Bible verses about "queen esther" | new

Esther 2:7

  7 H539 [H8802] And he brought up H1919 Hadassah, H635 that is, Esther, H1730 his uncle's H1323 daughter: H1 for she had neither father H517 nor mother, H5291 and the damsel H3303 H8389 was fair H2896 H4758 and beautiful; H4782 whom Mordecai, H1 when her father H517 and mother H4194 were dead, H3947 [H8804] took H1323 for his own daughter.

Esther 7:10

  10 H8518 [H8799] So they hanged H2001 Haman H6086 on the gallows H3559 [H8689] that he had prepared H4782 for Mordecai. H4428 Then was the king's H2534 hot anger H7918 [H8804] pacified.

Esther 2:17

  17 H4428 And the king H157 [H8799] loved H635 Esther H802 above all the women, H5375 [H8799] and she obtained H2580 grace H2617 and mercy H6440 in his sight H1330 more than all the virgins; H7760 [H8799] so that he set H4438 the royal H3804 crown H7218 upon her head, H4427 [H8686] and made her queen H2060 instead of Vashti.

Esther 7:3

  3 H635 Then Esther H4436 the queen H6030 [H8799] answered H559 [H8799] and said, H4672 [H8804] If I have found H2580 favour H5869 in thine eyes, H4428 O king, H2895 [H8804] and if it shall please H4428 the king, H5315 let my life H5414 [H8735] be given H7596 me at my petition, H5971 and my people H1246 at my request:

Esther 1:1

  1 H3117 Now it came to pass in the days H325 of Ahasuerus, H325 (this is Ahasuerus H4427 [H8802] who reigned, H1912 from India H3568 even to Cush, H3967 over an hundred H7651 and seven H6242 and twenty H4082 provinces:)

Esther 4:14

  14 H2790 [H8687] For if thou shalt altogether H2790 [H8686] hold thy peace H6256 at this time, H7305 then shall there relief H2020 and deliverance H5975 [H8799] arise H3064 to the Judeans H312 from another H4725 place; H1 but thou and thy father's H1004 house H6 [H8799] shall be destroyed: H3045 [H8802] and who knoweth H5060 [H8689] whether thou hast come H4438 to the kingdom H6256 for such a time as this?

Esther 4:1-17

  1 H4782 When Mordecai H3045 [H8804] perceived H6213 [H8738] all that was done, H4782 Mordecai H7167 [H8799] tore H899 his clothes, H3847 [H8799] and put on H8242 sackcloth H665 with ashes, H3318 [H8799] and went out H8432 into the midst H5892 of the city, H2199 [H8799] and cried H1419 with a loud H4751 and a bitter H2201 outcry;
  2 H935 [H8799] And came H6440 even at the face of H4428 the king's H8179 gate: H935 [H8800] for none might enter H4428 into the king's H8179 gate H3830 clothed H8242 with sackcloth.
  3 H4082 And in every province, H4725 wherever H4428 the king's H1697 commandment H1881 and his decree H5060 [H8688] came, H1419 there was great H60 mourning H3064 among the Judeans, H6685 and fasting, H1065 and weeping, H4553 and wailing; H7227 and many H3331 [H8714] lay H8242 in sackcloth H665 and ashes.
  4 H635 So Esther's H5291 damsels H5631 and her chamberlains H935 [H8799] came H5046 [H8686] and told H4436 it to her. Then was the queen H3966 exceedingly H2342 [H8698] grieved; H7971 [H8799] and she sent H899 raiment H3847 [H8687] to clothe H4782 Mordecai, H5493 [H8687] and to take away H8242 his sackcloth H6901 [H8765] from him: but he accepted it not.
  5 H7121 [H8799] Then called H635 Esther H2047 for Hatach, H4428 one of the king's H5631 chamberlains, H5975 [H8689] whom he had appointed H6440 to attend H6680 [H8762] upon her, and gave him a commandment H4782 to Mordecai, H3045 [H8800] to learn what it was, and why it was.
  6 H2047 So Hatach H3318 [H8799] went forth H4782 to Mordecai H7339 to the street H5892 of the city, H6440 which was at the face of H4428 the king's H8179 gate.
  7 H4782 And Mordecai H5046 [H8686] told H7136 [H8804] him all that had happened H6575 to him, and of the sum H3701 of the money H2001 that Haman H559 [H8804] had promised H8254 [H8800] to pay H4428 to the king's H1595 treasuries H3064 for the Judeans, H6 [H8763] to destroy them.
  8 H5414 [H8804] Also he gave H6572 him the copy H3791 of the writing H1881 of the decree H5414 [H8738] that was given H7800 at Shushan H8045 [H8687] to desolate H7200 [H8687] them, to show H635 it to Esther, H5046 [H8687] and to tell H6680 [H8763] it to her, and to charge H935 [H8800] her that she should go in H4428 to the king, H2603 [H8692] to ask for favour H1245 [H8763] from him, and to make request H6440 at the face of H5971 him for her people.
  9 H2047 And Hatach H935 [H8799] came H5046 [H8686] and told H635 Esther H1697 the words H4782 of Mordecai.
  10 H635 Again Esther H559 [H8799] spoke H2047 to Hatach, H6680 [H8762] and gave him commandment H4782 to Mordecai;

