2 Chronicles 26

  1 G2532 And G2983 [6took G3956 1all G3588 2the G2992 3people G3588 4of the G1093 5land] G* Uzziah, G2532 and G1473 he was G5207 a son G1571.2 sixteen G2094 years old, G2532 and G936 they gave him reign G1473   G473 in place of G3588   G3962 his father G1473   G* Amaziah.
  2 G1473 He G3618 built G3588   G* Eloth; G1473 he G1994 returned G1473 it G3588   G* to Judah G3326 after G3588   G2837 [3slept G3588 1the G935 2king] G3326 with G3588   G3962 his fathers. G1473  
  3 G5207 [2 was a son G1571.2 3 being sixteen G2094 4years old G3588   G* 1Uzziah] G1722 in G3588   G936 his taking reign. G1473   G2532 And G4004 fifty G2532 and G1417 two G2094 years G936 he reigned G1722 in G* Jerusalem. G2532 And G3686 the name G3588   G3384 of his mother G1473   G* was Jecoliah, G575 from G* Jerusalem.
  4 G2532 And G4160 he did G3588   G2112.3 upright G1799 before G2962 the lord, G2596 according to G3956 all G3745 as much as G4160 [3did G* 1Amaziah G3588   G3962 2his father]. G1473  
  5 G2532 And G1510.7.3 he was G1567 seeking after G3588 the G2962 lord G1722 in G3588 the G2250 days G* of Zechariah, G3588 the G4920 one perceiving G1722 in G3706 a vision G2316 of God. G2532 And G1722 in G3588 the G2250 days G3739 in which G1567 he sought after G3588 the G2962 lord, G2720 [3prospered G1473 4him G2962 1 the lord G3588   G2316 2God].
  6 G2532 And G1831 he went forth G2532 and G4170 waged war G4314 against G3588 the G246 Philistines, G2532 and G2686.2 tore down G3588 the G5038 walls G* of Gath, G2532 and G3588 the G5038 walls G* of Jabneh, G2532 and G3588 the G5038 walls G* of Ashdod. G2532 And G3618 he built G4172 cities G1722 in G* Ashdod, G2532 and G1722 among G3588 the G246 Philistines.
  7 G2532 And G2729 [2strengthened G1473 3him G2962 1 the lord] G1909 against G3588 the G246 Philistines, G2532 and G1909 against G3588 the G* Arabians, G3588 the ones G2730 dwelling G1909 upon G3588 the G4073 rock, G2532 and G1909 against G3588 the G* Mehunim.
  8 G2532 And G1325 [3gave G3588 1the G* 2Mehunim] G1435 gifts G3588   G* to Uzziah. G2532 And G1510.7.3 [2was G3588   G3686 1his name] G1473   G2193 famous unto G1529 the entrance G* of Egypt, G3754 for G2729 he strengthened himself G2193 even G507 higher.
  9 G2532 And G3618 Uzziah built G*   G4444 towers G1722 in G* Jerusalem, G2532 both G1909 at G3588 the G4439 gate G3588 of the G1137 corner, G2532 and G1909 at G3588 the G4439 gate G3588 of the G5327 ravine, G2532 and G1909 at G3588 the G1137 corners; G2532 and G2729 he strengthened G1473 them.
  10 G2532 And G3618 he built G4444 towers G1722 in G3588 the G2048 wilderness, G2532 and G2998 quarried G2978.1 [2wells G4183 1many]; G3754 for G2934 [2cattle G4183 1much] G5224 existed G1473 to him G1722 in G* Sephela G2532 and G1722 in G3588 the G3977 plain -- G1092 farmers G2532 and G289 vine dressers G1722 in G3588 the G3735 mountains G2532 and G1722 in G3588   G* Carmel; G3754 for G5376.1 he was fond of husbandry. G1510.7.3  
  11 G2532 And G1096 there existed G3588   G* to Uzziah G1411 a force G4160 to make G4171 war, G2532 and G1607 for going forth G1519 into G3904.3 battle array. G2532 And G3588 the G706 count G3588 of the G1980.2 numbering G1473 of them G1223 was through G5495 the hand G* of Jeiel G3588 the G1122 scribe, G2532 and G* Maaseiah G3588 the G2923 judge, G2532 and G1223 through G5495 the hand G* of Hananiah, G3588 the G1240 substitute G3588 for the G935 king.
  12 G3956 All G3588 the G706 number G3588 of the G758 rulers G3588 of the G3965 families G3588 of the G1415 mighty ones G1519 for G4171 war -- G1367 two thousand G1812 six hundred.
  13 G2532 And G3326 with G1473 them G1411 a force G4170.1 for warfare -- G5145 three hundred G5505 thousand G2532 and G2035 seven thousand G2532 and G4001 five hundred. G3778 These are G3588 the G4160 ones preparing G4171 for war G1722 in G1411 a force G2479 of strength, G997 to help G3588 the G935 king G1909 over G3588 the G5227 opponents.
