799] and found H875 there a well H2416 of springing H4325 water.
  20 H7462 [H8802] And the herdmen H1642 of Gerar H7378 [H8799] contended H3327 with Isaac's H7462 [H8802] herdmen, H559 [H8800] saying, H4325 The water H7121 [H8799] is ours: and he called H8034 the name H875 of the well H6230 Esek; H6229 [H8694] because they strove with him.
  21 H2658 [H8799] And they dug H312 another H875 well, H7378 [H8799] and contended H7121 [H8799] for that also: and he called H8034 the name of it H7856 Sitnah.
Vulgate(i) 18 rursum fodit alios puteos quos foderant servi patris sui Abraham et quos illo mortuo olim obstruxerant Philisthim appellavitque eos hisdem nominibus quibus ante pater vocaverat 19 foderunt in torrente et reppererunt aquam vivam 20 sed et ibi iurgium fuit pastorum Gerarae adversum pastores Isaac dicentium nostra est aqua quam ob rem nomen putei ex eo quod acciderat vocavit Calumniam 21 foderunt et alium et pro illo quoque rixati sunt appellavitque eum Inimicitias
Clementine_Vulgate(i) 18 rursum fodit alios puteos, quos foderant servi patris sui Abraham, et quos, illo mortuo, olim obstruxerant Philisthiim: appellavitque eos eisdem nominibus quibus ante pater vocaverat. 19 Foderuntque in torrente, et repererunt aquam vivam. 20 Sed et ibi jurgium fuit pastorum Geraræ adversus pastores Isaac, dicentium: Nostra est aqua, quam ob rem nomen putei ex eo, quod acciderat, vocavit Calumniam. 21 Foderunt autem et alium: et pro illo quoque rixati sunt, appellavitque eum Inimicitias.
Wycliffe(i) 18 And he diggide eft other pittis, whiche the seruauntis of Abraham his fadir hadden diggid, and whiche the Filisteis hadden stoppid sumtyme, whanne Abraham was deed; and he clepide tho pittis bi the same names, bi whiche his fadir hadde clepid bifore. 19 Thei diggiden in the stronde, and thei founden wellynge watir. 20 But also strijf of scheepherdis of Gerare was there ayens the scheepherdis of Isaac, and thei seiden, The watir is oure; wherfor of that that bifelde he clepide the name of the pit fals chaleng. 21 And thei diggiden anothir, and thei stryueden also for that, and Ysaac clepide that pit enemytes.
Tyndale(i) 18 And Isaac digged agayne the welles of water which they dygged in the dayes of Abraha his father which the Philestias had stoppe after ye deth of Abraha and gaue the the same names which hys father gaue the. 19 As Isaacs seruautes dygged in the valey they founde a well of springynge water. 20 And the herdme of Gerar dyd stryue with Isaacs herdme saynge: the water is oures Than called he the well Eseck because they stroue with hym. 21 Than dygged they another well and they stroue for yt also. Therfore called he it Sitena.
Coverdale(i) 18 And whan he was satled, he caused to dygge vp the welles agayne, that they had dygged vp in his father Abrahas tyme, which the Philistynes had stopte after the death of Abraham, and he called the after ye same names that his father had named them withall. 19 Isaacs seruauntes also dygged in the valley, and there they founde a well of lyuinge water. 20 But the hyrdmen of Gerar stroue with Isaacs hyrdmen, and saide: The water is oures. Then called he the well Eseck, because they had done him wronge. 21 Then dygged they another well, and stroue for that also: therfore called he it Sytena.
MSTC(i) 18 And Isaac digged again, the wells of water which they digged in the days of Abraham his father which the Philistines had stopped after the death of Abraham, and gave them the same names which his father gave them. 19 As Isaac's servants digged in the valley, they found a well of springing water. 20 And the herdsmen of Gerar did strive with Isaac's herdsmen, saying, "The water is ours." Then called he the well Esek, because they strove with him. 21 Then digged they another well, and they strove for that also. Therefore called he it Sitnah.
Matthew(i) 18 And Isaac digged againe the welles of water which they digged in the dayes of Abraham his father, which the Philistians had stopped after the death of Abraham, & gaue them the same nams which his father gaue them. 19 As Isaacs seruauntes digged in the valay, they found a wel of liuing water, 20 And the herdmen of Gerar did stryue with Isaacs herdmen, saying: the water is ours. Then called he the well Eseck, bicause they stroue with him. 21 Then digged they an other well, & they stroue for that also. Therfore called he it Sitena.
Great(i) 18 And Isahac returnynge, digged agayne the welles of water whych they dygged in the dayes of Abraham hys father, which the Philistyans had stopped after the deth of Abraham, and gaue them the same names whych hys father gaue them. 19 Isahacs seruauntes dygged in the valey, and founde a well of lyuing water. 20 And the herdmen of Gerar dyd stryue wyth Isahacs herdmen, sayinge: the water is oures. Than called he the well Eseck, because they stroue wyth hym. 21 And they dygged another well, and stroue for that also. And he called the name of it Sitena.
Geneva(i) 18 And Izhak returning, digged the welles of water, which they had digged in the dayes of Abraham his father: for the Philistims had stopped them after the death of Abraham, and hee gaue them the same names, which his father gaue them. 19 Izhaks seruantes then digged in the valley, and found there a well of liuing water. 20 But the herdmen of Gerar did striue with Izhaks herdmen, saying, The water is ours: therefore called he the name of the well Esek, because they were at strife with him. 21 Afterwarde they digged another well, and stroue for that also, and he called the name of it Sitnah.
Bishops(i) 18 And Isahac returning, digged againe the welles of water which they digged in the dayes of Abraham his father, which the Philistines had stopped after the death of Abraham, & named them after the same names by the which his father had named them 19 Isahacs seruauntes digged in the valley, and founde a well of springyng water 20 And the heardmen of Gerar did striue with Isahacs heardmen, saying: the water is ours. Then called he the well contention, because they stroue with hym 21 And they digged another well, and stroue for that also: and he called the name of it enmitie
DouayRheims(i) 18 And he digged again other wells, which the servants of his father, Abraham, had digged, and which, after his death, the Philistines had of old stopped up: and he called them by the same names, by which his father before had called them. 19 And they digged in the torrent, and found living water: 20 But there also the herdsmen of Gerara strove against the herdsmen of Isaac, saying: It is our water. Wherefore he called the name of the well, on occasion of that which had happened, Calumny. 21 And they digged also another; and for that they quarrelled likewise, and he called the name of it, Enmity.
KJV(i) 18 And Isaac digged again the wells of water, which they had digged in the days of Abraham his father; for the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham: and he called their names after the names by which his father had called them. 19 And Isaac's servants digged in the valley, and found there a well of springing water. 20 And the herdmen of Gerar did strive with Isaac's herdmen, saying, The water is ours: and he called the name of the well Esek; because they strove with him. 21 And they digged another well, and strove for that also: and he called the name of it Sitnah.
KJV_Cambridge(i) 18 And Isaac digged again the wells of water, which they had digged in the days of Abraham his father; for the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham: and he called their names after the names by which his father had called them. 19 And Isaac's servants digged in the valley, and found there a well of springing water. 20 And the herdmen of Gerar did strive with Isaac's herdmen, saying, The water is ours: and he called the name of the well Esek; because they strove with him. 21 And they digged another well, and strove for that also: and he called the name of it Sitnah.
  18 H3327 And Isaac H2658 digged [H8799]   H7725 again [H8799]   H875 the wells H4325 of water H2658 , which they had digged [H8804]   H3117 in the days H85 of Abraham H1 his father H6430 ; for the Philistines H5640 had stopped [H8762]   H310 them after H4194 the death H85 of Abraham H7121 : and he called [H8799]   H8034 their names H8034 after the names H834 by which H1 his father H7121 had called [H8804]   them.
  19 H3327 And Isaac's H5650 servants H2658 digged [H8799]   H5158 in the valley H4672 , and found [H8799]   H875 there a well H2416 of springing H4325 water.
  20 H7462 And the herdmen [H8802]   H1642 of Gerar H7378 did strive [H8799]   H3327 with Isaac's H7462 herdmen [H8802]   H559 , saying [H8800]   H4325 , The water H7121 is ours: and he called [H8799]   H8034 the name H875 of the well H6230 Esek H6229 ; because they strove [H8694]   with him.
