
Matthew(i) 1 The heauy burthen, whiche the Lorde sheweth agaynst Israel by Malachi. 2 I haue loued you, sayeth the Lord: and yet ye say: wherin haste thou loued vs? Was not Esau Iacobs brother, sayeth the Lord? yet haue I loued Iacob, 3 & hated Esau: yea I haue made his hilles waste, & his heretage a wildernesse for dragons: 4 & though Edom sayd: wel, we are destroyed, we wyll go buylde vp agayne the places that be wasted: yet (sayeth the Lord of hostes) what they buylded, that brake I domie, so that is was called a cursed lande, and a people, whom the Lorde hath euer bene angrye withall. 5 Youre eyes haue sene it, & ye youre selues must confesse, that the Lord hath brought the land of Israel to great honour. 6 Should not a sonne honoure his father, & a seruaunte hys mayster? Yf I be now a father, where is mine honoure? Yf I be the Lorde, where am I feared? sayeth the Lord of hostes. Now to you priestes, that despise my name. And yf ye saye: wherin haue we despised thy name: 7 In this, that ye offre vnclean bread vpon myne aulter. And yf ye wyl say: wherin haue we offered auye vnclene thinge vnto the? In this place ye say: the aulter of the lord is not to be regarded. 8 Yf ye offre the blind, is not that euill? And yf ye offre the lame, and syck, is not that euyll? Yea, offre it vnto thy prince, shal he be content with the, or accepte thy personne, sayeth the Lorde of hostes. 9 And now make your prayer before God, that he may haue mercy vpon vs: for suche thinges haue ye done. Shal he regarde your personnes, thyncke ye, sayeth the Lorde of hostes? 10 Yea, what is he amonge you, that wyll do so muche as to shut the dores, or to kindle the fire vpon myne aulter for naught? I haue no pleasure in you, sayeth the Lord of hostes: and as for the meatofferynge, I will not accepte it at your hande. 11 For from the rysynge vp of the sunne vnto the goynge doune of the same, my name is greate amonge the Gentyles: yea, in euery place shall there sacryfice be done, & a cleane meatoffering offered vp vnto my name: for my name is great among the heathen, sayeth the Lorde of hostes. 12 But ye haue vnhalowed it, in that ye say: the aulter of the Lorde is not to be regarded, & the thinge that is set ther vpon, not worthy to be eaten. 13 Now say ye: It is but laboure and trauail, and thus haue ye thought scorne at it (sayeth the Lorde of hostes) offeryng robbery, yea, the lame and the sicke. Ye haue brought me in a meatoffering, shoulde I accepte it of youre hande, sayeth the Lorde? 14 Cursed be the dissembler, which hath in his flocke one that is male and when he maketh a vowe, offereth a spoted one vnto the lord. For I am a great king (sayeth the Lorde of hostes) and my name is fearfull amonge the Heathen.