1 Chronicles 27:26-31

Thomson(i) 26 and over the husbandmen who tilled the ground was Esdri the son of Chelub; 27 and over the fields, Semei the Raelite; and over the stores of wine in the vineyards Sabdi the son of Sephni; 28 and over the olive yards and sycamine orchards in the plains, Ballanan the Gedorite: and over the stores of oil, Joas; 29 and over the herds which pastured at Sharon, Satrai the Saronite; and over the cattle in the vales, Sophat the son of Adli; 30 and over the camels, Abias the Ismaelite; and over the asses, Jadias the Merathonite; 31 and over the flocks, Jaziz the Agarite. All these were overseers of David's substance.