  21 H2658 And they digged [H8799]   H312 another H875 well H7378 , and strove [H8799]   H7121 for that also: and he called [H8799]   H8034 the name of it H7856 Sitnah.
Thomson(i) 18 And Isaak digged again the wells of water, which the servants of his father Abraham had digged and which the Philistines had stopped up, after the death of his father Abraham. And he called them by the same names, by which his father had named them. 19 Isaak's servants also digged in the valley of Gerar, and found there a well of spring water. 20 But the shepherds of the Gerarites contended with Isaak's shepherds, saying the water was theirs. So he called the name of that well Injustice: because they did him injustice. 21 Then he removed thence and digged another well; and about this also they contended; so he called its name Enmity.
Webster(i) 18 And Isaac digged again the wells of water which they had digged in the days of Abraham his father; for the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham: and he called their names after the names by which his father had called them. 19 And Isaac's servants digged in the valley, and found there a well of springing water. 20 And the herdmen of Gerar contended with Isaac's herdmen, saying, The water is ours: and he called the name of the well Esek; because they strove with him. 21 And they digged another well, and contended for that also: and he called the name of it Sitnah.
  18 H3327 And Isaac H2658 [H8799] dug H7725 [H8799] again H875 the wells H4325 of water H2658 [H8804] , which they had dug H3117 in the days H85 of Abraham H1 his father H6430 ; for the Philistines H5640 [H8762] had stopped H310 them after H4194 the death H85 of Abraham H7121 [H8799] : and he called H8034 their names H8034 after the names H834 by which H1 his father H7121 [H8804] had called them.
  19 H3327 And Isaac's H5650 servants H2658 [H8799] dug H5158 in the valley H4672 [H8799] , and found H875 there a well H2416 of springing H4325 water.
  20 H7462 [H8802] And the herdmen H1642 of Gerar H7378 [H8799] contended H3327 with Isaac's H7462 [H8802] herdmen H559 [H8800] , saying H4325 , The water H7121 [H8799] is ours: and he called H8034 the name H875 of the well H6230 Esek H6229 [H8694] ; because they strove with him.
  21 H2658 [H8799] And they dug H312 another H875 well H7378 [H8799] , and contended H7121 [H8799] for that also: and he called H8034 the name of it H7856 Sitnah.
Brenton(i) 18 And Isaac dug again the wells of water, which the servants of his father Abraam had dug, and the Phylistines had stopped them, after the death of his father Abraam; and he gave them names, according to the names by which his father named them. 19 And the servants of Isaac dug in the valley of Gerara, and they found there a well of living water. 20 And the shepherds of Gerara strove with the shepherds of Isaac, saying that the water was theirs; and they called the name of the well, Injury, for they injured him. 21 And having departed thence he dug another well, and they strove also for that; and he named the name of it, Enmity.
Brenton_Greek(i) 18 Καὶ πάλιν Ἰσαὰκ ὤρυξε τὰ φρέατα τοῦ ὕδατος, ἃ ὤρυξαν οἱ παῖδες Ἁβραὰμ τοῦ πατρὸς αὐτοῦ, καὶ ἐνέφραξαν αὐτὰ οἱ Φυλιστιεὶμ μετὰ τὸ ἀποθανεῖν Ἁβραὰμ τὸν πατέρα αὐτοῦ· καὶ ἐπωνόμασεν αὐτοῖς ὀνόματα κατὰ τὰ ὀνόματα, ἃ ὠνόμασεν ὁ πατὴρ αὐτοῦ. 19 Καὶ ὤρυξαν οἱ παῖδες Ἰσαὰκ ἐν τῇ φάραγγι Γεράρων· καὶ εὗρον ἐκεῖ φρέαρ ὕδατος ζῶντος. 20 Καὶ ἐμαχέσαντο οἱ ποιμένες Γεράρων μετὰ τῶν ποιμένων Ἰσαὰκ, φάσκοντες αὐτῶν εἶναι τὸ ὕδωρ· καὶ ἐκάλεσαν τὸ ὄνομα τοῦ φρέατος, Ἀδικία· ἠδίκησαν γὰρ αὐτόν. 21 Ἀπάρας δὲ ἐκεῖθεν ὤρυξε φρέαρ ἕτερον· ἐκρίνοντο δὲ καὶ περὶ ἐκείνου· καὶ ἐπωνόμασε τὸ ὄνομα αὐτοῦ, Ἐχθρία.
Leeser(i) 18 And Isaac dug again the wells of water, which they had dug in the days of Abraham his father, and which the Philistines had stopped after the death of Abraham; and he called their names after the names by which his father had called them. 19 And the servants of Isaac dug in the valley, and found there a well of springing water. 20 And the herdmen of Gerar did strive with Isaac’s herdmen, saying, The water is ours: and he called the name of the well Essek; because they strove with him. 21 And they dug another well, and they strove for that also: and he called the name of it Sitnah.
YLT(i) 18 and Isaac turneth back, and diggeth the wells of water which they digged in the days of Abraham his father, which the Philistines do stop after the death of Abraham, and he calleth to them names according to the names which his father called them. 19 And Isaac's servants dig in the valley, and find there a well of living water, 20 and shepherds of Gerar strive with shepherds of Isaac, saying, `The water is ours;' and he calleth the name of the well `Strife,' because they have striven habitually with him; 21 and they dig another well, and they strive also for it, and he calleth its name `Hatred.'
JuliaSmith(i) 18 And Isaak will dwell, and he will dig the wells of waters which they digged in the days of Abraham his father; and the Philistines will stop them after Abraham died: and he will call them the names after the names which his father called them. 19 And Isaak's servants will dig in the valley and will find there' a well of waters 20 And the shepherds of Gerar will contend with Isaak's shepherds, saying; The waters are to us: and he will call the name of the well Esek; because they strove with him. 21 And they will dig another well, and will strive for that also: and he will call its name Sitnah.
Darby(i) 18 And Isaac dug again the wells of water that they had dug in the days of Abraham his father, and that the Philistines had stopped after the death of Abraham; and he called their names after the names by which his father had called them. 19 And Isaac`s servants dug in the valley, and found there a well of springing water. 20 But the shepherds of Gerar strove with Isaac`s shepherds, saying, The water is ours. And he called the name of the well Esek, because they had quarrelled with him. 21 And they dug another well, and they strove for that also; and he called the name of it Sitnah.
ERV(i) 18 And Isaac digged again the wells of water, which they had digged in the days of Abraham his father; for the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham: and he called their names after the names by which his father had called them. 19 And Isaac’s servants digged in the valley, and found there a well of springing water. 20 And the herdmen of Gerar strove with Isaac’s herdmen, saying, The water is ours: and he called the name of the well Esek; because they contended with him. 21 And they digged another well, and they strove for that also: and he called the name of it Sitnah.
ASV(i) 18 And Isaac digged again the wells of water, which they had digged in the days of Abraham his father; for the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham: and he called their names after the names by which his father had called them. 19 And Isaac's servants digged in the valley, and found there a well of springing water. 20 And the herdsmen of Gerar strove with Isaac's herdsmen, saying, The water is ours: and he called the name of the well Esek, because they contended with him. 21 And they digged another well, and they strove for that also: and he called the name of it Sitnah.
  18 H3327 And Isaac H2658 digged H7725 again H875 the wells H4325 of water, H2658 which they had digged H3117 in the days H85 of Abraham H1 his father; H6430 for the Philistines H5640 had stopped H310 them after H4194 the death H85 of Abraham; H7121 and he called H8034 their names H8034 after the names H834 by which H1 his father H7121 had called them.
  19 H3327 And Isaac's H5650 servants H2658 digged H5158 in the valley, H4672 and found H875 there a well H2416 of springing H4325 water.
  20 H7462 And the herdsmen H1642 of Gerar H7378 strove H3327 with Isaac's H7462 herdsmen, H559 saying, H4325 The water H7121 is ours: and he called H8034 the name H875 of the well H6230 Esek, H6229 because they contended with him.
  21 H2658 And they digged H312 another H875 well, H7378 and they strove H7121 for that also: and he called H8034 the name of it H7856 Sitnah.
