
  1 H3068 And the LORD H1696 spake [H8762]   H4872 unto Moses H4057 in the wilderness H5514 of Sinai H168 , in the tabernacle H4150 of the congregation H259 , on the first H8145 day of the second H2320 month H8145 , in the second H8141 year H3318 after they were come out [H8800]   H776 of the land H4714 of Egypt H559 , saying [H8800]  ,
  2 H5375 Take [H8798]   H7218 ye the sum H5712 of all the congregation H1121 of the children H3478 of Israel H4940 , after their families H1004 , by the house H1 of their fathers H4557 , with the number H8034 of their names H2145 , every male H1538 by their polls;
  3 H6242 From twenty H8141 years H1121 old H4605 and upward H3318 , all that are able to go forth [H8802]   H6635 to war H3478 in Israel H175 : thou and Aaron H6485 shall number [H8799]   H6635 them by their armies.
  4 H376 And with you there shall be a man H376 of every H4294 tribe H376 ; every one H7218 head H1004 of the house H1 of his fathers.
  5 H8034 And these are the names H582 of the men H5975 that shall stand [H8799]   H7205 with you: of the tribe of Reuben H468 ; Elizur H1121 the son H7707 of Shedeur.
  6 H8095 Of Simeon H8017 ; Shelumiel H1121 the son H6701 of Zurishaddai.
  7 H3063 Of Judah H5177 ; Nahshon H1121 the son H5992 of Amminadab.
  8 H3485 Of Issachar H5417 ; Nethaneel H1121 the son H6686 of Zuar.
  9 H2074 Of Zebulun H446 ; Eliab H1121 the son H2497 of Helon.
  10 H1121 Of the children H3130 of Joseph H669 : of Ephraim H476 ; Elishama H1121 the son H5989 of Ammihud H4519 : of Manasseh H1583 ; Gamaliel H1121 the son H6301 of Pedahzur.
  11 H1144 Of Benjamin H27 ; Abidan H1121 the son H1441 of Gideoni.
  12 H1835 Of Dan H295 ; Ahiezer H1121 the son H5996 of Ammishaddai.
  13 H836 Of Asher H6295 ; Pagiel H1121 the son H5918 of Ocran.
  14 H1410 Of Gad H460 ; Eliasaph H1121 the son H1845 of Deuel.
  15 H5321 Of Naphtali H299 ; Ahira H1121 the son H5881 of Enan.
  16 H7148 These were H7121 the renowned [H8803]   H5712 of the congregation H5387 , princes H4294 of the tribes H1 of their fathers H7218 , heads H505 of thousands H1992 in H3478 Israel.
  17 H4872 And Moses H175 and Aaron H3947 took [H8799]   H582 these men H5344 which are expressed [H8738]   H8034 by their names:
  18 H6950 And they assembled H5712 all the congregation H6950 together [H8689]   H259 on the first H8145 day of the second H2320 month H3205 , and they declared their pedigrees [H8691]   H4940 after their families H1004 , by the house H1 of their fathers H4557 , according to the number H8034 of the names H6242 , from twenty H8141 years H1121 old H4605 and upward H1538 , by their polls.
  19 H3068 As the LORD H6680 commanded [H8765]   H4872 Moses H6485 , so he numbered [H8799]   H4057 them in the wilderness H5514 of Sinai.
  20 H1121 And the children H7205 of Reuben H3478 , Israel's H1060 eldest son H8435 , by their generations H4940 , after their families H1004 , by the house H1 of their fathers H4557 , according to the number H8034 of the names H1538 , by their polls H2145 , every male H6242 from twenty H8141 years H1121 old H4605 and upward H3318 , all that were able to go forth [H8802]   H6635 to war;
  21 H6485 Those that were numbered [H8803]   H4294 of them, even of the tribe H7205 of Reuben H705 , were forty H8337 and six H505 thousand H2568 and five H3967 hundred.
