Exodus 3:1 Cross References - KJV_Strongs

  1 H4872 Now Moses H1961 kept [H8804]   H7462   [H8802]   H6629 the flock H3503 of Jethro H2859 his father in law [H8802]   H3548 , the priest H4080 of Midian H5090 : and he led [H8799]   H6629 the flock H310 to the backside H4057 of the desert H935 , and came [H8799]   H2022 to the mountain H430 of God H2722 , even to Horeb.

Exodus 2:16

  16 H3548 Now the priest H4080 of Midian H7651 had seven H1323 daughters H935 : and they came [H8799]   H1802 and drew [H8799]   H4390 water, and filled [H8762]   H7298 the troughs H8248 to water [H8687]   H1 their father's H6629 flock.

Exodus 2:18

  18 H935 And when they came [H8799]   H7467 to Reuel H1 their father H559 , he said [H8799]   H4069 , How H935 is it that ye are come [H8800]   H4116 so soon [H8765]   H3117 to day?

Exodus 2:21

  21 H4872 And Moses H2974 was content [H8686]   H3427 to dwell [H8800]   H376 with the man H5414 : and he gave [H8799]   H4872 Moses H6855 Zipporah H1323 his daughter.

Exodus 3:5

  5 H559 And he said [H8799]   H7126 , Draw not nigh [H8799]   H1988 hither H5394 : put off [H8798]   H5275 thy shoes H7272 from off thy feet H4725 , for the place H834 whereon H5975 thou standest [H8802]   H6944 is holy H127 ground.

Exodus 4:27

  27 H3068 And the LORD H559 said [H8799]   H175 to Aaron H3212 , Go [H8798]   H4057 into the wilderness H7125 to meet [H8800]   H4872 Moses H3212 . And he went [H8799]   H6298 , and met [H8799]   H2022 him in the mount H430 of God H5401 , and kissed [H8799]   him.

Exodus 17:6

  6 H5975 Behold, I will stand [H8802]   H6440 before H6697 thee there upon the rock H2722 in Horeb H5221 ; and thou shalt smite [H8689]   H6697 the rock H3318 , and there shall come [H8804]   H4325 water H5971 out of it, that the people H8354 may drink [H8804]   H4872 . And Moses H6213 did [H8799]   H5869 so in the sight H2205 of the elders H3478 of Israel.

Exodus 18:1-6

  1 H3503 When Jethro H3548 , the priest H4080 of Midian H4872 , Moses H2859 ' father in law [H8802]   H8085 , heard [H8799]   H430 of all that God H6213 had done [H8804]   H4872 for Moses H3478 , and for Israel H5971 his people H3068 , and that the LORD H3318 had brought [H8689]   H3478 Israel H4714 out of Egypt;
  2 H3503 Then Jethro H4872 , Moses H2859 ' father in law [H8802]   H3947 , took [H8799]   H6855 Zipporah H4872 , Moses H802 ' wife H310 , after H7964 he had sent her back,
  3 H8147 And her two H1121 sons H8034 ; of which the name H259 of the one H1647 was Gershom H559 ; for he said [H8804]   H1616 , I have been an alien H5237 in a strange H776 land:
  4 H8034 And the name H259 of the other H461 was Eliezer H430 ; for the God H1 of my father H5828 , said he, was mine help H5337 , and delivered [H8686]   H2719 me from the sword H6547 of Pharaoh:
  5 H3503 And Jethro H4872 , Moses H2859 ' father in law [H8802]   H935 , came [H8799]   H1121 with his sons H802 and his wife H4872 unto Moses H4057 into the wilderness H2583 , where he encamped [H8802]   H2022 at the mount H430 of God:
  6 H559 And he said [H8799]   H4872 unto Moses H2859 , I thy father in law [H8802]   H3503 Jethro H935 am come [H8802]   H802 unto thee, and thy wife H8147 , and her two H1121 sons with her.

Exodus 19:3

  3 H4872 And Moses H5927 went up [H8804]   H430 unto God H3068 , and the LORD H7121 called [H8799]   H2022 unto him out of the mountain H559 , saying [H8800]   H559 , Thus shalt thou say [H8799]   H1004 to the house H3290 of Jacob H5046 , and tell [H8686]   H1121 the children H3478 of Israel;

Exodus 19:11

  11 H3559 And be ready [H8737]   H7992 against the third H3117 day H7992 : for the third H3117 day H3068 the LORD H3381 will come down [H8799]   H5869 in the sight H5971 of all the people H2022 upon mount H5514 Sinai.

Exodus 24:13

  13 H4872 And Moses H6965 rose up [H8799]   H8334 , and his minister [H8764]   H3091 Joshua H4872 : and Moses H5927 went up [H8799]   H2022 into the mount H430 of God.

Exodus 24:15-17

  15 H4872 And Moses H5927 went up [H8799]   H2022 into the mount H6051 , and a cloud H3680 covered [H8762]   H2022 the mount.
  16 H3519 And the glory H3068 of the LORD H7931 abode [H8799]   H2022 upon mount H5514 Sinai H6051 , and the cloud H3680 covered [H8762]   H8337 it six H3117 days H7637 : and the seventh H3117 day H7121 he called [H8799]   H4872 unto Moses H8432 out of the midst H6051 of the cloud.
  17 H4758 And the sight H3519 of the glory H3068 of the LORD H398 was like devouring [H8802]   H784 fire H7218 on the top H2022 of the mount H5869 in the eyes H1121 of the children H3478 of Israel.