Esther 4:12-17

  12 H5046 [H8686] And they told H4782 to Mordecai H635 Esther's H1697 words.
  13 H4782 Then Mordecai H559 [H8799] commanded H7725 [H8687] to answer H635 Esther, H1819 [H8762] Think H5315 not with thyself H4422 [H8736] that thou shalt escape H4428 in the king's H1004 house, H3064 more than all the Judeans.
  14 H2790 [H8687] For if thou shalt altogether H2790 [H8686] hold thy peace H6256 at this time, H7305 then shall there relief H2020 and deliverance H5975 [H8799] arise H3064 to the Judeans H312 from another H4725 place; H1 but thou and thy father's H1004 house H6 [H8799] shall be destroyed: H3045 [H8802] and who knoweth H5060 [H8689] whether thou hast come H4438 to the kingdom H6256 for such a time as this?

Esther 4:11-17

  11 H4428 All the king's H5650 servants, H5971 and the people H4428 of the king's H4082 provinces, H3045 [H8802] do know, H376 that whoever, whether man H802 or woman, H935 [H8799] shall come H4428 to the king H6442 into the inner H2691 court, H7121 [H8735] who is not called, H259 there is one H1881 law H4191 [H8687] of his to put him to death, H905 except H4428 him to whom the king H3447 [H8686] shall hold out H2091 the golden H8275 sceptre, H2421 [H8804] that he may live: H7121 [H8738] but I have not been called H935 [H8800] to come in H4428 to the king H7970 these thirty H3117 days.

Esther 4:15-17

  15 H635 Then Esther H559 [H8799] told H7725 [H8687] them return H4782 Mordecai this answer,
  16 H3212 [H8798] Go, H3664 [H8798] gather H3064 all the Judeans H4672 [H8737] that are present H7800 in Shushan, H6684 [H8798] and fast H398 [H8799] ye for me, and neither eat H8354 [H8799] nor drink H7969 three H3117 days, H3915 night H3117 or day: H5291 I also and my damsels H6684 [H8799] will fast H3651 likewise; and so H935 [H8799] will I go H4428 in to the king, H1881 which is not according to the law: H6 [H8804] and if I perish, H6 [H8804] I perish.
  17 H4782 So Mordecai H5674 [H8799] went his way, H6213 [H8799] and did H635 according to all that Esther H6680 [H8765] had commanded him.

