Bible verses about "trust in the lord" | new

Proverbs 3:5

  5 H982 [H8798] Trust H3068 in the LORD H3820 with all thine heart; H8172 [H8735] and lean H998 not to thy own understanding.

Psalms 112:7

  7 H3372 [H8799] He shall not be afraid H7451 of evil H8052 tidings: H3820 his heart H3559 [H8737] is fixed, H982 [H8803] trusting H3068 in the LORD.

Psalms 119:1-176

  1 H835 ALEPH. Happy H8549 are the undefiled H1870 in the way, H1980 [H8802] who walk H8451 in the law H3068 of the LORD.
  2 H835 Happy H5341 [H8802] are they that keep H5713 his testimonies, H1875 [H8799] and that seek H3820 him with the whole heart.
  3 H6466 [H8804] They also do H5766 no distortion: H1980 [H8804] they walk H1870 in his ways.
  4 H6680 [H8765] Thou hast commanded H8104 [H8800] us to keep H6490 thy precepts H3966 diligently.
  5 H305 O that H1870 my ways H3559 [H8735] were directed H8104 [H8800] to keep H2706 thy statutes!
  6 H954 [H8799] Then shall I not be pale, H5027 [H8687] when I have respect H4687 to all thy commandments.
  7 H3034 [H8686] I will praise H3476 thee with uprightness H3824 of heart, H3925 [H8800] when I shall have learned H6664 thy righteous H4941 judgments.
  8 H8104 [H8799] I will keep H2706 thy statutes: H5800 [H8799] O forsake H3966 me not utterly.
  9 H5288 BETH. How shall a young man H2135 [H8762] cleanse H734 his way? H8104 [H8800] by taking heed H1697 to it according to thy word.
  10 H3820 With my whole heart H1875 [H8804] have I sought H7686 [H8686] thee: O let me not stray H4687 from thy commandments.
  11 H565 Thy word H6845 [H8804] have I hid H3820 in my heart, H2398 [H8799] that I might not sin against thee.
  12 H1288 [H8803] Blessed H3068 art thou, O LORD: H3925 [H8761] teach H2706 me thy statutes.
  13 H8193 With my lips H5608 [H8765] have I declared H4941 all the judgments H6310 of thy mouth.
  14 H7797 [H8804] I have rejoiced H1870 in the way H5715 of thy testimonies, H5921 as much as in H1952 all riches.
  15 H7878 [H8799] I will meditate H6490 in thy precepts, H5027 [H8686] and have respect H734 to thy ways.
  16 H8173 [H8698] I will delight H2708 myself in thy statutes: H7911 [H8799] I will not forget H1697 thy word.
  17 H1580 [H8798] GIMEL. Deal bountifully H5650 with thy servant, H2421 [H8799] that I may live, H8104 [H8799] and keep H1697 thy word.
  18 H1540 [H8761] Open H5869 thou my eyes, H5027 [H8686] that I may behold H6381 [H8737] wondrous things H8451 out of thy law.
  19 H1616 I am a guest H776 in the earth: H5641 [H8686] hide H4687 not thy commandments from me.
  20 H5315 My breath H1638 [H8804] breaketh H8375 for the longing H4941 that it hath to thy judgments H6256 at all times.
  21 H1605 [H8804] Thou hast chided H2086 the proud H779 [H8803] that are cursed, H7686 [H8802] who do stray H4687 from thy commandments.
  22 H1556 [H8798] Remove H2781 from me reproach H937 and contempt; H5341 [H8804] for I have kept H5713 thy testimonies.
  23 H8269 Princes H3427 [H8804] also did sit H1696 [H8738] and speak H5650 against me: but thy servant H7878 [H8799] did meditate H2706 in thy statutes.
  24 H5713 Thy testimonies H8191 also are my delight H582 H6098 and my counsellors.
  25 H5315 DALETH. My breath H1692 [H8804] cleaveth H6083 to the dust: H2421 [H8761] revive H1697 thou me according to thy word.
  26 H5608 [H8765] I have declared H1870 my ways, H6030 [H8799] and thou heardest H3925 [H8761] me: teach H2706 me thy statutes.
  27 H995 [H8685] Make me to understand H1870 the way H6490 of thy precepts: H7878 [H8799] so shall I talk H6381 [H8737] of thy wondrous works.
  28 H5315 My breath H1811 [H8804] drippeth H8424 for heaviness: H6965 [H8761] raise H1697 thou me according to thy word.
