1 Kings 4

  1 H4428 So king H8010 Solomon H4428 was king H3478 over all Israel.
  2 H8269 And these were the princes H5838 which he had; Azariah H1121 the son H6659 of Zadok H3548 the priest,
  3 H456 Elihoreph H281 and Ahiah, H1121 the sons H7894 of Shisha, H5608 [H8802] scribes; H3092 Jehoshaphat H1121 the son H286 of Ahilud, H2142 [H8688] the recorder.
  4 H1141 And Benaiah H1121 the son H3077 of Jehoiada H6635 was over the army: H6659 and Zadok H54 and Abiathar H3548 were the priests:
  5 H5838 And Azariah H1121 the son H5416 of Nathan H5324 [H8737] was over the officers: H2071 and Zabud H1121 the son H5416 of Nathan H3548 was principal officer, H4428 and the king's H7463 friend:
  6 H301 And Ahishar H1004 was over the household: H141 and Adoniram H1121 the son H5653 of Abda H4522 was over the forced labour.
  7 H8010 And Solomon H8147 H6240 had twelve H5324 [H8737] officers H3478 over all Israel, H3557 [H8773] who provided food H4428 for the king H1004 and his household: H259 each man H2320 his month H8141 in a year H3557 [H8771] made provision.
  8 H8034 And these are their names: H1133 The son of Hur, H2022 in mount H669 Ephraim:
  9 H1128 H1857 [H8677] The son of Dekar, H4739 in Makaz, H8169 and in Shaalbim, H1053 and Bethshemesh, H358 and Elonbethhanan:
  10 H1136 H2618 [H8676] The son of Hesed, H700 in Aruboth; H7755 to him pertained Sochoh, H776 and all the land H2660 of Hepher:
  11 H1125 The son of Abinadab, H5299 in all the region H1756 of Dor; H2955 who had Taphath H1323 the daughter H8010 of Solomon H802 for a wife:
  12 H1195 Baana H1121 the son H286 of Ahilud; H8590 to him pertained Taanach H4023 and Megiddo, H1052 and all Bethshean, H681 which is by H6891 Zartanah H3157 beneath Jezreel, H1052 from Bethshean H65 to Abelmeholah, H5676 even to the place that is beyond H3361 Jokneam:
  13 H1127 The son of Geber, H1568 H7433 in Ramothgilead; H2333 to him pertained the towns H2971 of Jair H1121 the son H4519 of Manasseh, H1568 which are in Gilead; H2256 to him also pertained the region H709 of Argob, H1316 which is in Bashan, H8346 sixty H1419 great H5892 cities H2346 with walls H5178 and brasen H1280 bars:
  14 H292 Ahinadab H1121 the son H5714 of Iddo H4266 had Mahanaim:
  15 H290 Ahimaaz H5321 was in Naphtali; H3947 [H8804] he also took H1315 Basmath H1323 the daughter H8010 of Solomon H802 for a wife:
  16 H1195 Baanah H1121 the son H2365 of Hushai H836 was in Asher H1175 and in Aloth:
  17 H3092 Jehoshaphat H1121 the son H6515 of Paruah, H3485 in Issachar:
  18 H8096 Shimei H1121 the son H414 of Elah, H1144 in Benjamin:
  19 H1398 Geber H1121 the son H221 of Uri H776 was in the land H1568 of Gilead, H776 in the land H5511 of Sihon H4428 king H567 of the Amorites, H5747 and of Og H4428 king H1316 of Bashan; H259 and he was the only H5333 officer H776 who was in the land.
  20 H3063 Judah H3478 and Israel H7227 were many, H2344 as the sand H3220 which is by the sea H7230 in abundance, H398 [H8802] eating H8354 [H8802] and drinking, H8056 and making merry.
  21 H8010 And Solomon H4910 [H8802] reigned H4467 over all kingdoms H5104 from the river H776 to the land H6430 of the Philistines, H1366 and to the border H4714 of Egypt: H5066 [H8688] they brought H4503 presents, H5647 [H8802] and served H8010 Solomon H3117 all the days H2416 of his life.
  22 H8010 And Solomon's H3899 provision H259 for one H3117 day H7970 was thirty H3734 measures H5560 of fine flour, H8346 and sixty H3734 measures H7058 of meal,
  23 H6235 Ten H1277 fat H1241 oxen, H6242 and twenty H1241 oxen H7471 out of the pastures, H3967 and an hundred H6629 sheep, H354 besides harts, H6643 and roebucks, H3180 and fallowdeer, H75 [H8803] and fatted H1257 fowls.
  24 H7287 [H8802] For he had dominion H5676 over all the region on this side H5104 the river, H8607 from Tiphsah H5804 even to Azzah, H4428 over all the kings H5676 on this side H5104 of the river: H7965 and he had peace H5650 H5676 [H8676] on all sides H5439 around him.
  25 H3063 And Judah H3478 and Israel H3427 [H8799] dwelt H983 safely, H376 every man H1612 under his vine H8384 and under his fig tree, H1835 from Dan H884 even to Beersheba, H3117 all the days H8010 of Solomon.
  26 H8010 And Solomon H705 had forty H505 thousand H723 stalls H5483 of horses H4817 for his chariots, H8147 H6240 and twelve H505 thousand H6571 horsemen.
  27 H5324 [H8737] And those officers H3557 [H8773] provided food H4428 for king H8010 Solomon, H7131 and for all that came H4428 to king H8010 Solomon's H7979 table, H376 every man H2320 in his month: H5737 [H8762] they lacked H1697 nothing.
  28 H8184 Barley H8401 also and straw H5483 for the horses H7409 and dromedaries H935 [H8686] they brought H4725 to the place H376 where the officers were, every man H4941 according to his charge.
  29 H430 And God H5414 [H8799] gave H8010 Solomon H3966 H7235 [H8687] great H2451 wisdom H8394 and understanding, H7341 and largeness H3820 of heart, H2344 even as the sand H3220 that is on the sea H8193 shore.
  30 H8010 And Solomon's H2451 wisdom H7235 [H8799] excelled H2451 the wisdom H1121 of all the sons H6924 of the east country, H2451 and all the wisdom H4714 of Egypt.
  31 H2449 [H8799] For he was wiser H120 than all men; H387 than Ethan H250 the Ezrahite, H1968 and Heman, H3633 and Chalcol, H1862 and Darda, H1121 the sons H4235 of Mahol: H8034 and his fame H5439 was in all the surrounding H1471 nations.
  32 H1696 [H8762] And he spoke H7969 three H505 thousand H4912 proverbs: H7892 and his songs H505 were a thousand H2568 and five.
  33 H1696 [H8762] And he spoke H6086 of trees, H730 from the cedar tree H3844 that is in Lebanon H231 even to the hyssop H3318 [H8802] that springeth out H7023 of the wall: H1696 [H8762] he spoke H929 also of beasts, H5775 and of fowls, H7431 and of creeping things, H1709 and of fishes.
  34 H935 [H8799] And there came H5971 of all people H8085 [H8800] to hear H2451 the wisdom H8010 of Solomon, H4428 from all kings H776 of the earth, H8085 [H8804] who had heard H2451 of his wisdom.