Esther 8:1-17

  1 H3117 On that day H4428 the king H325 Ahasuerus H5414 [H8804] gave H1004 the house H2001 of Haman H6887 [H8802] the one binding H3064 the Judeans H635 to Esther H4436 the queen. H4782 And Mordecai H935 [H8804] came H6440 at the face of H4428 the king; H635 for Esther H5046 [H8689] had told what he was to her.
  2 H4428 And the king H5493 [H8686] took off H2885 his ring, H5674 [H8689] which he had taken H2001 from Haman, H5414 [H8799] and gave H4782 it to Mordecai. H635 And Esther H7760 [H8799] set H4782 Mordecai H1004 over the house H2001 of Haman.
  3 H635 And Esther H1696 [H8762] spoke H3254 [H8686] yet again H6440 at the face of H4428 the king, H5307 [H8799] and fell down H6440 at H7272 his feet, H2603 [H8691] and asked for favour from H1058 [H8799] him with tears H5674 [H8687] to put away H7451 the evil H2001 of Haman H91 the Agagite, H4284 and his plot H2803 [H8804] that he had devised H3064 against the Judeans.
  4 H4428 Then the king H3447 [H8686] held out H2091 the golden H8275 sceptre H635 toward Esther. H635 So Esther H6965 [H8799] arose, H5975 [H8799] and stood H6440 at the face of H4428 the king,
  5 H559 [H8799] And said, H2896 If it shall please H4428 the king, H4672 [H8804] and if I have found H2580 favour H6440 in his sight, H1697 and the thing H3787 [H8804] shall seem right H6440 at the face of H4428 the king, H2896 and I am pleasing H5869 in his eyes, H3789 [H8735] let it be written H7725 [H8687] to reverse H5612 the letters H4284 devised H2001 by Haman H1121 the son H4099 of Hammedatha H91 the Agagite, H3789 [H8804] which he wrote H6 [H8763] to destroy H3064 the Judeans H4428 who are in all the king's H4082 provinces:
  6 H349 For how H3201 [H8799] can I endure H7200 [H8804] to see H7451 the evil H4672 [H8799] that shall come H5971 to my people? H349 or how H3201 [H8799] can I endure H7200 [H8804] to see H13 the loss H4138 of my kindred?
  7 H4428 Then the king H325 Ahasuerus H559 [H8799] said H635 to Esther H4436 the queen H4782 and to Mordecai H3064 the Judean, H5414 [H8804] Behold, I have given H635 Esther H1004 the house H2001 of Haman, H8518 [H8804] and him they have hanged H6086 upon the gallows, H7971 [H8804] because he laid H3027 his hand H3064 upon the Judeans.
  8 H3789 [H8798] Write H3064 ye also for the Judeans, H2896 as it pleaseth H5869 you, H4428 in the king's H8034 name, H2856 [H8798] and seal H4428 it with the king's H2885 ring: H3791 for the writing H3789 [H8737] which is written H4428 in the king's H8034 name, H2856 [H8737] and sealed H4428 with the king's H2885 ring, H7725 [H8687] no man may reverse.

Esther 8:10-17

  10 H3789 [H8799] And he wrote H4428 in the king H325 Ahasuerus' H8034 name, H2856 [H8799] and sealed H4428 it with the king's H2885 ring, H7971 [H8799] and sent H5612 letters H3027 by H7323 [H8801] posts H5483 on horseback, H7392 [H8802] and riders H7409 on mules, H327 camels, H1121 and young H7424 dromedaries:

Esther 8:9-17

  9 H4428 Then were the king's H5608 [H8802] scribes H7121 [H8735] called H6256 at that time H7992 in the third H2320 month, H2320 that is, the month H5510 Sivan, H7969 on the three H6242 and twentieth H3789 [H8735] day of it; and it was written H4782 according to all that Mordecai H6680 [H8765] commanded H3064 to the Judeans, H323 and to the satraps, H6346 and the governors H8269 and princes H4082 of the provinces H1912 which are from India H3568 to Cush, H3967 an hundred H6242 and twenty H7651 and seven H4082 provinces, H4082 to every province H3791 according to the writing H5971 of it, and to every people H3956 after their language, H3064 and to the Judeans H3791 according to their writing, H3956 and according to their language.