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 18 And Isaac digged again the wells of water, which they had digged in the days of Abraham his father; for the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham; and he called their names after the names by which his father had called them. 19 And Isaac's servants digged in the valley, and found there a well of living water. 20 And the herdmen of Gerar strove with Isaac's herdmen, saying: 'The water is ours.' And he called the name of the well Esek; because they contended with him. 21 And they digged another well, and they strove for that also. And he called the name of it Sitnah.
Rotherham(i) 18 And Isaac again digged the wells of water which they had digged in the days of Abraham his father, and which the Philistines stopped up after the death of Abraham,––and he called their names, after the names which his father called them. 19 And Isaac’s servants digged in the valley,––and found, there, a well of living water. 20 And the herdmen of Gerar disputed with the herdmen of Isaac, saying, Ours, is the water! So he called the name of the well, Esek, because they had stirred up a quarrel with him. 21 And they digged another well, and they disputed over that also,––so he called the name thereof, Sitnah.
CLV(i) 18 And returning is Isaac and delving the wells of water which were delved by servants of Abraham, his father, and the Philistines had stopped them up after the death of Abraham, his father. And calling is he them by names according to the names which Abraham, his father, called them. 19 And delving are the servants of Isaac in the watercourse of Gerar, and finding are they there a well of living water. 20 And contending are the graziers of Gerar with Isaac's graziers saying, "Ours is the water.And calling is he the name of the well Esek, for extortionate show they themselves with him. 21 And shifting is Isaac thence, and delving are they another well. Yet contending are they, moreover, over it. And calling is he its name Sitnah.
BBE(i) 18 And he made again the water-holes which had been made in the days of Abraham his father, and which had been stopped up by the Philistines; and he gave them the names which his father had given them. 19 Now Isaac's servants made holes in the valley, and came to a spring of flowing water. 20 But the herdmen of Gerar had a fight with Isaac's herdmen, for they said, The spring is ours: so he gave the spring the name of Esek, because there was a fight about it. 21 Then they made another water-hole, and there was a fight about that, so he gave it the name of Sitnah.
MKJV(i) 18 And Isaac dug again the wells of water which they had dug in the days of Abraham his father; for the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham. And he called their names after the names by which his father had called them. 19 And Isaac's servants dug in the valley, and found there a well of flowing water. 20 And the herdsmen of Gerar strove with Isaac's herdsmen, saying, The water is ours. And he called the name of the well Contention, because they strove with him. 21 And they dug another well, and they strove for that also. And he called the name of it Opposition.
LITV(i) 18 And Isaac returned and dug the wells of water which they dug in the days of his father Abraham; and the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham. And he called names to them like the names which his father had called them. 19 And Isaac's slaves dug in the torrent-bed, and they found there a well of flowing water. 20 And the shepherds of Gerar fought with the shepherds of Isaac, saying, The water is ours; and he called the name of the well, Contention, for they had contended with him. 21 And they dug another well, and they also fought over it; and he called its name, Opposition.
ECB(i) 18 and Yischaq returns and digs the wells of water, which they dug in the days of Abraham his father; for the Peleshethiym stopped them after the death of Abraham: and he calls their names after the names his father called them. 19 And the servants of Yischaq dig in the wadi and find there a well of living water: 20 and the tenders of Gerar strive with the tenders of Yischaq, saying, The water is ours: and he calls the name of the well Eseq/Strife; because they contend with him: 21 and they dig another well and strive for that also: and he calls the name thereof Sitnah/Opposition:
ACV(i) 18 And Isaac again dug the wells of water, which they had dug in the days of Abraham his father. For the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham. And he called their names after the names by which his father had called them. 19 And Isaac's servants dug in the valley, and found there a well of springing water. 20 And the herdsmen of Gerar strove with Isaac's herdsmen, saying, The water is ours. And he called the name of the well Esek, because they contended with him. 21 And they dug another well, and they strove for that also. And he called the name of it Sitnah.
WEB(i) 18 Isaac dug again the wells of water, which they had dug in the days of Abraham his father, for the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham. He called their names after the names by which his father had called them. 19 Isaac’s servants dug in the valley, and found there a well of flowing water. 20 The herdsmen of Gerar argued with Isaac’s herdsmen, saying, “The water is ours.” He called the name of the well Esek, because they contended with him. 21 They dug another well, and they argued over that, also. He called its name Sitnah.
  18 H3327 Isaac H2658 dug H7725 again H875 the wells H4325 of water, H2658 which they had dug H3117 in the days H85 of Abraham H1 his father. H6430 For the Philistines H5640 had stopped H310 them after H4194 the death H85 of Abraham. H7121 He called H8034 their names H8034 after the names H834 by which H1 his father H7121 had called them.
  19 H3327 Isaac's H5650 servants H2658 dug H5158 in the valley, H4672 and found H875 there a well H2416 of springing H4325 water.
  20 H7462 The herdsmen H1642 of Gerar H7378 argued H3327 with Isaac's H7462 herdsmen, H559 saying, H4325 "The water H7121 is ours." He called H8034 the name H875 of the well H6230 Esek, H6229 because they contended with him.
  21 H2658 They dug H312 another H875 well, H7378 and they argued H7121 over that, also. He called H8034 its H7856 name Sitnah.
NHEB(i) 18 Isaac dug again the wells which the servants of his father Abraham had dug. For the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham. And he called their names after the names by which his father had called them. 19 Isaac's servants dug in the valley, and found there a well of flowing water. 20 The herdsmen of Gerar argued with Isaac's herdsmen, saying, "The water is ours." He called the name of the well Esek, because they contended with him. 21 They dug another well, and they argued over that, also. He called its name Sitnah.
AKJV(i) 18 And Isaac dig again the wells of water, which they had dig in the days of Abraham his father; for the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham: and he called their names after the names by which his father had called them. 19 And Isaac's servants dig in the valley, and found there a well of springing water. 20 And the herdsmen of Gerar did strive with Isaac's herdsmen, saying, The water is ours: and he called the name of the well Esek; because they strove with him. 21 And they dig another well, and strove for that also: and he called the name of it Sitnah.
  18 H3327 And Isaac H2658 dig H7725 again H875 the wells H4325 of water, H834 which H2658 they had dig H3117 in the days H85 of Abraham H1 his father; H6430 for the Philistines H5640 had stopped H310 them after H4194 the death H85 of Abraham: H7121 and he called H8034 their names H8034 after the names H834 by which H1 his father H7121 had called them.
  19 H3327 And Isaac’s H5650 servants H2658 dig H5158 in the valley, H4672 and found H8033 there H875 a well H2416 of springing H4325 water.
  20 H7462 And the herdsmen H1642 of Gerar H7378 did strive H3327 with Isaac’s H7462 herdsmen, H559 saying, H4325 The water H7121 is ours: and he called H8034 the name H875 of the well H6230 Esek; H3588 because H6229 they strove with him.
  21 H2658 And they dig H312 another H875 well, H7378 and strove H1571 for that also: H7121 and he called H8034 the name H7856 of it Sitnah.
KJ2000(i) 18 And Isaac dug again the wells of water, which they had dug in the days of Abraham his father; for the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham: and he called their names after the names by which his father had called them. 19 And Isaac's servants dug in the valley, and found there a well of springing water. 20 And the herdsmen of Gerar did strive with Isaac's herdsmen, saying, The water is ours: and he called the name of the well Esek; because they strove with him. 21 And they dug another well, and strove for that also: and he called the name of it Sitnah.
UKJV(i) 18 And Isaac dug again the wells of water, which they had dug in the days of Abraham his father; for the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham: and he called their names after the names by which his father had called them. 19 And Isaac's servants dug in the valley, and found there a well of springing water. 20 And the herdmen of Gerar did strive with Isaac's herdmen, saying, The water is ours: and he called the name of the well Esek; because they strove with him. 21 And they dug another well, and strove for that also: and he called the name of it Sitnah.
  18 H3327 And Isaac H2658 dug H7725 again H875 the wells H4325 of water, H2658 which they had dug H3117 in the days H85 of Abraham H1 his father; H6430 for the Philistines H5640 had stopped H310 them after H4194 the death H85 of Abraham: H7121 and he called H8034 their names H8034 after the names H834 by which H1 his father H7121 had called them.
