
  1 H5892 How doth the city H3427 [H8804] sit H910 desolate H7227 , that was full H5971 of people H490 ! how is she become as a widow H7227 ! she that was great H1471 among the nations H8282 , and princess H4082 among the provinces H4522 , how is she become a forced labourer!
  2 H1058 [H8799] She weepeth H1058 [H8800] bitterly H3915 in the night H1832 , and her tears H3895 are on her cheeks H157 [H8802] : among all her lovers H5162 [H8764] she hath none to comfort H7453 her: all her friends H898 [H8804] have dealt treacherously H341 [H8802] with her, they are become her enemies.
  3 H3063 Judah H1540 [H8804] is gone into captivity H6040 because of affliction H7230 , and because of great H5656 servitude H3427 [H8804] : she dwelleth H1471 among the heathen H4672 [H8804] , she findeth H4494 no rest H7291 [H8802] : all her persecutors H5381 [H8689] overtook H4712 her in the midst of distress.
  4 H1870 The ways H6726 of Zion H57 do mourn H935 [H8802] , because none come H4150 to the solemn feasts H8179 : all her gates H8074 [H8802] are desolate H3548 : her priests H584 [H8737] sigh H1330 , her virgins H3013 [H8737] are afflicted H4843 [H8804] , and she is in bitterness.
  5 H6862 Her adversaries H7218 are the head H341 [H8802] , her enemies H7951 [H8804] prosper H3068 ; for the LORD H3013 [H8689] hath afflicted H7230 her for the multitude H6588 of her transgressions H5768 : her children H1980 [H8804] are gone H7628 into captivity H6440 before H6862 the enemy.
  6 H1323 And from the daughter H6726 of Zion H1926 all her beauty H3318 [H8799] hath departed H8269 : her princes H354 are become like harts H4672 [H8804] that find H4829 no pasture H3212 [H8799] , and they are gone H3581 without strength H6440 before H7291 [H8802] the pursuer.
  7 H3389 Jerusalem H2142 [H8804] remembered H3117 in the days H6040 of her affliction H4788 and of her miseries H4262 all her pleasant things H3117 that she had in the days H6924 of old H5971 , when her people H5307 [H8800] fell H3027 into the hand H6862 of the enemy H5826 [H8802] , and none helped H6862 her: the adversaries H7200 [H8804] saw H7832 [H8804] her, and mocked H4868 at her sabbaths.
  8 H3389 Jerusalem H2399 hath grievously H2398 [H8804] sinned H5206 ; therefore she is removed H3513 [H8764] : all that honoured H2107 [H8689] her despise H7200 [H8804] her, because they have seen H6172 her nakedness H584 [H8738] : yea, she sigheth H7725 [H8799] , and turneth H268 backward.
  9 H2932 Her filthiness H7757 is in her skirts H2142 [H8804] ; she remembereth H319 not her latter end H6382 ; therefore she hath been marvellously H3381 [H8799] abased H5162 [H8764] : she had no comforter H3068 . O LORD H7200 [H8798] , behold H6040 my affliction H341 [H8802] : for the enemy H1431 [H8689] hath magnified himself.
  10 H6862 The adversary H6566 [H8804] hath spread out H3027 his hand H4261 upon all her pleasant things H7200 [H8804] : for she hath seen H1471 that the heathen H935 [H8804] entered H4720 into her sanctuary H6680 [H8765] , whom thou didst command H935 [H8799] that they should not enter H6951 into thy congregation.
  11 H5971 All her people H584 [H8737] sigh H1245 [H8764] , they seek H3899 bread H5414 [H8804] ; they have given H4261 H4262 [H8675] their pleasant things H400 for food H7725 [H8687] to relieve H5315 the soul H7200 [H8798] : see H3068 , O LORD H5027 [H8685] , and consider H2151 [H8802] ; for I am become vile.