  22 H1121 Of the children H8095 of Simeon H8435 , by their generations H4940 , after their families H1004 , by the house H1 of their fathers H6485 , those that were numbered [H8803]   H4557 of them, according to the number H8034 of the names H1538 , by their polls H2145 , every male H6242 from twenty H8141 years H1121 old H4605 and upward H3318 , all that were able to go forth [H8802]   H6635 to war;
  23 H6485 Those that were numbered [H8803]   H4294 of them, even of the tribe H8095 of Simeon H2572 , were fifty H8672 and nine H505 thousand H7969 and three H3967 hundred.
  24 H1121 Of the children H1410 of Gad H8435 , by their generations H4940 , after their families H1004 , by the house H1 of their fathers H4557 , according to the number H8034 of the names H6242 , from twenty H8141 years H1121 old H4605 and upward H3318 , all that were able to go forth [H8802]   H6635 to war;
  25 H6485 Those that were numbered [H8803]   H4294 of them, even of the tribe H1410 of Gad H705 , were forty H2568 and five H505 thousand H8337 six H3967 hundred H2572 and fifty.
  26 H1121 Of the children H3063 of Judah H8435 , by their generations H4940 , after their families H1004 , by the house H1 of their fathers H4557 , according to the number H8034 of the names H6242 , from twenty H8141 years H1121 old H4605 and upward H3318 , all that were able to go forth [H8802]   H6635 to war;
  27 H6485 Those that were numbered [H8803]   H4294 of them, even of the tribe H3063 of Judah H7657 , were threescore and fourteen H702   H505 thousand H8337 and six H3967 hundred.
  28 H1121 Of the children H3485 of Issachar H8435 , by their generations H4940 , after their families H1004 , by the house H1 of their fathers H4557 , according to the number H8034 of the names H6242 , from twenty H8141 years H1121 old H4605 and upward H3318 , all that were able to go forth [H8802]   H6635 to war;
  29 H6485 Those that were numbered [H8803]   H4294 of them, even of the tribe H3485 of Issachar H2572 , were fifty H702 and four H505 thousand H702 and four H3967 hundred.
  30 H1121 Of the children H2074 of Zebulun H8435 , by their generations H4940 , after their families H1004 , by the house H1 of their fathers H4557 , according to the number H8034 of the names H6242 , from twenty H8141 years H1121 old H4605 and upward H3318 , all that were able to go forth [H8802]   H6635 to war;
  31 H6485 Those that were numbered [H8803]   H4294 of them, even of the tribe H2074 of Zebulun H2572 , were fifty H7651 and seven H505 thousand H702 and four H3967 hundred.
  32 H1121 Of the children H3130 of Joseph H1121 , namely, of the children H669 of Ephraim H8435 , by their generations H4940 , after their families H1004 , by the house H1 of their fathers H4557 , according to the number H8034 of the names H6242 , from twenty H8141 years H1121 old H4605 and upward H3318 , all that were able to go forth [H8802]   H6635 to war;
  33 H6485 Those that were numbered [H8803]   H4294 of them, even of the tribe H669 of Ephraim H705 , were forty H505 thousand H2568 and five H3967 hundred.
  34 H1121 Of the children H4519 of Manasseh H8435 , by their generations H4940 , after their families H1004 , by the house H1 of their fathers H4557 , according to the number H8034 of the names H6242 , from twenty H8141 years H1121 old H4605 and upward H3318 , all that were able to go forth [H8802]   H6635 to war;
  35 H6485 Those that were numbered [H8803]   H4294 of them, even of the tribe H4519 of Manasseh H7970 , were thirty H8147 and two H505 thousand H3967 and two hundred.
  36 H1121 Of the children H1144 of Benjamin H8435 , by their generations H4940 , after their families H1004 , by the house H1 of their fathers H4557 , according to the number H8034 of the names H6242 , from twenty H8141 years H1121 old H4605 and upward H3318 , all that were able to go forth [H8802]   H6635 to war;
  37 H6485 Those that were numbered [H8803]   H4294 of them, even of the tribe H1144 of Benjamin H7970 , were thirty H2568 and five H505 thousand H702 and four H3967 hundred.