  19 H3327 And Isaac's H5650 servants H2658 dug H5158 in the valley, H4672 and found H875 there a well H2416 of spring H4325 water.
  20 H7462 And the herdsmen H1642 of Gerar H7378 did argue H3327 with Isaac's H7462 herdsmen, H559 saying, H4325 The water H7121 is ours: and he called H8034 the name H875 of the well H6230 Esek; H6229 because they argued with him.
  21 H2658 And they dug H312 another H875 well, H7378 and strove H7121 for that also: and he called H8034 the name of it H7856 Sitnah.
EJ2000(i) 18 And Isaac reopened the wells of water, which they had opened in the days of Abraham his father, for the Philistines had stopped them up after the death of Abraham, and he called their names after the names by which his father had called them. 19 And Isaac’s slaves dug in the valley and found there a well of living waters. 20 And the pastors of Gerar strove with Isaac’s pastors, saying, The water is ours; therefore he called the name of the well Esek, because they strove with him. 21 And they opened another well and strove for that one also; and he called the name of it Sitnah.
CAB(i) 18 And Isaac dug again the wells of water, which the servants of his father Abraham had dug, and the Philistines had stopped them up, after the death of his father Abraham; and he gave them names, according to the names by which his father named them. 19 And the servants of Isaac dug in the valley of Gerar, and they found there a well of living water. 20 And the shepherds of Gerar quarreled with the shepherds of Isaac, saying that the water was theirs; and they called the name of the well, Injury, for they injured him. 21 And having departed from there he dug another well, and they fought also for that; and he named the name of it, Enmity.
LXX2012(i) 18 And Isaac dug again the wells of water, which the servants of his father Abraam had dug, and the Phylistines had stopped them, after the death of his father Abraam; and he gave them names, according to the names by which his father named them. 19 And the servants of Isaac dug in the valley of Gerara, and they found there a well of living water. 20 And the shepherds of Gerara strove with the shepherds of Isaac, saying that the water was theirs; and they called the name of the well, Injury, for they injured him. 21 And having departed thence he dug another well, and they strove also for that; and he named the name of it, Enmity.
NSB(i) 18 Then Isaac dug the water wells that had been dug in the days of his father Abraham. The Philistines had stopped them up after the death of Abraham. He gave them the same names his father had given them. 19 Isaac’s servants dug in the valley (wadi) (torrent-valley) and found a well of running water. 20 The herdsmen of Gerar quarreled with the herdsmen of Isaac. They said: »The water is ours!« So he named the well Esek, because they argued with him. 21 They dug another well. And they quarreled over that one too. So Isaac named it Sitnah (Accusation).
ISV(i) 18 Disputes over Water RightsIsaac re-excavated some wells that his father had first dug during his lifetime, because the Philistines had filled them with sand after Abraham’s death. Isaac renamed those wells with the same names that his father had called them.
19 While Isaac’s servants were digging in the valley, they discovered a well with flowing water. 20 But the herdsmen who lived in Gerar quarreled with Isaac’s herdsmen. “The water is ours,” they said. As a result, Isaac named the well Esek, for they had fiercely disputed with him about it. 21 When his workers started digging another well, those herdsmen quarreled about that one, too, so Isaac named it Sitnah.
LEB(i) 18 And Isaac dug again the wells of water which they had dug in the days of his father Abraham, which the Philistines had stopped up after the death of Abraham. And he gave* to them the same names* which his father had given* them. 19 And when the servants of Isaac dug in the valley, they found a well of fresh water there. 20 Then the herdsmen of Gerar quarreled with the herdsmen of Isaac, saying, "The water is ours." And he called the name of the well Esek, because they contended with him. 21 And they dug another well, and they quarreled over it also. And he called its name Sitnah.
BSB(i) 18 Isaac reopened the wells that had been dug in the days of his father Abraham, which the Philistines had stopped up after Abraham died. And he gave these wells the same names his father had given them. 19 Then Isaac’s servants dug in the valley and found a well of fresh water there. 20 But the herdsmen of Gerar quarreled with Isaac’s herdsmen and said, “The water is ours!” So he named the well Esek, because they contended with him. 21 Then they dug another well and quarreled over that one also; so he named it Sitnah.
MSB(i) 18 Isaac reopened the wells that had been dug in the days of his father Abraham, which the Philistines had stopped up after Abraham died. And he gave these wells the same names his father had given them. 19 Then Isaac’s servants dug in the valley and found a well of fresh water there. 20 But the herdsmen of Gerar quarreled with Isaac’s herdsmen and said, “The water is ours!” So he named the well Esek, because they contended with him. 21 Then they dug another well and quarreled over that one also; so he named it Sitnah.
MLV(i) 18 And Isaac again dug the wells of water, which they had dug in the days of Abraham his father. For the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham. And he called their names after the names by which his father had called them. 19 And Isaac's servants dug in the valley and found there a well of springing water.
20 And the herdsmen of Gerar contended with Isaac's herdsmen, saying, The water is ours. And he called the name of the well Esek, because they contended with him. 21 And they dug another well and they contended for that also. And he called the name of it Sitnah.
VIN(i) 18 Then Isaac dug the water wells that had been dug in the days of his father Abraham. The Philistines had stopped them up after the death of Abraham. He gave them the same names his father had given them. 19 Isaac's servants dug in the valley, and found there a well of flowing water. 20 The herdsmen of Gerar quarreled with the herdsmen of Isaac. They said: "The water is ours!" So he named the well Esek, because they argued with him. 21 And they dug another well, and they quarreled over it also. And he called its name Sitnah.
Luther1545(i) 18 Und ließ die Wasserbrunnen wieder aufgraben, die sie zu Abrahams Zeiten, seines Vaters, gegraben hatten, welche die Philister verstopfet hatten nach Abrahams Tod, und nannte sie mit denselben Namen, da sie sein Vater mit genannt hatte. 19 Auch gruben Isaaks Knechte im Grunde und fanden daselbst einen Brunnen lebendigen Wassers. 20 Aber die Hirten von Gerar zankten mit den Hirten Isaaks und sprachen: Das Wasser ist unser. Da hieß er den Brunnen Esek, darum daß sie ihm da unrecht getan hatten. 21 Da gruben sie einen andern Brunnen, da zankten sie auch über; darum hieß er ihn Sitna.
  18 H3327 Und H4325 ließ die H875 Wasserbrunnen H7725 wieder H8034 aufgraben, die H5640 sie zu H85 Abrahams H3117 Zeiten H1 , seines Vaters H2658 , gegraben hatten H6430 , welche die Philister H2658 verstopfet hatten H310 nach H4194 Abrahams Tod H85 , und H7121 nannte H8034 sie mit denselben Namen H834 , da H1 sie sein Vater H7121 mit genannt hatte.
  19 H2658 Auch gruben H5650 Isaaks Knechte H5158 im Grunde H3327 und H4672 fanden H875 daselbst einen Brunnen H2416 lebendigen H4325 Wassers .
  20 H8034 Aber die H7462 Hirten H1642 von Gerar H7378 zankten H7462 mit den Hirten H3327 Isaaks und H559 sprachen H4325 : Das Wasser H7121 ist unser. Da hieß H875 er den Brunnen H6230 Esek H6229 , darum daß sie ihm da unrecht getan hatten .
  21 H2658 Da gruben H312 sie einen andern H875 Brunnen H7378 , da zankten H7121 sie auch über; darum hieß H8034 er ihn H7856 Sitna .
Luther1912(i) 18 und ließ die Wasserbrunnen wieder aufgraben, die sie zu Abrahams, seines Vaters, Zeiten gegraben hatten, welche die Philister verstopft hatten nach Abrahams Tod, und nannte sie mit demselben Namen mit denen sie sein Vater genannt hatte. 19 Auch gruben Isaaks Knechte im Grunde und fanden daselbst einen Brunnen lebendigen Wassers. 20 Aber die Hirten von Gerar zankten mit den Hirten Isaaks und sprachen: Das Wasser ist unser. Da hieß er den Brunnen Esek, darum daß sie ihm unrecht getan hatten. 21 Da gruben sie einen andern Brunnen. Darüber zankten sie auch, darum hieß er ihn Sitna.
