Bible verses about "stagnation" | new

Revelation 2:1-3:22

  1 G32 { To the messenger G1577 of the congregation G2179 of Ephesus G1125 [G5657] write; G3592 These things G3004 [G5719] saith G2902 [G5723] he that holdeth G2033 the seven G792 stars G1722 in G846 his G1188 right hand, G3588 who G4043 [G5723] walketh G1722 in G3319 the midst G2033 of the seven G5552 golden G3087 lampstands;}
  2 G1492 [G5758] { I know G4675 thy G2041 works, G2532 and G4675 thy G2873 weariness, G2532 and G4675 thy G5281 patience, G2532 and G3754 that G1410 [G5736] thou canst G3756 not G941 [G5658] bear G2556 them who are bad: G2532 and G3985 [G5668] thou hast tested G3588 the ones G5335 [G5723] asserting G1511 [G5750] they are G652 apostles, G2532 and G1526 [G5748] are G3756 not, G2532 and G2147 [G5627] hast found G846 them G5571 liars:}
  3 G2532 { And G941 [G5656] hast borne, G2532 and G2192 [G5719] hast G5281 patience, G2532 and G1223 0 for G3450 my G1223 G3686 name's sake G2872 [G5758] hast wearied in labour, G2532 and G2577 0 hast G3756 not G2577 [G5758] fainted.}
  4 G235 { Nevertheless G2192 [G5719] I have G2596 somewhat against G4675 thee, G3754 because G863 [G5656] thou hast left G4675 thy G4413 first G26 love.}
  5 G3421 [G5720] { Remember G3767 therefore G1601 G0 out of G4159 whence G1601 [G5758] thou hast fallen, G2532 and G3340 [G5657] change thy mind, G2532 and G4160 [G5657] do G4413 the first G2041 works; G1490 or else G2064 [G5736] I will come G4671 to thee G5035 quickly, G2532 and G2795 [G5692] will remove G4675 thy G3087 lampstand G1537 out of G846 its G5117 place, G3362 except G3340 [G5661] thou change thy mind.}
  6 G235 { But G5124 this G2192 [G5719] thou hast, G3754 that G3404 [G5719] thou hatest G2041 the deeds G3531 of the Nicolaitans, G3739 which G2504 I also G3404 [G5719] hate.}
  7 G2192 [G5723] { He that hath G3775 an ear, G191 [G5657] let him hear G5101 what G4151 the Spirit G3004 [G5719] saith G1577 to the congregations; G846 To him G3528 [G5723] that overcometh G1325 [G5692] will I give G5315 [G5629] to eat G1537 of G3586 the tree G2222 of life, G3739 which G2076 [G5748] is G1722 in G3319 the midst G3857 of the paradise G2316 of God.}
  8 G2532 { And G32 to the messenger G1577 of the congregation G4668 in Smyrna G1125 [G5657] write; G3592 These things G3004 [G5719] saith G4413 the first G2532 and G2078 the last, G3739 who G1096 [G5633] was G3498 dead, G2532 and G2198 [G5656] is alive;}
  9 G1492 [G5758] { I know G4675 thy G2041 works, G2532 and G2347 tribulation, G2532 and G4432 poverty, G1161 (but G1488 [G5748] thou art G4145 rich) G2532 and G988 I know the blasphemy G3588 of them who G3004 [G5723] say G1438 they G1511 [G5750] are G2453 Judeans, G2532 and G1526 [G5748] are G3756 not, G235 but G4864 are the synagogue G4567 of the adversary.}
  10 G5399 [G5737] { Fear G3367 none G3739 of those things which G3195 [G5719] thou shalt G3958 [G5721] suffer: G2400 [G5628] behold, G3588 the G1228 slanderer G3195 [G5719] shall G906 [G5629] cast G1537 some of G5216 you G1519 into G5438 prison, G2443 that G3985 [G5686] ye may be tested; G2532 and G2192 [G5692] ye shall have G2347 tribulation G1176 ten G2250 days: G1096 [G5737] be thou G4103 faithful G891 to G2288 death, G2532 and G1325 [G5692] I will give G4671 thee G4735 a crown G2222 of life.}
  11 G2192 [G5723] { He that hath G3775 an ear, G191 [G5657] let him hear G5101 what G4151 the Spirit G3004 [G5719] saith G1577 to the congregations; G3528 [G5723] He that overcometh G91 0 shall G3364 not G91 [G5686] be hurt G1537 by G1208 the second G2288 death.}
  12 G2532 { And G32 to the messenger G1577 of the congregation G1722 in G4010 Pergamos G1125 [G5657] write; G3592 These things G3004 [G5719] saith G2192 [G5723] he who hath G3691 the sharp G4501 broadsword G1366 with two edges;}
  13 G1492 [G5758] { I know G4675 thy G2041 works, G2532 and G4226 where G2730 [G5719] thou dwellest, G3699 even where G3588 the G4567 adversary's G2362 throne G2532 is: and G2902 [G5719] thou holdest fast G3450 my G3686 name, G2532 and G720 0 hast G3756 not G720 [G5662] denied G3450 my G4102 faith, G2532 even G1722 in G2250 those days G1722 in G3739 which G493 Antipas G3450 was my G4103 faithful G3144 martyr, G3739 who G615 [G5681] was slain G3844 among G5213 you, G3699 where G3588 the G4567 adversary G2730 [G5719] dwelleth.}
  14 G235 { But G2192 [G5719] I have G3641 a few things G2596 against G4675 thee, G3754 because G2192 [G5719] thou hast G1563 there G2902 [G5723] them that hold G3588 the G1322 teaching G903 of Balaam, G3739 who G1722 G1321 [G5707] taught G904 Balak G906 [G5629] to cast G4625 a trap-stick G1799 before G3588 the G5207 sons G2474 of Israel, G5315 [G5629] to eat G1494 things sacrificed to idols, G2532 and G4203 [G5658] to fornicate.}
  15 G3779 { So G2192 [G5719] hast G4771 thou G2532 also G2902 [G5723] them that hold G1322 the teaching G3531 of the Nicolaitans, G3739 which thing G3404 [G5719] I hate.}
  16 G3340 [G5657] { Change thy mind; G1490 or else G2064 [G5736] I will come G4671 to thee G5035 quickly, G2532 and G4170 [G5692] will war G3326 against G846 them G1722 with G4501 the broadsword G3450 of my G4750 mouth.}