Esther 8:11-17

  11 H4428 In which the king H5414 [H8804] granted H3064 the Judeans H5892 who were in every city H6950 [H8736] to congregate, H5975 [H8800] and to defend H5315 their lives, H8045 [H8687] to desolate, H2026 [H8800] to slay, H6 [H8763] and to cause to perish, H2428 all the power H5971 of the people H4082 and province H6696 [H8802] that would assault H2945 them, both little ones H802 and women, H7998 and to plunder H962 [H8800] them for spoil,
  12 H259 Upon one H3117 day H4082 in all the provinces H4428 of king H325 Ahasuerus, H7969 H6240 namely, upon the thirteenth H8147 H6240 day of the twelfth H2320 month, H2320 which is the month H143 Adar.
  13 H6572 The copy H3791 of the writing H1881 for a commandment H5414 [H8736] to be given H4082 in every province H1540 [H8803] was proclaimed H5971 to all people, H3064 and that the Judeans H6264 H6259 [H8675] should be ready H3117 for that day H5358 [H8736] to avenge H341 [H8802] themselves on their enemies.
  14 H7323 [H8801] So the posts H7392 [H8802] that rode H7409 upon mules H327 and camels H3318 [H8804] went out, H926 [H8794] being hastened H1765 [H8803] and pressed on H4428 by the king's H1697 commandment. H1881 And the decree H5414 [H8738] was given H7800 at Shushan H1002 the palace.
  15 H4782 And Mordecai H3318 [H8804] went out H6440 from the face H4428 of the king H4438 in royal H3830 apparel H8504 of blue H2353 and white, H1419 and with a great H5850 crown H2091 of gold, H8509 and with a garment H948 of fine linen H713 and purple: H5892 and the city H7800 of Shushan H6670 [H8804] rejoiced H8056 and was glad.
  16 H3064 The Judeans H219 had light, H8057 and gladness, H8342 and joy, H3366 and honour.
  17 H4082 And in every province, H5892 and in every city, H4725 wherever H4428 the king's H1697 commandment H1881 and his decree H5060 [H8688] came, H3064 the Judeans H8057 had joy H8342 and gladness, H4960 a feast H2896 and a good H3117 day. H7227 And many H5971 of the people H776 of the land H3054 [H8693] became Judeans; H6343 for the fear H3064 of the Judeans H5307 [H8804] fell upon them.