  12 H5674 [H8802] Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass H1870 by H5027 [H8685] ? behold H7200 [H8798] , and see H3426 if there is H4341 any sorrow H4341 like my sorrow H5953 [H8776] , which hath fallen H3068 upon me, which the LORD H3013 [H8689] hath afflicted H3117 me in the day H2740 of his fierce H639 anger.
  13 H4791 From above H7971 [H8804] hath he sent H784 fire H6106 into my bones H7287 [H8799] , and it prevaileth H6566 [H8804] against them: he hath spread H7568 a net H7272 for my feet H7725 [H8689] , he hath turned H268 me back H5414 [H8804] : he hath made H8074 [H8802] me desolate H1739 and faint H3117 all the day.
  14 H5923 The yoke H6588 of my transgressions H8244 [H8738] is bound H3027 by his hand H8276 [H8691] : they are knit together H5927 [H8804] , and come up H6677 upon my neck H3581 : he hath made my strength H3782 [H8689] to fall H136 , the Lord H5414 [H8804] hath delivered H3027 me into their hands H3201 [H8799] , from whom I am not able H6965 [H8800] to rise.
  15 H136 The Lord H5541 [H8765] hath trodden under foot H47 all my mighty H7130 men in the midst H7121 [H8804] of me: he hath called H4150 an assembly H7665 [H8800] against me to crush H970 my young men H136 : the Lord H1869 [H8804] hath trodden H1330 the virgin H1323 , the daughter H3063 of Judah H1660 , as in a winepress.
  16 H1058 [H8802] For these things I weep H5869 ; my eye H5869 , my eye H3381 [H8802] runneth down H4325 with water H5162 [H8764] , because the comforter H7725 [H8688] that should relieve H5315 my soul H7368 [H8804] is far H1121 from me: my children H8074 [H8802] are desolate H341 [H8802] , because the enemy H1396 [H8804] prevailed.
  17 H6726 Zion H6566 [H8765] spreadeth forth H3027 her hands H5162 [H8764] , and there is none to comfort H3068 her: the LORD H6680 [H8765] hath commanded H3290 concerning Jacob H6862 , that his adversaries H5439 should be around H3389 him: Jerusalem H5079 is as a menstruous woman among them.
  18 H3068 The LORD H6662 is righteous H4784 [H8804] ; for I have rebelled H6310 against his commandment H8085 [H8798] : hear H5971 , I pray you, all people H7200 [H8798] , and behold H4341 my sorrow H1330 : my virgins H970 and my young men H1980 [H8804] are gone H7628 into captivity.
  19 H7121 [H8804] I called H157 [H8764] for my lovers H7411 [H8765] , but they deceived H3548 me: my priests H2205 and my elders H1478 [H8804] gave up the ghost H5892 in the city H1245 [H8765] , while they sought H400 their food H7725 [H8686] to relieve H5315 their souls.
  20 H7200 [H8798] Behold H3068 , O LORD H6887 [H8804] ; for I am in distress H4578 : my heart H2560 [H8777] is troubled H3820 ; my heart H2015 [H8738] is turned H7130 within H4784 [H8800] me; for I have grievously H4784 [H8804] rebelled H2351 : abroad H2719 the sword H7921 [H8765] bereaveth H1004 , at home H4194 there is as death.
  21 H8085 [H8804] They have heard H584 [H8737] that I sigh H5162 [H8764] : there is none to comfort H341 [H8802] me: all my enemies H8085 [H8804] have heard H7451 of my trouble H7797 [H8804] ; they are glad H6213 [H8804] that thou hast done H935 [H8689] it: thou wilt bring H3117 the day H7121 [H8804] that thou hast called H3644 , and they shall be like me.
  22 H7451 Let all their wickedness H935 [H8799] come H6440 before H5953 [H8778] thee; and do H5953 [H8782] to them, as thou hast done H6588 to me for all my transgressions H585 : for my sighs H7227 are many H3820 , and my heart H1742 is faint.