  29 H5493 [H8685] Remove H1870 from me the way H8267 of lying: H8451 and grant me thy law H2603 [H8798] graciously.
  30 H977 [H8804] I have chosen H1870 the way H530 of truth: H4941 thy judgments H7737 [H8765] have I laid before me.
  31 H1692 [H8804] I have cleaved H5715 to thy testimonies: H3068 O LORD, H954 [H8686] put me not to shame.
  32 H7323 [H8799] I will run H1870 the way H4687 of thy commandments, H7337 [H8686] when thou shalt enlarge H3820 my heart.
  33 H3384 [H8685] HE. Teach H3068 me, O LORD, H1870 the way H2706 of thy statutes; H5341 [H8799] and I shall keep H6118 it to the end.
  34 H995 [H8685] Give me understanding, H5341 [H8799] and I shall keep H8451 thy law; H8104 [H8799] yea, I shall observe H3820 it with my whole heart.
  35 H1869 [H8685] Make me to go H5410 in the path H4687 of thy commandments; H2654 [H8804] for in that do I delight.
  36 H5186 [H8685] Incline H3820 my heart H5715 to thy testimonies, H1215 and not to covetousness.
  37 H5674 [H8685] Turn away H5869 my eyes H7200 [H8800] from beholding H7723 vanity; H2421 [H8761] and revive H1870 thou me in thy way.
  38 H6965 [H8685] Raise H565 thy word H5650 to thy servant, H3374 who is devoted to thy fear.
  39 H5674 [H8685] Turn away H2781 my reproach H3025 [H8804] which I fear: H4941 for thy judgments H2896 are good.
  40 H8373 [H8804] Behold, I have longed H6490 after thy precepts: H2421 [H8761] revive H6666 me in thy righteousness.
  41 H2617 VAU. Let thy mercies H935 [H8799] come H3068 also to me, O LORD, H8668 even thy salvation, H565 according to thy word.
  42 H1697 So shall I have that H6030 [H8799] to answer H2778 [H8802] him that reproacheth H982 [H8804] me: for I trust H1697 in thy word.
  43 H5337 [H8686] And take H1697 not the word H571 of truth H3966 utterly H6310 out of my mouth; H3176 [H8765] for I have hoped H4941 in thy judgments.
  44 H8104 [H8799] So shall I keep H8451 thy law H8548 continually H5769 to the age H5703 and ever.
  45 H1980 [H8691] And I will walk H7342 at liberty: H1875 [H8804] for I seek H6490 thy precepts.
  46 H1696 [H8762] I will speak H5713 of thy testimonies H4428 also before kings, H954 [H8799] and will not be pale.
  47 H8173 [H8698] And I will delight H4687 myself in thy commandments, H157 [H8804] which I have loved.
  48 H3709 My palms H5375 [H8799] also will I lift H4687 to thy commandments, H157 [H8804] which I have loved; H7878 [H8799] and I will meditate H2706 in thy statutes.
  49 H2142 [H8798] ZAIN. Remember H1697 the word H5650 to thy servant, H3176 [H8765] upon which thou hast caused me to hope.
  50 H5165 This is my comfort H6040 in my affliction: H565 for thy word H2421 [H8765] hath revived me.
  51 H2086 The proud H3966 have had me greatly H3887 [H8689] in derision: H5186 [H8804] yet I have not declined H8451 from thy law.
  52 H2142 [H8804] I remembered H4941 thy judgments H5769 of old, H3068 O LORD; H5162 [H8691] and have comforted myself.
  53 H2152 Glowing H270 [H8804] hath taken hold H7563 upon me because of the wicked H5800 [H8802] that forsake H8451 thy law.
  54 H2706 Thy statutes H2158 have been my songs H1004 in the house H4033 of my sojournings.
  55 H2142 [H8804] I have remembered H8034 thy name, H3068 O LORD, H3915 in the night, H8104 [H8799] and have kept H8451 thy law.
  56 H5341 [H8804] This I had, because I kept H6490 thy precepts.
  57 H2506 CHETH. Thou art my portion, H3068 O LORD: H559 [H8804] I have said H8104 [H8800] that I would keep H1697 thy words.
  58 H2470 [H8765] I entreated H6440 thee before thy face H3820 with my whole heart: H2603 [H8798] be favourable H565 to me according to thy word.
  59 H2803 [H8765] I thought H1870 on my ways, H7725 [H8686] and turned H7272 my feet H5713 to thy testimonies.