Esther 1:1-22

  1 H3117 Now it came to pass in the days H325 of Ahasuerus, H325 (this is Ahasuerus H4427 [H8802] who reigned, H1912 from India H3568 even to Cush, H3967 over an hundred H7651 and seven H6242 and twenty H4082 provinces:)
  2 H3117 That in those days, H4428 when the king H325 Ahasuerus H3427 [H8800] sat H3678 on the throne H4438 of his kingdom, H7800 which was in Shushan H1002 the palace,
  3 H7969 In the third H8141 year H4427 [H8800] of his reign, H6213 [H8804] he made H4960 a feast H8269 to all his princes H5650 and his servants; H2428 the power H6539 of Persia H4074 and Media, H6579 the nobles H8269 and princes H4082 of the provinces, H6440 being at the face of him:
  4 H7200 [H8687] When he showed H6239 the riches H3519 of his glorious H4438 kingdom H3366 and the honour H8597 of his excellent H1420 majesty H7227 many H3117 days, H3967 even an hundred H8084 and eighty H3117 days.
  5 H3117 And when these days H4390 [H8800] had ended, H4428 the king H6213 [H8804] made H4960 a feast H5971 for all the people H4672 [H8737] that were present H7800 in Shushan H1002 the palace, H1419 both for great H6996 and small, H7651 seven H3117 days, H2691 in the court H1594 of the garden H4428 of the king's H1055 palace;
  6 H2353 Where were white, H3768 green, H8504 and blue, H270 [H8803] hangings, fastened H2256 with cords H948 of fine linen H713 and purple H3701 to silver H1550 rings H5982 and pillars H8336 of marble: H4296 the couches H2091 were of gold H3701 and silver, H7531 upon a pavement H923 of red, H8504 and blue, H1858 and white, H5508 and black, H8336 marble.
  7 H8248 [H8687] And they gave them drink H3627 in vessels H2091 of gold, H3627 (the vessels H8138 [H8802] differing H3627 one from another, H4438 ) and royal H3196 wine H7227 in abundance, H3027 according to the bounty H4428 of the king.
  8 H8360 And the drinking H1881 was according to the law; H597 [H8802] none constrained: H4428 for so the king H3245 [H8765] had appointed H7227 to all the officers H1004 of his house, H6213 [H8800] that they should do H376 according to every man's H7522 pleasure.
  9 H2060 Also Vashti H4436 the queen H6213 [H8804] made H4960 a feast H802 for the women H4438 in the royal H1004 house H4428 which belonged to king H325 Ahasuerus.
  10 H7637 On the seventh H3117 day, H3820 when the heart H4428 of the king H2896 was merry H3196 with wine, H559 [H8804] he commanded H4104 Mehuman, H968 Biztha, H2726 Harbona, H903 Bigtha, H5 and Abagtha, H2242 Zethar, H3752 and Carcas, H7651 the seven H5631 chamberlains H8334 [H8764] that served H6440 in the face H325 of Ahasuerus H4428 the king,
  11 H935 [H8687] To bring H2060 Vashti H4436 the queen H6440 at the face of H4428 the king H3804 with the crown H4438 royal, H7200 [H8687] to show H5971 the people H8269 and the princes H3308 her beauty: H2896 for she was fair H4758 to look on.
  12 H4436 But the queen H2060 Vashti H3985 [H8762] refused H935 [H8800] to come H4428 at the king's H1697 commandment H3027 by H5631 his chamberlains: H4428 therefore was the king H3966 very H7107 [H8799] angry, H2534 and his anger H1197 [H8804] burned in him.
  13 H4428 Then the king H559 [H8799] said H2450 to the wise men, H3045 [H8802] who knew H6256 the times, H4428 (for so was the king's H1697 manner H6440 toward H3045 [H8802] all that knew H1881 law H1779 and judgment:
  14 H7138 And the next H3771 to him was Carshena, H8369 Shethar, H133 Admatha, H8659 Tarshish, H4825 Meres, H4826 Marsena, H4462 and Memucan, H7651 the seven H8269 princes H6539 of Persia H4074 and Media, H7200 [H8802] who saw H4428 the king's H6440 face, H3427 [H8802] and who sat H7223 in the first place H4438 in the kingdom;)
  15 H6213 [H8800] What shall we do H4436 to the queen H2060 Vashti H1881 according to law, H6213 [H8804] because she hath not performed H3982 the commandment H4428 of the king H325 Ahasuerus H3027 by H5631 the chamberlains?
  16 H4462 And Memucan H559 [H8799] answered H6440 at the face of H4428 the king H8269 and the princes, H2060 Vashti H4436 the queen H5753 [H8804] hath not done perversity H4428 to the king H8269 only, but also to all the princes, H5971 and to all the people H4082 that are in all the provinces H4428 of the king H325 Ahasuerus.
  17 H1697 For this deed H4436 of the queen H3318 [H8799] shall become known H802 to all women, H5869 so that they shall look H959 [H8687] with disesteem upon H1167 their husbands, H559 [H8800] when it shall be reported, H4428 The king H325 Ahasuerus H559 [H8804] commanded H2060 Vashti H4436 the queen H935 [H8687] to be brought in H6440 at the face of H935 [H8804] him, but she came not.
  18 H8282 Likewise shall the ladies H6539 of Persia H4074 and Media H559 [H8799] say H3117 this day H4428 to all the king's H8269 princes, H8085 [H8804] who have heard H1697 of the deed H4436 of the queen. H1767 Thus shall there arise too much H963 disesteem H7110 and splintering rage.
  19 H2895 [H8804] If it pleaseth H4428 the king, H4438 let a royal H1697 commandment H3318 [H8799] go H6440 from him, H3789 [H8735] and let it be written H1881 among the laws H6539 of the Persians H4074 and the Medes, H5674 [H8799] that it be not altered, H2060 That Vashti H935 [H8799] come H6440 no more at the face of H4428 king H325 Ahasuerus; H4428 and let the king H5414 [H8799] give H4438 her royal estate H7468 to another H2896 that is better than she.
  20 H4428 And when the king's H6599 decree H6213 [H8799] which he shall make H8085 [H8738] shall be proclaimed H4438 throughout all his empire, H7227 (for it is great, H802 ) all the wives H5414 [H8799] shall give H1167 to their husbands H3366 honour, H1419 both to great H6996 and small.
  21 H1697 And the saying H3190 H5869 [H8799] pleased H4428 the king H8269 and the princes; H4428 and the king H6213 [H8799] did H1697 according to the word H4462 of Memucan:
  22 H7971 [H8799] For he sent H5612 letters H4428 into all the king's H4082 provinces, H4082 into every province H3791 according to the writing H5971 of it, and to every people H3956 after their language, H376 that every man H8323 [H8802] should bear rule H1004 in his own house, H1696 [H8764] and that it should be proclaimed H3956 in the language H5971 of every people.