  18 H4325 H875 und ließ die Wasserbrunnen H7725 wieder H2658 aufgraben H85 , die sie zu Abrahams H1 , seines Vaters H3117 , Zeiten H2658 gegraben H6430 hatten, welche die Philister H5640 verstopft H310 hatten nach H85 Abrahams H4194 Tod H7121 , und nannte H8034 sie mit denselben Namen H834 , mit denen H1 sie sein Vater H7121 genannt hatte.
  19 H2658 Auch gruben H3327 Isaaks H5650 Knechte H5158 im Grunde H4672 und fanden H875 daselbst einen Brunnen H2416 lebendigen H4325 Wassers .
  20 H7462 Aber die Hirten H1642 von Gerar H7378 zankten H7462 mit den Hirten H3327 Isaaks H559 und sprachen H4325 : Das Wasser H8034 H7121 ist unser. Da hieß H875 er den Brunnen H6230 Esek H6229 , darum daß sie ihm unrecht getan hatten.
  21 H2658 Da gruben H312 sie einen andern H875 Brunnen H7378 . Darüber zankten H8034 H7121 sie auch; darum hieß H7856 er ihn Sitna .
ELB1871(i) 18 Und Isaak grub die Wasserbrunnen wieder auf, welche sie in den Tagen seines Vaters Abraham gegraben und welche die Philister nach dem Tode Abrahams verstopft hatten; und er benannte sie mit denselben Namen, womit sein Vater sie benannt hatte. 19 Und die Knechte Isaaks gruben im Tale und fanden daselbst einen Brunnen lebendigen Wassers. 20 Da haderten die Hirten von Gerar mit den Hirten Isaaks und sprachen: Das Wasser ist unser! Und er gab dem Brunnen den Namen Esek, weil sie mit ihm gezankt hatten. 21 Und sie gruben einen anderen Brunnen, und sie haderten auch über diesen, und er gab ihm den Namen Sitna.
ELB1905(i) 18 Und Isaak grub die Wasserbrunnen wieder auf, welche sie in den Tagen seines Vaters Abraham gegraben und welche die Philister nach dem Tode Abrahams verstopft hatten; und er benannte sie mit denselben Namen, womit sein Vater sie benannt hatte. 19 Und die Knechte Isaaks gruben im Tale und fanden daselbst einen Brunnen lebendigen Wassers. 20 Da haderten die Hirten von Gerar mit den Hirten Isaaks und sprachen: Das Wasser ist unser! Und er gab dem Brunnen den Namen Esek, Zank weil sie mit ihm gezankt hatten. 21 Und sie gruben einen anderen Brunnen, und sie haderten auch über diesen, und er gab ihm den Namen Sitna. Anfeindung
  18 H3327 Und Isaak H2658 grub H875 die Wasserbrunnen H7725 wieder H7121 auf, welche sie H834 in den H3117 Tagen H1 seines Vaters H85 Abraham H6430 gegraben und welche die Philister H310 nach H4194 dem Tode H85 Abrahams H2658 verstopft hatten H5640 ; und er H7121 benannte sie H8034 mit denselben Namen H1 , womit sein Vater sie benannt hatte.
  19 H5158 Und H5650 die Knechte H3327 Isaaks H2658 gruben H4672 im Tale und fanden H875 daselbst einen Brunnen H2416 lebendigen H4325 Wassers .
  20 H7462 Da haderten die Hirten H1642 von Gerar H7462 mit den Hirten H3327 Isaaks H4325 und sprachen: Das Wasser H559 ist unser! Und er H7121 gab H875 dem Brunnen H8034 den Namen H6230 Esek H7378 , weil sie H6229 mit ihm gezankt hatten .
  21 H7378 Und sie H2658 gruben H312 einen H875 anderen Brunnen H7121 , und sie haderten auch über diesen, und er gab H8034 ihm den Namen H7856 Sitna .
DSV(i) 18 Als nu Izak wedergekeerd was, groef hij die waterputten op, die zij ten tijde van Abraham, zijn vader, gegraven, en die de Filistijnen na Abrahams dood toegestopt hadden; en hij noemde derzelver namen naar de namen, waarmede zijn vader die genoemd had. 19 De knechten van Izak dan groeven in dat dal, en zij vonden aldaar een put van levend water. 20 En de herders van Gerar twistten met Izaks herders, zeggende: Dit water hoort ons toe! Daarom noemde hij den naam van dien put Esek, omdat zij met hem gekeven hadden. 21 Toen groeven zij een anderen put, en daar twistten zij ook over; daarom noemde hij deszelfs naam Sitna.
  18 H3327 Als nu Izak H7725 H8799 wedergekeerd was H2658 H0 , groef hij H875 H4325 die waterputten H2658 H8799 op H834 , die H3117 zij ten tijde H85 van Abraham H1 , zijn vader H2658 H8804 , gegraven H6430 , en die de Filistijnen H310 na H85 Abrahams H4194 dood H5640 H8762 toegestopt hadden H7121 H8799 ; en hij noemde H1992 derzelver H8034 namen H8034 naar de namen H834 , waarmede H1 zijn vader H1992 die H7121 H8804 genoemd had.
  19 H5650 De knechten H3327 van Izak H2658 H8799 dan groeven H5158 in dat dal H4672 H8799 , en zij vonden H8033 aldaar H875 een put H2416 van levend H4325 water.
  20 H7462 H8802 En de herders H1642 van Gerar H7378 H8799 twistten H5973 met H3327 Izaks H7462 H8802 herders H559 H8800 , zeggende H4325 : Dit water H7121 H8799 hoort ons toe! Daarom noemde hij H8034 den naam H875 van dien put H6230 Esek H3588 , omdat H5973 zij met H6229 H8694 hem gekeven hadden.
  21 H2658 H8799 Toen groeven zij H312 een anderen H875 put H7378 H8799 , en daar twistten zij H1571 ook H5921 over H7121 H8799 ; daarom noemde H8034 hij deszelfs naam H7856 Sitna.
Giguet(i) 18 Là, il déblaya les puits que les serviteurs de son père avaient creusés, et qui avaient été comblés par les Philistins après la mort d’Abraham; et il donna à ces puits les mêmes noms que leur avait donnés son père. 19 Les serviteurs d’Isaac creusèrent encore dans la gorge de Gérare; et ils y trouvèrent un puits d’eau vive. 20 21
DarbyFR(i) 18 Et Isaac recreusa les puits d'eau qu'on avait creusés aux jours d'Abraham, son père, et que les Philistins avaient bouchés après la mort d'Abraham; et il leur donna des noms selon les noms que son père leur avait donnés. 19 Et les serviteurs d'Isaac creusèrent dans la vallée, et ils y trouvèrent un puits d'eau vive. 20 Et les bergers de Guérar contestèrent avec les bergers d'Isaac, disant: L'eau est à nous. Et il appela le nom du puits Ések, parce qu'ils s'étaient disputés avec lui. 21 Et ils creusèrent un autre puits, et ils contestèrent aussi pour celui-là; et il appela son nom Sitna.
Martin(i) 18 Et Isaac creusa encore les puits d'eau qu'on avait creusés du temps d'Abraham son père, lesquels les Philistins avaient bouchés après la mort d'Abraham, et les appela des mêmes noms dont son père les avait appelés. 19 Et les serviteurs d'Isaac creusèrent dans cette vallée, et y trouvèrent un puits d'eau vive. 20 Mais les bergers de Guérar eurent un démêlé avec les bergers d'Isaac, disant : L'eau est à nous. Et il appela le puits, Hések; parce qu'ils avaient contesté avec lui. 21 Ensuite ils creusèrent un autre puits, pour lequel ils contestèrent aussi; et il appela son nom, Sitnah.
Segond(i) 18 Isaac creusa de nouveau les puits d'eau qu'on avait creusés du temps d'Abraham, son père, et qu'avaient comblés les Philistins après la mort d'Abraham; et il leur donna les mêmes noms que son père leur avait donnés. 19 Les serviteurs d'Isaac creusèrent encore dans la vallée, et y trouvèrent un puits d'eau vive. 20 Les bergers de Guérar querellèrent les bergers d'Isaac, en disant: L'eau est à nous. Et il donna au puits le nom d'Esek, parce qu'ils s'étaient disputés avec lui. 21 Ses serviteurs creusèrent un autre puits, au sujet duquel on chercha aussi une querelle; et il l'appela Sitna.