  60 H2363 [H8804] I made haste, H4102 [H8701] and delayed H8104 [H8800] not to keep H4687 thy commandments.
  61 H2256 The bands H7563 of the wicked H5749 [H8765] have robbed H7911 [H8804] me: but I have not forgotten H8451 thy law.
  62 H2676 H3915 At midnight H6965 [H8799] I will rise H3034 [H8687] to give thanks H6664 to thee because of thy righteous H4941 judgments.
  63 H2270 I am a companion H3372 [H8804] of all them that fear H8104 [H8802] thee, and of them that keep H6490 thy precepts.
  64 H776 The earth, H3068 O LORD, H4390 [H8804] is full H2617 of thy mercy: H3925 [H8761] teach H2706 me thy statutes.
  65 H6213 [H8804] TETH. Thou hast dealt H2896 well H5650 with thy servant, H3068 O LORD, H1697 according to thy word.
  66 H3925 [H8761] Teach H2898 me good H2940 judgment H1847 and knowledge: H539 [H8689] for I have believed H4687 thy commandments.
  67 H6031 [H8799] Before I was afflicted H7683 [H8802] I went astray: H8104 [H8804] but now have I kept H565 thy word.
  68 H2896 Thou art good, H2895 [H8688] and doest good; H3925 [H8761] teach H2706 me thy statutes.
  69 H2086 The proud H2950 [H8804] have forged H8267 a lie H5341 [H8799] against me: but I will keep H6490 thy precepts H3820 with my whole heart.
  70 H3820 Their heart H2954 [H8804] is covered H2459 with fat; H8173 [H8773] but I delight H8451 in thy law.
  71 H2896 It is good H6031 [H8795] for me that I have been afflicted; H3925 [H8799] that I might learn H2706 thy statutes.
  72 H8451 The law H6310 of thy mouth H2896 is better H505 to me than thousands H2091 of gold H3701 and silver.
  73 H3027 JOD. Thy hands H6213 [H8804] have made H3559 [H8787] me and fashioned H995 [H8685] me: give me understanding, H3925 [H8799] that I may learn H4687 thy commandments.
  74 H3373 They that fear H8055 [H8799] thee will be glad H7200 [H8799] when they see H3176 [H8765] me; because I have hoped H1697 in thy word.
  75 H3045 [H8804] I know, H3068 O LORD, H4941 that thy judgments H6664 are right, H530 and that thou in faithfulness H6031 [H8765] hast afflicted me.
  76 H2617 Let, I pray thee, thy merciful mercy H5162 [H8763] be for my comfort, H565 according to thy word H5650 to thy servant.
  77 H7356 Let thy compassions H935 [H8799] come H2421 [H8799] to me, that I may live: H8451 for thy law H8191 is my delight.
  78 H2086 Let the proud H954 [H8799] be pale; H5791 [H8765] for they dealt perversely H8267 with me without a cause: H7878 [H8799] but I will meditate H6490 in thy precepts.
  79 H3373 Let those that fear H7725 [H8799] thee turn H3045 H3045 [H8802] to me, and those that have known H5713 thy testimonies.
  80 H3820 Let my heart H8549 be sound H2706 in thy statutes; H954 [H8799] that I may not be pale.
  81 H5315 CAPH. My breath H3615 [H8804] fainteth H8668 for thy salvation: H3176 [H8765] but I hope H1697 in thy word.
  82 H5869 My eyes H3615 [H8804] fail H565 for thy word, H559 [H8800] saying, H5162 [H8762] When wilt thou comfort me?
  83 H4997 For I am become like a bottle H7008 in the smoke; H7911 [H8804] yet I do not forget H2706 thy statutes.
  84 H3117 How many are the days H5650 of thy servant? H6213 [H8799] when wilt thou execute H4941 judgment H7291 [H8802] on them that persecute me?
  85 H2086 The proud H3738 [H8804] have dug H7882 pitfalls H8451 for me, which are not according to thy law.
  86 H4687 All thy commandments H530 are faithful: H7291 [H8804] they persecute H8267 me wrongfully; H5826 [H8798] help thou me.
  87 H4592 They had almost H3615 [H8765] consumed H776 me upon earth; H5800 [H8804] but I forsook H6490 not thy precepts.
  88 H2421 [H8761] Revive H2617 me after thy mercy; H8104 [H8799] so shall I keep H5715 the testimony H6310 of thy mouth.
