1 Chronicles 27:26-31

Wycliffe(i) 26 Sotheli Ezri, the sone of Chelub, was souereyn on the werk of hosebondrie, and on erthe tiliers, that tiliden the lond; 27 and Semeye Ramathites was souereyn on tilieris of vyneris; sotheli Zabdie Aphonytes was souereyn on the wyn celeris; 28 for Balanam Gadaritis was on the olyue placis, and fige places, that weren in the feeldi places; sotheli Joas was on the schoppis, `ether celeris, of oile; 29 forsothe Cethray Saronytis `was souereyn of the droues, that weren lesewid in Sarena; and Saphat, the sone of Abdi, was ouer the oxis in valeys; 30 sotheli Vbil of Ismael was ouer the camelis; and Jadye Meronathites was ouer the assis; and Jazir Aggarene was ouer the scheep; 31 alle these weren princes of the catel of kyng Dauid.