  14 G2532 And G2090 [2made preparations G1473 3for them G* 1Uzziah], G3956 giving to all G3588 the G1411 force G2375 shields, G2532 and G1393.2 spears, G2532 and G4030 helmets, G2532 and G2382 chest plates, G2532 and G5115 bows, G2532 and G4969.2 slings G1519 for G3037 stones.
  15 G2532 And G4160 he made G1722 in G* Jerusalem G3390.2 machines G3390.1 being constructed G3053 for devices G3588   G1510.1 to be G1909 upon G3588 the G4444 towers, G2532 and G1909 upon G3588 the G1137 corners, G3588   G906 to throw G956 arrows G2532 and G3037 [2stones G3173 1great]. G2532 And G191 [3was heard about G3588   G2680.1 2apparatus G1473 1their] G2193 unto G4206 a distance, G3754 for G2298.1 he was wonderfully G3588   G997 helped G2193 until G3739 of which time G2729 he grew strong.
  16 G2532 And G5613 as G2729 he grew strong G5312 [2was raised up G3588   G2588 1his heart] G1473   G3588   G2704 to corrupt. G2532 And G91 he transgressed G1722 against G2962 the lord G3588   G2316 his God, G1473   G2532 and G1525 he entered G1519 into G3588 the G3485 temple G2962 of the lord G3588   G2370 to burn incense G1909 upon G3588 the G2379 altar G3588 of the G2368 of incenses.
  17 G2532 And G1525 [4entered G3694 5after G1473 6him G* 1Azariah G3588 2the G2409 3priest], G2532 and G3326 with G1473 him G3589 eighty G2409 priests G2962 of the lord -- G5207 sons G1411 of power.
  18 G2532 And G2186 they stood by G1909 against G* Uzziah G3588 the G935 king, G2532 and G2036 they said G1473 to him, G3756 It is not for you, G1473   G* Uzziah, G3588   G2370 to burn incense G3588 to the G2962 lord, G237.1 but only G3588 to the G2409 priests, G3588 to the G5207 sons G* of Aaron, G3588 to the G37 ones having been sanctified G3588   G2370 to burn incense. G1831 Go forth G575 from G3588 the G37.1 sanctuary! G3754 for G868 you departed G575 from G3588 the G2962 lord, G2532 for G3756 [2will not G1510.8.3 3be G1473 4to you G3778 1this] G1519 for G1391 glory G3844 from G2962 the lord G3588   G2316 God.
  19 G2532 And G2373 Uzziah was enraged. G*   G2532 And G1722 in G3588   G5495 his hand G1473   G3588 was the G2369 incense pan G3588   G2370 to burn incense G1722 in G3588 the G3485 temple. G2532 And G1722 in G3588   G2373 his being enraged G1473   G4314 against G3588 the G2409 priests, G2532 that G3588   G3014 leprosy G393 rose G1722 on G3588   G3359 his forehead G1473   G1726 before G3588 the G2409 priests G1722 in G3588 the G3624 house G2962 of the lord G1883 upon G3588 the G2379 altar G3588 of the G2368 incenses.
  20 G2532 And G1994 [5turned G1909 6unto G1473 7him G* 1Azariah G3588 2the G2409 4priest G3588   G4413 3foremost], G2532 and G3588 the G2409 priests, G2532 and G2400 behold, G1473 he G3015 was leprous G1722 in G3588 the G3359 forehead. G2532 And G2686.4 they hastened G1473 him G1564 from there, G2532 for even G1063   G1473 he himself G4692 hastened G1831 to come forth, G3754 for G1651 [3reproved G1473 4him G3588 1the G2962 2 lord].
  21 G2532 And G* Uzziah G3588 the G935 king G1510.7.3 was G3015 leprous G2193 until G2250 the day G3588   G5054 of his decease. G1473   G2532 And G1722 [2in G3624 3a house G682.1 4for the sick G2521 1he settled], G3015 being leprous, G3754 for G656.4 he was severed G575 from G3624 the house G2962 of the lord . G2532 And G* Jotham G3588   G5207 his son G1473   G1909 was over G3588   G932 his kingdom, G1473   G2919 to judge G3588 the G2992 people G3588 of the G1093 land.
  22 G2532 And G3588 the G3062 rest G3056 of the words G* of Uzziah, G3588 the G4413 first G2532 and G3588 the G2078 last, G1125 are written G5259 by G* Isaiah G5207 son G* of Amoz G3588 the G4396 prophet.
  23 G2532 And G2837 Uzziah slept G*   G3326 with G3588   G3962 his fathers, G1473   G2532 and G2290 they entombed G1473 him G3326 with G3588   G3962 his fathers G1473   G1722 in G3588 the G3977.1 field G3588 of the G5027 burial place G3588 of the G935 kings, G3754 for G2036 they said, G3015 He is leprous. G1510.2.3   G2532 And G936 [3reigned G* 1Jotham G5207 2his son] G1473   G473 instead G1473 of him.