  89 H5769 LAMED. To the age, H3068 O LORD, H1697 thy word H5324 [H8737] is settled H8064 in heaven.
  90 H530 Thy faithfulness H1755 is to all H1755 generations: H3559 [H8790] thou hast established H776 the earth, H5975 [H8799] and it abideth.
  91 H5975 [H8804] They continue H3117 this day H4941 according to thy judgments: H5650 for all are thy servants.
  92 H3884 Unless H8451 thy law H8191 had been my delights, H6 [H8804] I should then have perished H6040 in mine affliction.
  93 H5769 I will never H7911 [H8799] forget H6490 thy precepts: H2421 [H8765] for with them thou hast revived me.
  94 H3467 [H8685] I am thine, liberate H1875 [H8804] me; for I have sought H6490 thy precepts.
  95 H7563 The wicked H6960 [H8765] have waited H6 [H8763] for me to destroy H995 [H8709] me: but I will consider H5713 thy testimonies.
  96 H7200 [H8804] I have seen H7093 an end H8502 of all perfection: H4687 but thy commandment H3966 is exceeding H7342 broad.
  97 H157 [H8804] MEM. O how I love H8451 thy law! H7881 it is my meditation H3117 all the day.
  98 H4687 Thou through thy commandments H2449 [H8762] hast made me wiser H341 [H8802] than my enemies: H5769 for they are ever with me.
  99 H7919 [H8689] I have more understanding H3925 [H8764] than all my teachers: H5715 for thy testimonies H7881 are my meditation.
  100 H995 [H8709] I understand H2205 more than the ancients, H5341 [H8804] because I keep H6490 thy precepts.
  101 H3607 [H8804] I have restrained H7272 my feet H7451 from every evil H734 way, H8104 [H8799] that I might keep H1697 thy word.
  102 H5493 [H8804] I have not departed H4941 from thy judgments: H3384 [H8689] for thou hast taught me.
  103 H4452 [H8738] How sweet H565 are thy words H2441 to my taste! H1706 yea, sweeter than honey H6310 to my mouth!
  104 H6490 Through thy precepts H995 [H8709] I get understanding: H8130 [H8804] therefore I hate H8267 every false H734 way.
  105 H1697 NUN. Thy word H5216 is a lamp H7272 to my feet, H216 and a light H5410 to my path.
  106 H7650 [H8738] I have sworn, H6965 [H8762] and I will raise H8104 [H8800] it, that I will keep H6664 thy righteous H4941 judgments.
  107 H6031 [H8738] I am afflicted H3966 very much: H2421 [H8761] revive H3068 me, O LORD, H1697 according to thy word.
  108 H7521 [H8798] Accept, H5071 I beseech thee, the freewill offerings H6310 of my mouth, H3068 O LORD, H3925 [H8761] and teach H4941 me thy judgments.
  109 H5315 My breath H8548 is continually H3709 in my palm: H7911 [H8804] yet I do not forget H8451 thy law.
  110 H7563 The wicked H5414 [H8804] have laid H6341 a snare H8582 [H8804] for me: yet I erred H6490 not from thy precepts.
  111 H5715 Thy testimonies H5157 [H8804] have I taken as an inheritance H5769 to the age: H8342 for they are the rejoicing H3820 of my heart.
  112 H5186 [H8804] I have inclined H3820 my heart H6213 [H8800] to perform H2706 thy statutes H5769 always, H6118 even to the end.
  113 H8130 [H8804] SAMECH. I hate H5588 vain thoughts: H8451 but thy law H157 [H8804] do I love.
  114 H5643 Thou art my hiding place H4043 and my shield: H3176 [H8765] I hope H1697 in thy word.
  115 H5493 [H8798] Depart H7489 [H8688] from me, ye evildoers: H5341 [H8799] for I will keep H4687 the commandments H430 of my God.
  116 H5564 [H8798] Uphold H565 me according to thy word, H2421 [H8799] that I may live: H954 [H8686] and let me not be pale H7664 of my hope.
  117 H5582 [H8798] Support me, H3467 [H8735] and I shall be liberated: H8159 [H8799] and I will gaze at H2706 thy statutes H8548 continually.
  118 H5541 [H8804] Thou hast set at nought H7686 [H8802] all them that stray H2706 from thy statutes: H8649 for their deceit H8267 is falsehood.