  18 H3327 Isaac H2658 creusa H8799   H7725 de nouveau H8799   H875 les puits H4325 d’eau H2658 qu’on avait creusés H8804   H3117 du temps H85 d’Abraham H1 , son père H5640 , et qu’avaient comblés H8762   H6430 les Philistins H310 après H4194 la mort H85 d’Abraham H7121  ; et il leur donna H8799   H8034 les mêmes H8034 noms H834 que H1 son père H7121 leur avait donnés H8804  .
  19 H5650 Les serviteurs H3327 d’Isaac H2658 creusèrent H8799   H5158 encore dans la vallée H4672 , et y trouvèrent H8799   H875 un puits H4325 d’eau H2416 vive.
  20 H7462 Les bergers H8802   H1642 de Guérar H7378 querellèrent H8799   H7462 les bergers H8802   H3327 d’Isaac H559 , en disant H8800   H4325 : L’eau H7121 est à nous. Et il donna H8799   H875 au puits H8034 le nom H6230 d’Esek H6229 , parce qu’ils s’étaient disputés H8694   avec lui.
  21 H2658 Ses serviteurs creusèrent H8799   H312 un autre H875 puits H7378 , au sujet duquel on chercha aussi une querelle H8799   H7121  ; et il l’appela H8799   H8034   H7856 Sitna.
SE(i) 18 Y volvió a abrir Isaac los pozos de agua que habían abierto en los días de Abraham su padre, y que los filisteos habían cerrado, muerto Abraham; y los llamó por los nombres que su padre los había llamado. 19 Y los siervos de Isaac cavaron en el valle, y hallaron allí un pozo de aguas vivas. 20 Y los pastores de Gerar riñeron con los pastores de Isaac, diciendo: El agua es nuestra; por eso llamó el nombre del pozo Esek, porque habían altercado con él. 21 Y abrieron otro pozo, y también riñeron sobre él; y llamó su nombre Sitna.
ReinaValera(i) 18 Y volvió á abrir Isaac los pozos de agua que habían abierto en los días de Abraham su padre, y que los Filisteos habían cegado, muerto Abraham; y llamólos por los nombres que su padre los había llamado. 19 Y los siervos de Isaac cavaron en el valle, y hallaron allí un pozo de aguas vivas. 20 Y los pastores de Gerar riñeron con los pastores de Isaac, diciendo: El agua es nuestra: por eso llamó el nombre del pozo Esek, porque habían altercado con él. 21 Y abrieron otro pozo, y también riñeron sobre él: y llamó su nombre Sitnah.
JBS(i) 18 Y volvió a abrir Isaac los pozos de agua que habían abierto en los días de Abraham su padre, y que los filisteos habían cerrado, muerto Abraham; y los llamó por los nombres que su padre los había llamado. 19 Y los siervos de Isaac cavaron en el valle, y hallaron allí un pozo de aguas vivas. 20 Y los pastores de Gerar riñeron con los pastores de Isaac, diciendo: El agua es nuestra; por eso llamó el nombre del pozo Esek, porque habían altercado con él. 21 Y abrieron otro pozo, y también riñeron sobre él; y llamó su nombre Sitna.
Albanian(i) 18 Dhe Isaku filloi të hapë puse uji që ishin hapur në kohën e Abrahamit, atit të tij, dhe që Filistejtë i kishin mbyllur mbas vdekjes së Abrahamit, dhe u vuri po ato emra që u kishte vënë babai i tij. 19 Pastaj shërbëtorët e Isakut gërmuan në luginë dhe gjetën aty një pus me ujë të freskët. 20 Por barinjtë e Gerarit u grindën me çobanët e Isakut, duke u thënë: "Uji është yni". Dhe ai e quajti pusin Esek, sepse ata e kishin kundërshtuar. 21 Shërbëtorët hapën pastaj një pus tjetër, por ata kundërshtuan edhe për këtë. Dhe Isaku e quajti Sitnah.
RST(i) 18 И вновь выкопал Исаак колодези воды, которые выкопаны были во дни Авраама, отца его, и которые завалили Филистимляне по смерти Авраама; и назвал их теми же именами, которыми назвал их отец его. 19 И копали рабы Исааковы в долине и нашли там колодезь воды живой. 20 И спорили пастухи Герарские с пастухами Исаака, говоря: наша вода. И он нарек колодезю имя: Есек, потому что спорили с ним. 21 выкопали другой колодезь; спорили также и о нем; и он нарек ему имя: Ситна.
Arabic(i) 18 فعاد اسحق ونبش آبار الماء التي حفروها في ايام ابراهيم ابيه وطمّها الفلسطينيون بعد موت ابيه. ودعاها باسماء كالاسماء التي دعاها بها ابوه. 19 وحفر عبيد اسحق في الوادي فوجدوا هناك بئر ماء حيّ. 20 فخاصم رعاة جرار رعاة اسحق قائلين لنا الماء. فدعا اسم البئر عسق لانهم نازعوه. 21 ثم حفروا بئرا اخرى وتخاصموا عليها ايضا. فدعى اسمها سطنة.
ArmenianEastern(i) 18 Իսահակը դարձեալ փորեց այն ջրհորները, որ փորել էին նրա հօր՝ Աբրահամի ծառաները, իսկ փղշտացիները նրա հայր Աբրահամի մահից յետոյ խցանել էին: Իսահակն այդ ջրհորները կոչեց այն անուններով, որ տուել էր դրա նց իր հայր Աբրահամը: 19 Իսահակի ծառաները հող փորեցին գերարացիների ձորում եւ այնտեղ գտան ըմպելի ջրի աղբիւր: 20 Գերարացիների հովիւները կռուեցին Իսահակի հովիւների հետ՝ ասելով, թէ իրենցն է այդ ջրհորը: Նրանք ջրհորը կոչեցին Անիրաւութիւն, քանի որ նրա հանդէպ անիրաւութիւն էին գործել: 21 Իսահակը գնաց այդտեղից ու փորեց մի այլ ջրհոր եւս: Վէճ ծագեց սրա համար էլ: Իսահակը այն կոչեց Թշնամութիւն:
Bulgarian(i) 18 А Исаак изкопа наново водните кладенци, които бяха изкопани в дните на баща му Авраам, защото филистимците ги бяха затрупали след смъртта на Авраам, и ги нарече по имената, с които ги беше нарекъл баща му. 19 И слугите на Исаак копаха в долината и намериха там кладенец с жива вода. 20 Но герарските говедари се караха с говедарите на Исаак, като казваха: Наша е водата! Затова Исаак нарече кладенеца Есек, понеже се караха за него. 21 После изкопаха друг кладенец, но и за него се караха, затова го нарече Ситна.
Croatian(i) 18 Izak opet iskopa bunare za vodu što su bili iskopani u vrijeme njegova oca Abrahama, a Filistejci ih bili zasuli poslije Abrahamove smrti. On ih je nazvao istim imenima kojima ih je zvao i njegov otac. 19 Ali kad su Izakove sluge, dok su u dolini kopale, ondje našle bunar sa živom vodom, 20 pastiri iz Gerara posvade se s Izakovim pastirima govoreći: "Naša je voda!" Bunaru je dao ime Esek, jer su se oni s njim svadili. 21 A kad su iskopali drugi bunar te se i zbog njega svađali, nazva ga imenom Sitna.
BKR(i) 18 A kopal zase Izák studnice vod, kteréž byli vykopali za dnů Abrahama otce jeho, a kteréž zařítili Filistinští po smrti Abrahamově; a nazval je těmi jmény, kterýmiž je jmenoval otec jeho. 19 I kopali služebníci Izákovi v tom údolí, a nalezli tam studnici vody živé. 20 Vadili se pak pastýři Gerarští s pastýři Izákovými, pravíce: Naše jest voda. Pročež nazval jméno studnice té Esek, že se vadili s ním. 21 Vykopali také jinou studnici, a nesnáz byla i o tu; pročež dal jí jméno Sitnah.