Numbers 10:29

  29 H4872 And Moses H559 said [H8799]   H2246 unto Hobab H1121 , the son H7467 of Raguel H4084 the Midianite H4872 , Moses H2859 ' father in law [H8802]   H5265 , We are journeying [H8802]   H4725 unto the place H3068 of which the LORD H559 said [H8804]   H5414 , I will give [H8799]   H3212 it you: come [H8798]   H2895 thou with us, and we will do thee good [H8689]   H3068 : for the LORD H1696 hath spoken [H8765]   H2896 good H3478 concerning Israel.

Deuteronomy 1:6

  6 H3068 The LORD H430 our God H1696 spake [H8765]   H2722 unto us in Horeb H559 , saying [H8800]   H3427 , Ye have dwelt [H8800]   H7227 long enough H2022 in this mount:

Deuteronomy 4:10

  10 H3117 Specially the day H5975 that thou stoodest [H8804]   H6440 before H3068 the LORD H430 thy God H2722 in Horeb H3068 , when the LORD H559 said [H8800]   H6950 unto me, Gather H5971 me the people H6950 together [H8685]   H8085 , and I will make them hear [H8686]   H1697 my words H3925 , that they may learn [H8799]   H3372 to fear [H8800]   H3117 me all the days H2416 that they shall live H127 upon the earth H3925 , and that they may teach [H8762]   H1121 their children.
  11 H2268 Now Heber H7017 the Kenite H1121 , which was of the children H2246 of Hobab H2859 the father in law [H8802]   H4872 of Moses H6504 , had severed [H8737]   H7017 himself from the Kenites H5186 , and pitched [H8799]   H168 his tent H436 unto the plain H6815 of Zaanaim H6943 , which is by Kedesh.

1 Kings 19:8

  8 H6965 And he arose [H8799]   H398 , and did eat [H8799]   H8354 and drink [H8799]   H3212 , and went [H8799]   H3581 in the strength H396 of that meat H705 forty H3117 days H705 and forty H3915 nights H2722 unto Horeb H2022 the mount H430 of God.

Psalms 78:70-72

  70 H977 He chose [H8799]   H1732 David H5650 also his servant H3947 , and took [H8799]   H4356 him from the sheepfolds H6629  :
  71 H310 From following H5763 the ewes great with young [H8802]   H935 he brought [H8689]   H7462 him to feed [H8800]   H3290 Jacob H5971 his people H3478 , and Israel H5159 his inheritance.
  72 H7462 So he fed [H8686]   H8537 them according to the integrity H3824 of his heart H5148 ; and guided [H8686]   H8394 them by the skilfulness H3709 of his hands.

Psalms 106:19

  19 H6213 They made [H8799]   H5695 a calf H2722 in Horeb H7812 , and worshipped [H8691]   H4541 the molten image.

Amos 1:1

  1 H1697 The words H5986 of Amos H5349 , who was among the herdmen H8620 of Tekoa H2372 , which he saw [H8804]   H3478 concerning Israel H3117 in the days H5818 of Uzziah H4428 king H3063 of Judah H3117 , and in the days H3379 of Jeroboam H1121 the son H3101 of Joash H4428 king H3478 of Israel H8141 , two years H6440 before H7494 the earthquake.

Amos 7:14-15

  14 H6030 Then answered [H8799]   H5986 Amos H559 , and said [H8799]   H558 to Amaziah H5030 , I was no prophet H5030 , neither was I a prophet's H1121 son H951 ; but I was an herdman H1103 , and a gatherer [H8802]   H8256 of sycomore fruit:
  15 H3068 And the LORD H3947 took [H8799]   H310 me as I followed H6629 the flock H3068 , and the LORD H559 said [H8799]   H3212 unto me, Go [H8798]   H5012 , prophesy [H8734]   H5971 unto my people H3478 Israel.

Malachi 4:4

  4 H2142 Remember [H8798]   H8451 ye the law H4872 of Moses H5650 my servant H6680 , which I commanded [H8765]   H2722 unto him in Horeb H3478 for all Israel H2706 , with the statutes H4941 and judgments.

Matthew 4:18-19

  18 G1161 And G2424 Jesus G4043 , walking [G5723]   G3844 by G2281 the sea G1056 of Galilee G1492 , saw [G5627]   G1417 two G80 brethren G4613 , Simon G3004 called [G5746]   G4074 Peter G2532 , and G406 Andrew G846 his G80 brother G906 , casting [G5723]   G293 a net G1519 into G2281 the sea G1063 : for G2258 they were [G5713]   G231 fishers.
  19 G2532 And G3004 he saith [G5719]   G846 unto them G1205 , Follow [G5773]   G3694   G3450 me G2532 , and G4160 I will make [G5692]   G5209 you G231 fishers G444 of men.

Luke 2:8

  8 G2532 And G2258 there were [G5713]   G1722 in G846 the same G5561 country G4166 shepherds G63 abiding in the field [G5723]   G2532 , G5442 keeping [G5723]   G5438 watch G1909 over G846 their G4167 flock G3571 by night.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.