  119 H7673 [H8689] Thou puttest away H7563 all the wicked H776 of the earth H5509 like dross: H157 [H8804] therefore I love H5713 thy testimonies.
  120 H1320 My flesh H5568 [H8804] trembleth H6343 for fear H3372 [H8804] of thee; and I am afraid H4941 of thy judgments.
  121 H6213 [H8804] AIN. I have executed H4941 justice H6664 and righteousness: H3240 [H8686] leave H6231 [H8802] me not to my oppressors.
  122 H6148 [H8798] Be surety H5650 for thy servant H2896 for good: H2086 let not the proud H6231 [H8799] oppress me.
  123 H5869 My eyes H3615 [H8804] fail H3444 for thy salvation, H565 and for the word H6664 of thy righteousness.
  124 H6213 [H8798] Deal H5650 with thy servant H2617 according to thy mercy, H3925 [H8761] and teach H2706 me thy statutes.
  125 H5650 I am thy servant; H995 [H8685] give me understanding, H3045 [H8799] that I may know H5713 thy testimonies.
  126 H6256 It is time H3068 for thee, LORD, H6213 [H8800] to work: H6565 [H8689] for they have made void H8451 thy law.
  127 H157 [H8804] Therefore I love H4687 thy commandments H2091 above gold; H6337 yea, above fine gold.
  128 H3651 Therefore H5921 I esteem H3605 all H6490 thy precepts H3605 concerning all H3474 [H8765] things to be straight; H8130 [H8804] and I hate H3605 every H8267 false H734 way.
  129 H5715 PE. Thy testimonies H6382 are wonderful: H5315 therefore doth my breath H5341 [H8804] keep them.
  130 H6608 The entrance H1697 of thy words H215 [H8686] giveth light; H995 [H8688] it giveth understanding H6612 to the simple.
  131 H6473 [H8804] I opened H6310 my mouth, H7602 [H8799] and panted: H2968 [H8804] for I longed H4687 for thy commandments.
  132 H6437 [H8798] Look H2603 [H8798] thou upon me, and be favourable H4941 to me, as thou didst use H157 [H8802] to do to those that love H8034 thy name.
  133 H3559 [H8685] Order H6471 my steps H565 in thy word: H205 and let not any nothingness H7980 [H8686] have dominion over me.
  134 H6299 [H8798] Ransom H6233 me from the oppression H120 of man: H8104 [H8799] so will I keep H6490 thy precepts.
  135 H6440 Make thy face H215 [H8685] to shine H5650 upon thy servant; H3925 [H8761] and teach H2706 me thy statutes.
  136 H6388 Rivers H4325 of waters H3381 [H8804] run down H5869 my eyes, H8104 [H8804] because they keep H8451 not thy law.
  137 H6662 TZADDI. Righteous H3068 art thou, O LORD, H3477 and upright H4941 are thy judgments.
  138 H5713 Thy testimonies H6680 [H8765] that thou hast commanded H6664 are righteous H3966 and very H530 faithful.
  139 H7068 My zeal H6789 [H8765] hath extirpated H6862 me, because my constricters H7911 [H8804] have forgotten H1697 thy words.
  140 H565 Thy word H3966 is very H6884 [H8803] refined: H5650 therefore thy servant H157 [H8804] loveth it.
  141 H6810 I am small H959 [H8737] and despised: H7911 [H8804] yet I do not forget H6490 thy precepts.
  142 H6666 Thy righteousness H5769 is an everlasting H6664 righteousness, H8451 and thy law H571 is the truth.
  143 H6862 Trouble H4689 and anguish H4672 [H8804] have taken hold H4687 on me: yet thy commandments H8191 are my delights.
  144 H6664 The righteousness H5715 of thy testimonies H5769 is everlasting: H995 [H8685] give me understanding, H2421 [H8799] and I shall live.
  145 H7121 [H8804] KOPH. I called H3820 with my whole heart; H6030 [H8798] hear H3068 me, O LORD: H5341 [H8799] I will keep H2706 thy statutes.
  146 H7121 [H8804] I called H3467 [H8685] to thee; liberate H8104 [H8799] me, and I shall keep H5713 thy testimonies.
  147 H6923 [H8765] I came before H5399 the dawning of the morning, H7768 [H8762] and hallooed: H3176 [H8765] I hoped H1697 in thy word.