Esther 7:1-10

  1 H4428 So the king H2001 and Haman H935 [H8799] came H8354 [H8800] to banquet H635 with Esther H4436 the queen.
  2 H4428 And the king H559 [H8799] said H635 again to Esther H8145 on the second H3117 day H4960 at the banquet H3196 of wine, H7596 What is thy petition, H4436 queen H635 Esther? H5414 [H8735] and it shall be granted H1246 thee: and what is thy request? H6213 [H8735] and it shall be performed, H2677 even to the half H4438 of the kingdom.
  3 H635 Then Esther H4436 the queen H6030 [H8799] answered H559 [H8799] and said, H4672 [H8804] If I have found H2580 favour H5869 in thine eyes, H4428 O king, H2895 [H8804] and if it shall please H4428 the king, H5315 let my life H5414 [H8735] be given H7596 me at my petition, H5971 and my people H1246 at my request:
  4 H4376 [H8738] For we are sold, H5971 I and my people, H8045 [H8687] to be desolated, H2026 [H8800] to be slain, H6 [H8763] and to perish. H432 But if H4376 [H8738] we had been sold H5650 for male H8198 and female slaves, H2790 [H8689] I had held my tongue, H6862 although the constricter H7737 [H8802] could not compensate for H4428 the king's H5143 loss.
  5 H9001 Then H9009 the H4428 king H325 Ahasuerus H559 [H8799] answered H9001 and H559 [H8799] said H9005 to H635 Esther H9009 the H4436 queen, H4310 Who H1931 is he— H2088 this one, H9002 and H335 where H1931 is he— H2088 this one? H834 —whose H3820 heart H4390 [H8804] hath filled H9023 him H9005 to H6213 [H8800] do H3651 so?
  6 H635 And Esther H559 [H8799] said, H376 H6862 The adversary H341 [H8802] and enemy H7451 is this wicked H2001 Haman. H2001 Then Haman H1204 [H8738] was afraid H6440 at the face of H4428 the king H4436 and the queen.
  7 H4428 And the king H6965 [H8804] arising H4960 from the banquet H3196 of wine H2534 in his hot anger H1055 went into the palace H1594 garden: H2001 and Haman H5975 [H8804] stood up H1245 [H8763] to make request H5315 for his life H635 to Esther H4436 the queen; H7200 [H8804] for he saw H7451 that there was evil H3615 [H8804] determined H4428 against him by the king.
  8 H4428 Then the king H7725 [H8804] returned H1055 out of the palace H1594 garden H1004 into the place H4960 of the banquet H3196 of wine; H2001 and Haman H5307 [H8802] had fallen H4296 upon the couch H635 on which Esther H559 [H8799] was. Then said H4428 the king, H3533 [H8800] Will he force H4436 the queen H1004 also before me in the house? H1697 As the word H3318 [H8804] went out H4428 of the king's H6310 mouth, H2645 [H8804] they covered H2001 Haman's H6440 face.
  9 H2726 And Harbonah, H259 one H5631 of the chamberlains, H559 [H8799] said H6440 at the face of H4428 the king, H6086 Behold also, the gallows H2572 fifty H520 cubits H1364 high, H2001 which Haman H6213 [H8804] had made H4782 for Mordecai, H1696 [H8765] who had spoken H2896 good H4428 for the king, H5975 [H8802] standeth H1004 in the house H2001 of Haman. H4428 Then the king H559 [H8799] said, H8518 [H8798] Hang him on it.
  10 H8518 [H8799] So they hanged H2001 Haman H6086 on the gallows H3559 [H8689] that he had prepared H4782 for Mordecai. H4428 Then was the king's H2534 hot anger H7918 [H8804] pacified.

