
  1 G3972 Paul, G1198 a prisoner G2424 of Jesus G5547 Christ, G5095 and Timothy G80 our brother, G5371 to Philemon G27 our dearly beloved, G4904 and fellow laborer,
  2 G27 And to our beloved G682 Apphia, G751 and Archippus G4961 our fellow soldier, G1577 and to the church G3624 in your house:
  3 G5485 Grace G1515 to you, and peace, G2316 from God G3962 our Father G2962 and the Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ.
  4 G2168 I thank G2316 my God, G4160 making G3417 mention G3842 of you always G4335 in my prayers,
  5 G191 Hearing G26 of your love G4102 and faith, G3739 which G2192 you have G4314 toward G2962 the Lord G2424 Jesus, G1519 and toward G3956 all G40 saints;
  6 G2842 That the communication G4102 of your faith G1096 may become G1756 effectual G1922 by the acknowledging G3956 of every G18 good G3588 thing which G5547 is in you in Christ G2424 Jesus.
  7 G2192 For we have G4183 great G5485 joy G3874 and consolation G26 in your love, G3754 because G4698 the bowels G40 of the saints G373 are refreshed G80 by you, brother.
  8 G1352 Why, G4183 though I might be much G3954 bold G5547 in Christ G2004 to enjoin G433 you that which is convenient,
  9 G26 Yet for love’s G3123 sake I rather G3870 beseech G5607 you, being G5108 such G3972 an one as Paul G4246 the aged, G3570 and now G2532 also G1198 a prisoner G2424 of Jesus G5547 Christ.
  10 G3870 I beseech G5043 you for my son G3682 Onesimus, G3739 whom G1080 I have begotten G1199 in my bonds:
  11 G3588 Which G4218 in time G890 past was to you unprofitable, G3570 but now G2173 profitable to you and to me:
  12 G3739 Whom G375 I have sent G375 again: G4355 you therefore receive G1699 him, that is, my G4698 own bowels:
  13 G3739 Whom G2722 I would have retained G5228 with me, that in your stead G1247 he might have ministered G1199 to me in the bonds G2098 of the gospel:
  14 G5565 But without G1106 your mind G2309 would G4160 I do G3762 nothing; G18 that your benefit G318 should not be as it were of necessity, G2596 but willingly. G1595
  15 G5029 For perhaps G1223 he therefore G5124 G5563 departed G5610 for a season, G568 that you should receive G166 him for ever;
  16 G3765 Not now G1401 as a servant, G5228 but above G1401 a servant, G80 a brother G27 beloved, G3122 specially G4214 to me, but how G4214 much G3123 more G2532 to you, both G4561 in the flesh, G2962 and in the Lord?
  17 G1487 If G2192 you count G3767 me therefore G2844 a partner, G4355 receive G1691 him as myself.
  18 G1487 If G91 he has wronged G2228 you, or G3784 owes G5100 you ought, G1677 put G1677 that on G1699 my G1677 account;
  19 G3972 I Paul G1125 have written G5495 it with my own hand, G661 I will repay G2443 it: albeit G3004 I do not say G3754 to you how G4359 you owe G2532 to me even G4572 your G4572 own G4572 self G4359 besides.
  20 G3483 Yes, G80 brother, G3685 let me have joy G2962 of you in the Lord: G373 refresh G4698 my bowels G2962 in the Lord.
  21 G3982 Having confidence G5218 in your obedience G1125 I wrote G1492 to you, knowing G2532 that you will also G4160 do G5228 more G5228 than G3004 I say.
  22 G260 But with G2090 prepare G2532 me also G3578 a lodging: G1679 for I trust G1223 that through G5216 your G4335 prayers G5483 I shall be given to you.
  23 G782 There salute G1889 you Epaphras, G4869 my fellow prisoner G5547 in Christ G2424 Jesus;
  24 G3138 Marcus, G708 Aristarchus, G1214 Demas, G4904 Lucas, my fellow laborers.
  25 G5485 The grace G2962 of our Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ G5216 be with your G4151 spirit. G281 Amen. Written from Rome to Philemon, by Onesimus a servant.