  148 H5869 My eyes H6923 [H8765] are awake through H821 the night watches, H7878 [H8800] that I might meditate H565 in thy word.
  149 H8085 [H8798] Hear H6963 my voice H2617 according to thy mercy: H3068 O LORD, H2421 [H8761] revive H4941 me according to thy judgment.
  150 H7126 [H8804] They draw near H7291 [H8802] that follow H2154 after mischief: H7368 [H8804] they are far H8451 from thy law.
  151 H7138 Thou art near, H3068 O LORD; H4687 and all thy commandments H571 are truth.
  152 H5713 Concerning thy testimonies, H3045 [H8804] I have known H6924 of old H3245 [H8804] that thou hast founded H5769 them to the age.
  153 H7200 [H8798] RESH. See H6040 my affliction, H2502 [H8761] and deliver H7911 [H8804] me: for I do not forget H8451 thy law.
  154 H7378 [H8798] Plead H9020 my H7379 cause, H9001 and H1350 [H8798] redeem H9030 me: H2421 [H8761] revive H9030 me H9005 according to H9021 thy H565 word.
  155 H3444 Salvation H7350 is far H7563 from the wicked: H1875 [H8804] for they seek H2706 not thy statutes.
  156 H7227 Great H7356 are thy compassions, H3068 O LORD: H2421 [H8761] revive H4941 me according to thy judgments.
  157 H7227 Many H7291 [H8802] are my persecutors H6862 and my constricters; H5186 [H8804] yet I do not decline H5715 from thy testimonies.
  158 H7200 [H8804] I beheld H898 [H8802] the treacherous, H6962 [H8709] and was grieved; H8104 [H8804] because they kept H565 not thy word.
  159 H7200 [H8798] See H157 [H8804] how I love H6490 thy precepts: H2421 [H8761] revive H3068 me, O LORD, H2617 according to thy mercy.
  160 H1697 Thy word H571 is true H7218 from the beginning: H6664 and every one of thy righteous H4941 judgments H5769 endureth to the age.
  161 H8269 SCHIN. Princes H7291 [H8804] have persecuted H2600 me without a cause: H3820 but my heart H6342 [H8804] standeth in awe H1697 of thy word.
  162 H7797 [H8801] I rejoice H565 at thy word, H4672 [H8802] as one that findeth H7227 great H7998 spoil.
  163 H8130 [H8804] I hate H8581 [H8762] and abhor H8267 lying: H8451 but thy law H157 [H8804] do I love.
  164 H7651 Seven times H3117 a day H1984 [H8765] do I praise H6664 thee because of thy righteous H4941 judgments.
  165 H7227 Great H7965 peace H157 [H8802] have they who love H8451 thy law: H4383 and nothing shall cause them to stumble.
  166 H3068 LORD, H7663 [H8765] I have hoped H3444 for thy salvation, H6213 [H8804] and performed H4687 thy commandments.
  167 H5315 My breath H8104 [H8804] hath kept H5713 thy testimonies; H157 [H8799] and I love H3966 them exceedingly.
  168 H8104 [H8804] I have kept H6490 thy precepts H5713 and thy testimonies: H1870 for all my ways are before thee.
  169 H7440 TAU. Let my cry H7126 [H8799] come near H6440 at the face of H3068 thee, O LORD: H995 [H8685] give me understanding H1697 according to thy word.
  170 H8467 Let my supplication H935 [H8799] come H6440 at the face of H5337 [H8685] thee: deliver H565 me according to thy word.
  171 H8193 My lips H5042 [H8686] shall utter H8416 praise, H3925 [H8762] when thou hast taught H2706 me thy statutes.
  172 H3956 My tongue H6030 [H8799] shall speak H565 of thy word: H4687 for all thy commandments H6664 are righteousness.
  173 H3027 Let thine hand H5826 [H8800] help H977 [H8804] me; for I have chosen H6490 thy precepts.
  174 H8373 [H8804] I have longed H3444 for thy salvation, H3068 O LORD; H8451 and thy law H8191 is my delight.
  175 H5315 Let my breath H2421 [H8799] live, H1984 [H8762] and it shall praise H4941 thee; and let thy judgments H5826 [H8799] help me.
  176 H8582 [H8804] I have gone astray H6 [H8802] like a lost H7716 sheep; H1245 [H8761] seek H5650 thy servant; H7911 [H8804] for I do not forget H4687 thy commandments.