  38 H1121 Of the children H1835 of Dan H8435 , by their generations H4940 , after their families H1004 , by the house H1 of their fathers H4557 , according to the number H8034 of the names H6242 , from twenty H8141 years H1121 old H4605 and upward H3318 , all that were able to go forth [H8802]   H6635 to war;
  39 H6485 Those that were numbered [H8803]   H4294 of them, even of the tribe H1835 of Dan H8346 , were threescore H8147 and two H505 thousand H7651 and seven H3967 hundred.
  40 H1121 Of the children H836 of Asher H8435 , by their generations H4940 , after their families H1004 , by the house H1 of their fathers H4557 , according to the number H8034 of the names H6242 , from twenty H8141 years H1121 old H4605 and upward H3318 , all that were able to go forth [H8802]   H6635 to war;
  41 H6485 Those that were numbered [H8803]   H4294 of them, even of the tribe H836 of Asher H705 , were forty H259 and one H505 thousand H2568 and five H3967 hundred.
  42 H1121 Of the children H5321 of Naphtali H8435 , throughout their generations H4940 , after their families H1004 , by the house H1 of their fathers H4557 , according to the number H8034 of the names H6242 , from twenty H8141 years H1121 old H4605 and upward H3318 , all that were able to go forth [H8802]   H6635 to war;
  43 H6485 Those that were numbered [H8803]   H4294 of them, even of the tribe H5321 of Naphtali H2572 , were fifty H7969 and three H505 thousand H702 and four H3967 hundred.
  44 H6485 These are those that were numbered [H8803]   H4872 , which Moses H175 and Aaron H6485 numbered [H8804]   H5387 , and the princes H3478 of Israel H6240 , being twelve H8147   H376 men H376 : each H259 one H1004 was for the house H1 of his fathers.
  45 H6485 So were all those that were numbered [H8803]   H1121 of the children H3478 of Israel H1004 , by the house H1 of their fathers H6242 , from twenty H8141 years H1121 old H4605 and upward H3318 , all that were able to go forth [H8802]   H6635 to war H3478 in Israel;
  46 H6485 Even all they that were numbered [H8803]   H8337 were six H3967 hundred H505 thousand H7969 and three H505 thousand H2568 and five H3967 hundred H2572 and fifty.
  47 H3881 But the Levites H4294 after the tribe H1 of their fathers H6485 were not numbered [H8719]   H8432 among them.
  48 H3068 For the LORD H1696 had spoken [H8762]   H4872 unto Moses H559 , saying [H8800]  ,
  49 H6485 Only thou shalt not number [H8799]   H4294 the tribe H3878 of Levi H5375 , neither take [H8799]   H7218 the sum H8432 of them among H1121 the children H3478 of Israel:
  50 H6485 But thou shalt appoint [H8685]   H3881 the Levites H4908 over the tabernacle H5715 of testimony H3627 , and over all the vessels H5375 thereof, and over all things that belong to it: they shall bear [H8799]   H4908 the tabernacle H3627 , and all the vessels H8334 thereof; and they shall minister [H8762]   H2583 unto it, and shall encamp [H8799]   H5439 round about H4908 the tabernacle.
  51 H4908 And when the tabernacle H5265 setteth forward [H8800]   H3881 , the Levites H3381 shall take it down [H8686]   H4908 : and when the tabernacle H2583 is to be pitched [H8800]   H3881 , the Levites H6965 shall set it up [H8686]   H2114 : and the stranger [H8801]   H7131 that cometh nigh H4191 shall be put to death [H8714]  .
  52 H1121 And the children H3478 of Israel H2583 shall pitch their tents [H8804]   H376 , every man H4264 by his own camp H376 , and every man H1714 by his own standard H6635 , throughout their hosts.
  53 H3881 But the Levites H2583 shall pitch [H8799]   H5439 round about H4908 the tabernacle H5715 of testimony H7110 , that there be no wrath H5712 upon the congregation H1121 of the children H3478 of Israel H3881 : and the Levites H8104 shall keep [H8804]   H4931 the charge H4908 of the tabernacle H5715 of testimony.
  54 H1121 And the children H3478 of Israel H6213 did [H8799]   H3068 according to all that the LORD H6680 commanded [H8765]   H4872 Moses H6213 , so did [H8804]   they.