1 Samuel 4:18 Cross References - new

  18 H2142 [H8687] And it came to pass, when he made mention H727 of the ark H430 of God, H5307 [H8799] that he fell H3678 from off the seat H322 backward H1157 by H3027 the side H8179 of the gate, H4665 and his neck H7665 [H8735] broke, H4191 [H8799] and he died: H2204 [H8804] for he was an old H376 man, H3513 [H8804] and heavy. H8199 [H8804] And he had judged H3478 Israel H705 forty H8141 years.

Leviticus 10:3

  3 H4872 Then Moses H559 [H8799] said H175 to Aaron, H3068 This is what the LORD H1696 [H8765] spoke, H559 [H8800] saying, H6942 [H8735] I will be sanctified H7138 in them that come near H6440 me, and at the face of H5971 all the people H3513 [H8735] I will be glorified. H175 And Aaron H1826 [H8799] held his peace.

1 Samuel 2:31-32

  31 H3117 Behold, the days H935 [H8802] come, H1438 [H8804] that I will cut off H2220 thy arm, H2220 and the arm H1 of thy father's H1004 house, H2205 that there shall not be an old man H1004 in thy house.
  32 H5027 [H8689] And thou shalt see H6862 a constricter H4583 in my habitation, H3190 [H8686] in all the wealth which God shall give H3478 Israel: H2205 and there shall not be an old man H1004 in thy house H3117 for ever.

1 Samuel 3:12-13

  12 H3117 In that day H6965 [H8686] I will raise H5941 against Eli H1696 [H8765] all things which I have spoken H413 concerning H1004 his house: H2490 [H8687] when I begin, H3615 [H8763] I will also make an end.
  13 H5046 [H8689] For I have told H8199 [H8802] him that I will judge H1004 his house H5704 for H5769 ever H5771 for the perversity H3045 [H8804] which he knoweth; H1121 because his sons H7043 [H8764] made themselves vile, H3543 [H8765] and he restrained them not.

1 Samuel 4:13

  13 H935 [H8799] And when he came, H5941 lo, Eli H3427 [H8802] sat H3678 upon a seat H1870 H3027 H3197 [H8675] by the way side H6822 [H8764] watching: H3820 for his heart H2730 trembled H727 for the ark H430 of God. H376 And when the man H935 [H8802] came H5892 into the city, H5046 [H8687] and told H5892 it, all the city H2199 [H8799] cried out.

1 Samuel 4:21-22

  21 H7121 [H8799] And she named H5288 the child H350 Ichabod, H559 [H8800] saying, H3519 The glory H1540 [H8804] hath departed H3478 from Israel: H413 because H727 the ark H430 of God H3947 [H8736] was taken, H2524 and because of her father in law H376 and her husband.
  22 H559 [H8799] And she said, H3519 The glory H1540 [H8804] hath departed H3478 from Israel: H727 for the ark H430 of God H3947 [H8738] is taken.

Psalms 26:8

  8 H3068 LORD, H157 [H8804] I have loved H4583 the habitation H1004 of thy house, H4725 and the place H3519 where thy glory H4908 dwelleth.

Psalms 42:3

  3 H1832 My tears H3899 have been my food H3119 day H3915 and night, H3117 while they continually H559 [H8800] say H430 to me, Where is thy God?

Psalms 42:10

  10 H9003 As with H7524 a sword H9003 in H9020 my H6106 bones, H6887 [H8802] those binding H9030 me H2778 [H8765] reproach H9030 me; H9003 while H9038 they H559 [H8800] say H413 to H9030 me H3605 all H9009 the H3117 day, H346 Where is H9021 thy H430 God?

Psalms 69:9

  9 H7068 For the zeal H1004 of thy house H398 [H8804] hath eaten me up; H2781 and the reproaches H2778 [H8802] of them that reproached H5307 [H8804] thee have fallen upon me.

Lamentations 2:15-19

  15 H5674 [H8802] All that pass H5606 [H8804] by clap H3709 their palms H1870 at thee; H8319 [H8804] they hiss H5128 [H8686] and shake H7218 their head H1323 at the daughter H3389 of Jerusalem, H5892 saying, Is this the city H559 [H8799] that men call H3632 The perfection H3308 of beauty, H4885 The joy H776 of the whole earth?
  16 H341 [H8802] All thy enemies H6475 [H8804] have opened H6310 their mouth H8319 [H8804] against thee: they hiss H2786 [H8799] and gnash H8127 the teeth: H559 [H8804] they say, H1104 [H8765] We have swallowed her up: H389 certainly H3117 this is the day H6960 [H8765] that we looked for; H4672 [H8804] we have found, H7200 [H8804] we have seen it.
  17 H3068 The LORD H6213 [H8804] hath done H2161 [H8804] that which he had devised; H1214 [H8765] he hath fulfilled H565 his word H6680 [H8765] that he had commanded H3117 in the days H6924 of old: H2040 [H8804] he hath thrown down, H2550 [H8804] and hath not commiserated: H341 [H8802] and he hath caused thine enemy H8055 [H8762] to rejoice H7311 [H8689] over thee, he hath set up H7161 the horn H6862 of thine constricters.
  18 H3820 Their heart H6817 [H8804] shrieked H136 to the Sovereign, H2346 O wall H1323 of the daughter H6726 of Zion, H1832 let tears H3381 [H8685] run down H5158 like a river H3119 day H3915 and night: H5414 [H8799] give H6314 thyself no rest; H1323 let not the apple H5869 of thine eye H1826 [H8799] cease.
  19 H6965 [H8798] Arise, H7442 [H8798] shout for joy H3915 in the night: H7218 in the beginning H821 of the watches H8210 [H8798] pour out H3820 thine heart H4325 like water H5227 before H6440 the face H136 of the Sovereign: H5375 [H8798] lift up H3709 thine palms H5315 toward him for the life H5768 of thy young children, H5848 [H8803] that faint H7458 for hunger H7218 at the head H2351 of every street.

1 Corinthians 11:30-32

  30 G1223 0 For G5124 this G1223 cause G4183 many G772 are weak G2532 and G732 sickly G1722 among G5213 you, G2532 and G2425 many G2837 [G5743] sleep.
  31 G1063 For G1487 if G1252 [G5707] we would judge G1438 ourselves, G302 we should G3756 not G2919 [G5712] be judged.
  32 G1161 But G2919 [G5746] when we are judged, G3811 [G5743] we are chastened G5259 by G2962 the Lord, G3363 0 that G2632 0 we should G3363 not G2632 [G5686] be condemned G4862 with G2889 the world.

1 Peter 4:17-18

  17 G3754 For G2540 the season G2917 is come that judgment G756 [G5670] must begin G575 at G3624 the house G2316 of God: G1161 and G1487 if G4412 it first G575 beginneth with G2257 us, G5101 what G5056 shall be the end G544 [G5723] of them that obey not G2098 the good news G2316 of God?
  18 G2532 And G1487 if G1342 the righteous G3433 is scarcely G4982 [G5743] saved, G4226 where G5316 0 shall G765 the irreverent G2532 and G268 the sinner G5316 [G5695] appear?

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