Esther 2:1-23

  1 H310 After H1697 these things, H2534 when the hot anger H4428 of king H325 Ahasuerus H7918 [H8800] was appeased, H2142 [H8804] he remembered H2060 Vashti, H6213 [H8804] and what she had done, H1504 [H8738] and what was decreed against her.
  2 H559 [H8799] Then said H4428 the king's H5288 servants H8334 [H8764] that ministered H2896 H4758 to him, Let there be fair H5291 damsel H1330 virgins H1245 [H8762] sought H4428 for the king:
  3 H4428 And let the king H6485 [H8686] appoint H6496 officers H4082 in all the provinces H4438 of his kingdom, H6908 [H8799] that they may gather H2896 H4758 all the fair H5291 damsel H1330 virgins H7800 to Shushan H1002 the palace, H1004 to the house H802 of the women, H3027 into the custody H1896 of Hege H4428 the king's H5631 chamberlain, H8104 [H8802] keeper H802 of the women; H8562 and let their things for purification H5414 [H8800] be given them:
  4 H5291 And let the damsel H3190 H5869 [H8799] who pleaseth H4428 the king H4427 [H8799] be queen H2060 instead of Vashti. H1697 And the thing H3190 H5869 [H8799] pleased H4428 the king; H6213 [H8799] and he did so.
  5 H7800 Now in Shushan H1002 the palace H376 there was a certain H3064 Judean, H8034 whose name H4782 was Mordecai, H1121 the son H2971 of Jair, H1121 the son H8096 of Shimei, H1121 the son H7027 of Kish, H1145 a Benjamite;
  6 H1540 [H8717] Who had been carried away H3389 from Jerusalem H1473 with the captives H1540 [H8717] who had been carried away H3204 with Jeconiah H4428 king H3063 of Judah, H5019 whom Nebuchadnezzar H4428 the king H894 of Babylon H1540 [H8689] had carried away.
  7 H539 [H8802] And he brought up H1919 Hadassah, H635 that is, Esther, H1730 his uncle's H1323 daughter: H1 for she had neither father H517 nor mother, H5291 and the damsel H3303 H8389 was fair H2896 H4758 and beautiful; H4782 whom Mordecai, H1 when her father H517 and mother H4194 were dead, H3947 [H8804] took H1323 for his own daughter.
  8 H4428 So it came to pass, when the king's H1697 commandment H1881 and his decree H8085 [H8736] were heard, H7227 and when many H5291 damsels H6908 [H8736] were gathered H7800 at Shushan H1002 the palace, H3027 to the custody H1896 of Hegai, H635 that Esther H3947 [H8735] was brought H4428 also to the king's H1004 house, H3027 to the custody H1896 of Hegai, H8104 [H8802] keeper H802 of the women.
  9 H5291 And the damsel H3190 H5869 [H8799] pleased H5375 [H8799] him, and she obtained H2617 mercy H6440 from him; H926 [H8762] and he speedily H5414 [H8800] gave H8562 her her things for purification, H4490 with such things as belonged H7651 to her, and seven H7200 [H8803] choice H5291 damsels, H5414 [H8800] to be given H4428 her, out of the king's H1004 house: H8138 [H8762] and he preferred H5291 her and her damsels H2896 to the best H1004 place of the house H802 of the women.
  10 H635 Esther H5046 [H8689] had not revealed H5971 her people H4138 nor her kindred: H4782 for Mordecai H6680 [H8765] had charged H5046 [H8686] her that she should not make it known.
  11 H4782 And Mordecai H1980 [H8693] walked H3117 every day H6440 at the face of H2691 the court H802 of the women's H1004 house, H3045 [H8800] to know H635 how Esther H7965 did, H6213 [H8735] and what should become of her.
  12 H5291 Now when every damsel's H8447 turn H5060 [H8687] had come H935 [H8800] to go in H4428 to king H325 Ahasuerus, H7093 after H8147 H6240 that she had been twelve H2320 months, H1881 according to the law H802 for the women, H3117 (for so were the days H4795 of their purifications H4390 [H8799] accomplished, H8337 that is, six H2320 months H8081 with oil H4753 of myrrh, H8337 and six H2320 months H1314 with sweet odours, H8562 and with other things for the purifying H802 of the women;)