Danish(i) 18 Og Isak lod igen de Vandbrøne opgrave, som de havde gravet i Abrahams, hans Fades tid, og som Filisterne havde tilstoppet efter Abrahams Død, og han gav dem Navne efter de Navne, som hans Fader havde kaldet dem. 19 Saa grove Isaks Tjenere i Dalen og fandt der en Brønd med levende Vande. 20 Men Hyrderne af Gerar kivedes med Isaks Hyrder og sagde: Vandet hører os til; saa kaldte han den Brønds Navn Esek, thi de kivedes med ham. 21 Saa grove de en anden Brønd, og de kivedes og om den; derfor kaldte de dens Navn Sitna.
CUV(i) 18 當 他 父 親 亞 伯 拉 罕 在 世 之 日 所 挖 的 水 井 因 非 利 士 人 在 亞 伯 拉 罕 死 後 塞 住 了 , 以 撒 就 重 新 挖 出 來 , 仍 照 他 父 親 所 叫 的 叫 那 些 井 的 名 字 。 19 以 撒 的 僕 人 在 谷 中 挖 井 , 便 得 了 一 口 活 水 井 。 20 基 拉 耳 的 牧 人 與 以 撒 的 牧 人 爭 競 , 說 : 這 水 是 我 們 的 。 以 撒 就 給 那 井 起 名 叫 埃 色 ( 就 是 相 爭 的 意 思 ) , 因 為 他 們 和 他 相 爭 。 21 以 撒 的 僕 人 又 挖 了 一 口 井 , 他 們 又 為 這 井 爭 競 , 因 此 以 撒 給 這 井 起 名 叫 西 提 拿 ( 就 是 為 敵 的 意 思 ) 。
  18 H1 當他父親 H85 亞伯拉罕 H3117 在世之日 H2658 所挖 H4325 的水 H875 H6430 因非利士人 H85 在亞伯拉罕 H4194 H310 H5640 塞住 H3327 了,以撒 H7725 就重新 H2658 H1 出來,仍照他父親 H7121 所叫 H7121 的叫 H8034 那些井的名字。
  19 H3327 以撒 H5650 的僕人 H5158 在谷 H2658 中挖 H4672 井,便得 H2416 了一口活 H4325 H875 井。
  20 H1642 基拉耳 H7462 的牧人 H3327 與以撒 H7462 的牧人 H7378 爭競 H559 ,說 H4325 :這水 H875 是我們的。以撒就給那井 H8034 起名 H7121 H6230 埃色 H6229 (就是相爭的意思),因為他們和他相爭。
  21 H2658 以撒的僕人又挖 H312 了一 H875 口井 H7378 ,他們又為這井爭競 H8034 ,因此以撒給這井起名 H7121 H7856 西提拿(就是為敵的意思)。
CUVS(i) 18 当 他 父 亲 亚 伯 拉 罕 在 世 之 日 所 挖 的 水 井 因 非 利 士 人 在 亚 伯 拉 罕 死 后 塞 住 了 , 以 撒 就 重 新 挖 出 来 , 仍 照 他 父 亲 所 叫 的 叫 那 些 井 的 名 字 。 19 以 撒 的 仆 人 在 谷 中 挖 井 , 便 得 了 一 口 活 水 井 。 20 基 拉 耳 的 牧 人 与 以 撒 的 牧 人 争 竞 , 说 : 这 水 是 我 们 的 。 以 撒 就 给 那 井 起 名 叫 埃 色 ( 就 是 相 争 的 意 思 ) , 因 为 他 们 和 他 相 争 。 21 以 撒 的 仆 人 又 挖 了 一 口 井 , 他 们 又 为 这 井 争 竞 , 因 此 以 撒 给 这 井 起 名 叫 西 提 拿 ( 就 是 为 敌 的 意 思 ) 。
  18 H1 当他父亲 H85 亚伯拉罕 H3117 在世之日 H2658 所挖 H4325 的水 H875 H6430 因非利士人 H85 在亚伯拉罕 H4194 H310 H5640 塞住 H3327 了,以撒 H7725 就重新 H2658 H1 出来,仍照他父亲 H7121 所叫 H7121 的叫 H8034 那些井的名字。
  19 H3327 以撒 H5650 的仆人 H5158 在谷 H2658 中挖 H4672 井,便得 H2416 了一口活 H4325 H875 井。
  20 H1642 基拉耳 H7462 的牧人 H3327 与以撒 H7462 的牧人 H7378 争竞 H559 ,说 H4325 :这水 H875 是我们的。以撒就给那井 H8034 起名 H7121 H6230 埃色 H6229 (就是相争的意思),因为他们和他相争。
  21 H2658 以撒的仆人又挖 H312 了一 H875 口井 H7378 ,他们又为这井争竞 H8034 ,因此以撒给这井起名 H7121 H7856 西提拿(就是为敌的意思)。
Esperanto(i) 18 Kaj Isaak denove elfosis la akvoputojn, kiujn oni elfosis en la tempo de lia patro Abraham kaj la Filisxtoj sxtopis post la morto de Abraham; kaj li donis al ili tiujn samajn nomojn, kiujn donis al ili lia patro. 19 Kaj la sklavoj de Isaak fosis en la valo kaj trovis tie puton kun fresxa akvo. 20 Kaj disputis la pasxtistoj de Gerar kun la pasxtistoj de Isaak, dirante: Al ni apartenas la akvo. Kaj oni donis al la puto la nomon Esek, cxar oni disputis pri gxi. 21 Kaj ili elfosis alian puton, kaj ankaux pri gxi ili disputis; kaj oni donis al gxi la nomon Sitna.
Estonian(i) 18 Ja Iisak kaevas uuesti need veekaevud, mis tema isa Aabrahami päevil olid kaevatud ja mis vilistid pärast Aabrahami surma olid kinni matnud; ja ta pani neile needsamad nimed, mis tema isa neile oli pannud. 19 Aga kui Iisaki sulased kaevasid orus ja leidsid seal voolava veega kaevu, 20 siis Gerari karjased riidlesid Iisaki karjastega, öeldes: „Vesi on meie oma!" Ta pani siis kaevule nimeks Eesek, sellepärast et nad temaga olid tülitsenud. 21 Siis nad kaevasid teise kaevu, ja selle pärast riidlesid nad ka; ja sellele ta pani nimeks Sitna.
Finnish(i) 18 Ja Isaak antoi jällensä kaivaa ne vesikaivot, jotka he olivat kaivaneet hänen isänsä Abrahamin aikana, ja jotka Philistealaiset Abrahamin kuoleman jälkeen olivat tukinneet: ja nimitti ne niillä nimillä, joilla hänen isänsä ne kutsunut oli. 19 Niin kaivoivat myös Isaakin palveliat siihen laaksoon: ja löysivät sieltä luontolähteen. 20 Mutta Gerarin paimenet riitelivät Isaakin paimenten kanssa, ja sanoivat: tämä on meidän vetemme. Niin hän kutsui sen kaivon Esek, että he riitelivät hänen kanssansa. 21 Niin kaivoivat he myös toisen kaivon, ja he riitelivät myös siitä: niin hän nimitti sen Sitna.
FinnishPR(i) 18 Ja Iisak kaivatti uudelleen auki ne vesikaivot, jotka hänen isänsä Aabrahamin päivinä olivat kaivetut, mutta jotka filistealaiset olivat Aabrahamin kuoltua tukkineet, ja antoi niille jälleen ne nimet, jotka hänen isänsä oli niille antanut. 19 Ja Iisakin palvelijat kaivoivat laaksossa ja löysivät sieltä kaivon, jossa oli juoksevaa vettä. 20 Mutta Gerarin paimenet alkoivat riidellä Iisakin paimenten kanssa, sanoen: "Vesi on meidän". Niin hän kutsui kaivon Eesekiksi, koska he olivat riidelleet hänen kanssaan. 21 Senjälkeen he kaivoivat toisen kaivon ja joutuivat riitaan siitäkin; niin hän antoi sille nimen Sitna.