Psalms 118:5

  5 H7121 [H8804] I called H3050 upon the LORD H4712 in distress: H3050 the LORD H6030 [H8804] answered H4800 me, and set me in a large place.

Psalms 118:23-24

  23 H3068 This is the LORD'S H6381 [H8738] doing; it is marvellous H5869 in our eyes.
  24 H3117 This is the day H3068 which the LORD H6213 [H8804] hath made; H1523 [H8799] we will rejoice H8055 [H8799] and be glad in it.

Psalms 118:6

  6 H3068 The LORD H3372 [H8799] is on my side; I will not fear: H6213 0 what can H120 man H6213 [H8799] do to me?

Psalms 118:14

  14 H3050 The LORD H5797 is my strength H2176 and song, H3444 and is become my salvation.

Mark 5:36

  36 G1161 G2112 As soon as G2424 Jesus G191 [G5660] heard G3056 the word G2980 [G5746] that was spoken, G3004 [G5719] he saith G752 to the ruler of the synagogue, G5399 0 { Be G3361 not G5399 [G5737] afraid, G3440 only G4100 [G5720] believe.}

James 4:7

  7 G5293 [G5649] Submit yourselves G3767 therefore G2316 to God. G436 [G5628] Resist G3588 the G1228 slanderer, G2532 and G5343 [G5695] he will flee G575 from G5216 you.

Psalms 118:1-29

  1 H3034 [H8685] O give thanks H3068 to the LORD; H2896 for he is good: H2617 because his mercy H5769 endureth to the age.
  2 H3478 Let Israel H559 [H8799] now say, H2617 that his mercy H5769 endureth to the age.
  3 H1004 Let the house H175 of Aaron H559 [H8799] now say, H2617 that his mercy H5769 endureth to the age.
  4 H3373 Let them now that fear H3068 the LORD H559 [H8799] say, H2617 that his mercy H5769 endureth to the age.
  5 H7121 [H8804] I called H3050 upon the LORD H4712 in distress: H3050 the LORD H6030 [H8804] answered H4800 me, and set me in a large place.
  6 H3068 The LORD H3372 [H8799] is on my side; I will not fear: H6213 0 what can H120 man H6213 [H8799] do to me?
  7 H3068 The LORD H5826 [H8802] taketh my part with them that help H7200 [H8799] me: therefore shall I see H8130 [H8802] my desire upon them that hate me.
  8 H2896 It is better H2620 [H8800] to trust H3068 in the LORD H982 [H8800] than to put confidence H120 in man.
  9 H2896 It is better H2620 [H8800] to trust H3068 in the LORD H982 [H8800] than to put confidence H5081 in princes.
  10 H1471 All nations H5437 [H8804] surrounded me: H8034 but in the name H3068 of the LORD H4135 [H8686] will I cut them short.
  11 H5437 [H8804] They surrounded me; H5437 [H8804] yea, they surrounded me: H8034 but in the name H3068 of the LORD H4135 [H8686] I will cut them short.
  12 H5437 [H8804] They surrounded me H1682 like bees; H1846 [H8795] they are quenched H784 as the fire H6975 of thorns: H8034 for in the name H3068 of the LORD H4135 [H8686] I will cut them short.
  13 H1760 [H8800] Thou hast violently H1760 [H8804] thrust H5307 [H8800] at me that I might fall: H3068 but the LORD H5826 [H8804] helped me.
  14 H3050 The LORD H5797 is my strength H2176 and song, H3444 and is become my salvation.
  15 H6963 The voice H7440 of rejoicing H3444 and salvation H168 is in the tents H6662 of the righteous: H3225 the right hand H3068 of the LORD H6213 [H8802] doeth H2428 valiantly.
  16 H3225 The right hand H3068 of the LORD H7426 [H8802] is exalted: H3225 the right hand H3068 of the LORD H6213 [H8802] doeth H2428 valiantly.
  17 H4191 [H8799] I shall not die, H2421 [H8799] but live, H5608 [H8762] and declare H4639 the works H3050 of the LORD.
  18 H3050 The LORD H3256 [H8765] hath chastened H3256 [H8763] me greatly: H5414 [H8804] but he hath not given me over H4194 to death.
  19 H6605 [H8798] Open H8179 to me the gates H6664 of righteousness: H935 [H8799] I will enter H3034 [H8686] them, and I will praise H3050 the LORD:
  20 H8179 This gate H3068 of the LORD, H6662 into which the righteous H935 [H8799] shall enter.
  21 H3034 [H8686] I will praise H6030 [H8804] thee: for thou hast heard H3444 me, and art become my salvation.
  22 H68 The stone H1129 [H8802] which the builders H3988 [H8804] refused H7218 is become the head H6438 stone of the corner.
  23 H3068 This is the LORD'S H6381 [H8738] doing; it is marvellous H5869 in our eyes.
  24 H3117 This is the day H3068 which the LORD H6213 [H8804] hath made; H1523 [H8799] we will rejoice H8055 [H8799] and be glad in it.
  25 H3467 [H8685] Liberate H577 now, I beseech H3068 thee, O LORD: H3068 O LORD, H577 I beseech H6743 [H8685] thee, send now prosperity.
  26 H1288 [H8803] Blessed H935 [H8802] be he that cometh H8034 in the name H3068 of the LORD: H1288 [H8765] we have blessed H1004 you out of the house H3068 of the LORD.
  27 H410 God H3068 is the LORD, H215 [H8686] who hath shown us light: H631 [H8798] bind H2282 the sacrifice H5688 with cords, H7161 even to the horns H4196 of the altar.
  28 H410 Thou art my God, H3034 [H8686] and I will praise H430 thee: thou art my God, H7311 [H8787] I will exalt thee.
  29 H3034 [H8685] O give thanks H3068 to the LORD; H2896 for he is good: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age.