  13 H935 [H8802] Then thus came H5291 every damsel H4428 to the king; H559 [H8799] whatever she desired H5414 [H8735] was given H935 [H8800] her to go H1004 with her out of the house H802 of the women H4428 to the king's H1004 house.
  14 H6153 In the evening H935 [H8802] she went, H1242 and on the next morning H7725 [H8802] she returned H8145 into the second H1004 house H802 of the women, H3027 to the custody H8190 of Shaashgaz, H4428 the king's H5631 chamberlain, H8104 [H8802] who kept H6370 the concubines: H935 [H8799] she came in H4428 to the king H4428 no more, except that the king H2654 [H8804] delighted H7121 [H8738] in her, and she was called H8034 by name.
  15 H8447 Now when the turn H635 of Esther, H1323 the daughter H32 of Abihail H1730 the uncle H4782 of Mordecai, H3947 [H8804] who had taken H1323 her for his daughter, H5060 [H8687] had come H935 [H8800] to go in H4428 to the king, H1245 [H8765] she required H1697 nothing H1896 but what Hegai H4428 the king's H5631 chamberlain, H8104 [H8802] the keeper H802 of the women, H559 [H8799] appointed. H635 And Esther H5375 [H8802] obtained H2580 favour H5869 in the eyes H7200 [H8802] of all them that looked upon her.
  16 H635 So Esther H3947 [H8735] was taken H4428 to king H325 Ahasuerus H1004 into his house H4438 royal H6224 in the tenth H2320 month, H2320 which is the month H2887 Tebeth, H7651 in the seventh H8141 year H4438 of his reign.
  17 H4428 And the king H157 [H8799] loved H635 Esther H802 above all the women, H5375 [H8799] and she obtained H2580 grace H2617 and mercy H6440 in his sight H1330 more than all the virgins; H7760 [H8799] so that he set H4438 the royal H3804 crown H7218 upon her head, H4427 [H8686] and made her queen H2060 instead of Vashti.
  18 H4428 Then the king H6213 [H8799] made H1419 a great H4960 feast H8269 to all his princes H5650 and his servants, H635 even Esther's H4960 feast; H6213 [H8804] and he made H2010 a release H4082 to the provinces, H5414 [H8799] and gave H4864 gifts, H3027 according to the bounty H4428 of the king.
  19 H1330 And when the virgins H6908 [H8736] were gathered together H8145 the second time, H4782 then Mordecai H3427 [H8802] sat H4428 in the king's H8179 gate.
  20 H635 Esther H5046 [H8688] had not yet revealed H4138 her kindred H5971 nor her people; H4782 as Mordecai H6680 [H8765] had charged H635 her: for Esther H6213 [H8802] performed H3982 the commandment H4782 of Mordecai, H545 as when she was brought up with him.
  21 H3117 In those days, H4782 while Mordecai H3427 [H8802] sat H4428 in the king's H8179 gate, H8147 two H4428 of the king's H5631 chamberlains, H904 Bigthan H8657 and Teresh, H8104 [H8802] of those who kept H5592 the door, H7107 [H8804] burst out in rage, H1245 [H8762] and sought H7971 [H8800] to lay H3027 hand H4428 on the king H325 Ahasuerus.
  22 H1697 And the thing H3045 [H8735] was known H4782 to Mordecai, H5046 [H8686] who told H635 it to Esther H4436 the queen; H635 and Esther H559 [H8799] informed H4428 the king H4782 of it in Mordecai's H8034 name.
  23 H1245 [H8792] And when enquiry H1697 was made of the matter, H4672 [H8735] it was discovered; H8147 therefore they were both H8518 [H8735] hanged H6086 on a tree: H3789 [H8735] and it was written H5612 in the book H1697 H3117 of the chronicles H6440 at the face of H4428 the king.

Esther 4:16

  16 H3212 [H8798] Go, H3664 [H8798] gather H3064 all the Judeans H4672 [H8737] that are present H7800 in Shushan, H6684 [H8798] and fast H398 [H8799] ye for me, and neither eat H8354 [H8799] nor drink H7969 three H3117 days, H3915 night H3117 or day: H5291 I also and my damsels H6684 [H8799] will fast H3651 likewise; and so H935 [H8799] will I go H4428 in to the king, H1881 which is not according to the law: H6 [H8804] and if I perish, H6 [H8804] I perish.

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