Haitian(i) 18 Li fè refouye tout pi dlo yo te fouye sou tan Abraram, papa l'. Se pi sa yo moun Filisti yo te bouche apre lanmò Abraram. Izarak ba yo menm non papa l' te ba yo a. 19 Domestik Izarak yo te fouye ankò nan fon an. Yo te jwenn yon sous dlo k'ap ponpe. 20 Men, gadò mouton peyi Gera yo leve yon sèl kont avèk gadò mouton Izarak yo. Yo t'ap di: -Dlo sa a, se pou nou li ye. Se konsa Izarak rele pi a Pi dezagreman paske yo te chache l' dezagreman pou dlo a. 21 Domestik Izarak yo fouye yon lòt pi ki te lakòz yo chache yo kont ankò. Se konsa Izarak rele pi a Pi ki fè lènmi.
Hungarian(i) 18 És ismét megásá Izsák a kútakat, a melyeket ástak vala az õ atyjának Ábrahámnak idejében, de a melyeket Ábrahám holta után behánytak vala a Filiszteusok, és azokkal a nevekkel nevezé azokat, a mely neveket adott vala azoknak az õ atyja. 19 Izsák szolgái pedig ásnak vala a völgyben, és élõ víznek forrására akadának ott. 20 Gérár pásztorai pedig versengének Izsák pásztoraival, mondván: Miénk a víz. Ezért nevezé a kútnak nevét Észeknek, mivelhogy czivakodtak vala õ vele. 21 Más kútat is ásának s azon is versengének, azért annak nevét Szitnának nevezé.
Indonesian(i) 18 Dia menggali kembali sumur-sumur yang telah digali pada zaman Abraham dan yang telah ditimbuni dengan tanah oleh orang Filistin sepeninggal Abraham. Sumur-sumur itu diberi nama yang sama seperti yang diberikan ayahnya. 19 Hamba-hamba Ishak menggali sumur di Lembah Gerar itu dan menemukan air berlimpah-limpah. 20 Tetapi para gembala di Gerar bertengkar dengan para gembala Ishak. Kata mereka, "Air ini milik kami." Karena itu Ishak menamakan sumur itu "Pertengkaran". 21 Hamba-hamba Ishak menggali sumur yang lain lagi, maka terjadilah pertengkaran mengenai sumur itu juga. Karena itu, Ishak menamakan sumur itu "Permusuhan".
Italian(i) 18 E Isacco cavò di nuovo i pozzi d’acqua, che erano stati cavati al tempo di Abrahamo, suo padre, i quali i Filistei aveano turati dopo la morte di Abrahamo; e pose loro gli stessi nomi che suo padre avea lor posti. 19 E i servitori d’Isacco cavarono in quella valle, e trovarono quivi un pozzo d’acqua viva. 20 Ma i pastori di Gherar contesero co’ pastori d’Isacco, dicendo: Quest’acqua è nostra. Ed esso nominò quel pozzo Esec; perciocchè essi ne aveano mossa briga con lui. 21 Poi cavarono un altro pozzo, e per quello ancora contesero; laonde Isacco nominò quel pozzo Sitna.
ItalianRiveduta(i) 18 E Isacco scavò di nuovo i pozzi d’acqua ch’erano stati scavati al tempo d’Abrahamo suo padre, e che i Filistei avean turati dopo la morte d’Abrahamo; e pose loro gli stessi nomi che avea loro posto suo padre. 19 E i servi d’Isacco scavarono nella valle, e vi trovarono un pozzo d’acqua viva. 20 Ma i pastori di Gherar altercarono coi pastori d’Isacco, dicendo: "L’acqua è nostra". Ed egli chiamò il pozzo Esek, perché quelli aveano conteso con lui. 21 Poi i servi scavarono un altro pozzo, e per questo ancora quelli altercarono. E Isacco lo chiamò Sitna.
Korean(i) 18 그 아비 아브라함 때에 팠던 우물들을 다시 팠으니 이는 아브라함 죽은 후에 블레셋 사람이 그 우물들을 메웠음이라 이삭이 그 우물들의 이름을 그 아비의 부르던 이름으로 불렀더라 19 이삭의 종들이 골짜기에 파서 샘 근원을 얻었더니 20 그랄 목자들이 이삭의 목자와 다투어 가로되 `이 물은 우리의 것이라' 하매 이삭이 그 다툼을 인하여 그 우물 이름을 에섹이라 하였으며 21 또 다른 우물을 팠더니 그들이 또 다투는고로 그 이름을 싯나라 하였으며
Lithuanian(i) 18 Tada Izaokas vėl atkasė šulinius, kuriuos Abraomas, jo tėvas, buvo iškasęs ir filistinai, Abraomui mirus, buvo užvertę. Jis juos pavadino tais pačiais vardais, kuriais jo tėvas juos buvo pavadinęs. 19 Izaoko tarnai kasė šulinį slėnyje ir rado vandens versmę. 20 Geraro piemenys ginčijosi su Izaoko piemenimis: “Mums priklauso vanduo!” Jis pavadino tą šulinį Eseku, nes jie ginčijosi su juo. 21 Po to jis iškasė kitą šulinį, bet jie ir dėl to susiginčijo. Jis jį pavadino Sitna.
PBG(i) 18 I kopał zasię Izaak studnie wód, które byli wykopali za dni Abrahama, ojca jego, co je byli zasypali Filistyni po śmierci Abrahamowej, i zwał je temiż imiony, któremi je był nazwał ojciec jego. 19 Tedy kopali słudzy Izaakowi w onej dolinie, i znaleźli tam studnią wód żywych. 20 Lecz poswarzyli się pasterze Gerarscy z pasterzami Izaakowymi, mówiąc: Nasza to woda; przeto nazwał imię studni onej, Hesek, iż się swarzyli z nim o nię. 21 Potem wykopali drugą studnią, i swarzyli się też o nię; dla tegoż nazwał imię jej Sydna.
Portuguese(i) 18 E Isaque tornou a cavar os poços que se haviam cavado nos dias de Abraão seu pai, pois os filisteus os haviam entulhado depois da morte de Abraão; e deu-lhes os nomes que seu pai lhes dera. 19 Cavaram, pois, os servos de Isaque naquele vale, e acharam ali um poço de águas vivas. 20 E os pastores de Gerar contenderam com os pastores de Isaque, dizendo: Esta água é nossa. E ele chamou ao poço Eseque, porque contenderam com ele. 21 Então cavaram outro poço, pelo qual também contenderam; por isso chamou-lhe Sitna.
Norwegian(i) 18 Og Isak gravde op igjen de brønner som de hadde gravd i Abrahams, hans fars dager, og som filistrene hadde kastet til efter Abrahams død; og han gav dem de samme navn som hans far hadde gitt dem. 19 Og Isaks tjenere gravde i dalen og fant der en brønn med rinnende vann. 20 Men hyrdene fra Gerar trettet med Isaks hyrder og sa: Vannet hører oss til. Og han kalte brønnen Esek*, fordi de stredes med ham. / {* strid.} 21 Siden gravde de en annen brønn, og den trettet de også om; og han kalte den Sitna*. / {* fiendskap.}
Romanian(i) 18 Isaac a săpat din nou fîntînile de apă, pe cari le săpaseră robii tatălui său Avraam, şi pe cari le astupaseră Filistenii, după moartea lui Avraam; şi le -a pus iarăş aceleaşi nume, pe cari le pusese tatăl său. 19 Robii lui Isaac au mai săpat în vale, şi au dat acolo peste o fîntînă cu apă de izvor. 20 Păstorii din Gherar s'au certat însă cu păstorii lui Isaac, zicînd:,,Apa este a noastră.`` Şi a pus fîntînii numele Esec, pentrucă se certaseră cu el. 21 Apoi au săpat o altă fîntînă, pentru care iar au făcut gîlceavă, de aceea a numit -o Sitna.
Ukrainian(i) 18 І знову Ісак повикопував криниці на воду, що їх повикопували були за днів батька його Авраама, а позатикали були їх филистимляни по Авраамовій смерті. І він назвав їм імення, як імення, що батько його був їм назвав. 19 І копали Ісакові раби в долині, і знайшли там криницю живої води. 20 І сварилися пастухи ґерарські з пастухами Ісаковими, кажучи: Це наша вода! І він назвав ім'я для тієї криниці: Есек, бо сварилися з ним. 21 І викопали вони іншу криницю, і сварилися також за неї. І він назвав для неї ім'я: Ситна.