Psalms 91:1-16

  1 H3427 [H8802] He that dwelleth H5643 in the secret H5945 place of the most High H3885 [H8698] shall abide H6738 under the shadow H7706 of the Almighty.
  2 H559 [H8799] I will say H3068 of the LORD, H4268 He is my refuge H4686 and my fortress: H430 my God; H982 [H8799] in him will I trust.
  3 H5337 [H8686] Surely he shall deliver H6341 thee from the snare H3353 of the fowler, H1942 and from the ruinous H1698 pestilence.
  4 H5526 [H8686] He shall cover H84 thee with his feathers, H3671 and under his wings H2620 [H8799] shalt thou trust: H571 his truth H6793 shall be thy shield H5507 and buckler.
  5 H3372 [H8799] Thou shalt not be afraid H6343 for the terror H3915 by night; H2671 nor for the arrow H5774 [H8799] that flieth H3119 by day;
  6 H1698 Nor for the pestilence H1980 [H8799] that walketh H652 in dusk; H6986 nor for the destruction H7736 [H8799] that swelleth up H6672 at noonday.
  7 H505 A thousand H5307 [H8799] shall fall H6654 at thy side, H7233 and ten thousand H3225 at thy right hand; H5066 [H8799] but it shall not come near thee.
  8 H5869 Only with thine eyes H5027 [H8686] shalt thou behold H7200 [H8799] and see H8011 the retribution H7563 of the wicked.
  9 H7760 [H8804] Because thou hast made H3068 the LORD, H4268 who is my refuge, H5945 even the most High, H4583 thy habitation;
  10 H7451 There shall no evil H579 [H8792] befall H5061 thee, neither shall any plague H7126 [H8799] come near H168 thy tent.
  11 H4397 For he shall give his messengers H6680 [H8762] charge H8104 [H8800] over thee, to keep H1870 thee in all thy ways.
  12 H5375 [H8799] They shall bear thee up H3709 in their palms, H5062 [H8799] lest thou dash H7272 thy foot H68 against a stone.
  13 H1869 [H8799] Thou shalt tread H7826 upon the roaring lion H6620 and adder: H3715 the young lion H8577 and the dragon H7429 [H8799] shalt thou trample under feet.
  14 H2836 [H8804] Because he hath set his love H6403 [H8762] upon me, therefore will I deliver H7682 [H8762] him: I will set him on high, H3045 [H8804] because he hath known H8034 my name.
  15 H7121 [H8799] He shall call H6030 [H8799] upon me, and I will answer H6869 him: I will be with him in tightness; H2502 [H8762] I will deliver H3513 [H8762] him, and honour him.
  16 H753 With length H3117 of days H7646 [H8686] will I satisfy H7200 [H8686] him, and show H3444 him my salvation.

Romans 15:13

  13 G1161 Now G2316 the God G1680 of hope G4137 [G5659] fill G5209 you G3956 with all G5479 joy G2532 and G1515 peace G1722 in G4100 [G5721] believing, G1519 that G5209 ye G4052 [G5721] may abound G1722 in G1680 hope, G1722 through G1411 the power G40 of the Holy G4151 Spirit.

Isaiah 12:2

  2 H410 Behold, God H3444 is my salvation; H982 [H8799] I will trust, H6342 [H8799] and not be afraid: H3050 for the LORD H3068   H5797 is my strength H2176 and my song; H3444 he also is become my salvation.

Psalms 118:8

  8 H2896 It is better H2620 [H8800] to trust H3068 in the LORD H982 [H8800] than to put confidence H120 in man.

Proverbs 3:5-6

  5 H982 [H8798] Trust H3068 in the LORD H3820 with all thine heart; H8172 [H8735] and lean H998 not to thy own understanding.
  6 H1870 In all thy ways H3045 [H8798] acknowledge H3474 [H8762] him, and he shall straighten H734 thy paths.

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