1 Peter 2:2

  2 G5613 As G738 newborn G1025 babes, G1971 [G5657] desire G3588 the G3050 rational G97 guileless G1051 milk, G2443 that G837 [G5686] ye may grow G1722 in G846 it:

Revelation 2:18-3:22

  18 G2532 { And G32 to the messenger G1577 of the congregation G1722 in G2363 Thyatira G1125 [G5657] write; G3592 These things G3004 [G5719] saith G5207 the Son G2316 of God, G3588 who G2192 [G5723] hath G846 his G3788 eyes G5613 like G5395 a flame G4442 of fire, G2532 and G846 his G4228 feet G3664 are like G5474 fine brass;}
  19 G1492 [G5758] { I know G4675 thy G2041 works, G2532 and G26 love, G2532 and G1248 service, G2532 and G4102 faith, G2532 and G4675 thy G5281 patience, G2532 and G4675 thy G2041 works; G2532 and G2078 the last G4119 to be more than G4413 the first.}
  20 G235 { However G2192 [G5719] I have G3641 a few things G2596 against G4675 thee, G3754 because G1439 [G5719] thou allowest G1135 that woman G2403 Jezebel, G3588 who G3004 [G5723] calleth G1438 herself G4398 a prophetess, G1321 [G5721] to teach G2532 and G4105 0 to lead G1699 my G1401 slaves G4105 [G5745] astray G4203 [G5658] to fornicate, G2532 and G5315 [G5629] to eat G1494 things sacrificed to idols.}

Revelation 2:17-3:22

  17 G2192 [G5723] { He that hath G3775 an ear, G191 [G5657] let him hear G5101 what G4151 the Spirit G3004 [G5719] saith G1577 to the congregations; G846 To him G3528 [G5723] that overcometh G1325 [G5692] will I give G5315 [G5629] to eat G575 from G2928 [G5772] the hidden G3131 manna, G2532 and G1325 [G5692] will give G846 him G3022 a white G5586 stone, G2532 and G1909 on G5586 the stone G2537 a new G3686 name G1125 [G5772] written, G3739 which G3762 no man G1097 [G5627] knoweth G1508 except G2983 [G5723] he that receiveth it.}

Revelation 2:21-3:22

  21 G2532 { And G1325 [G5656] I gave G846 her G5550 time G2443 to G3340 [G5661] change her mind; G2532 and G3340 0 [G5656] she changed G3756 not G3340 [G5656] her mind G1537 of G846 her G4202 fornication.}
  22 G2400 [G5628] { Behold, G1473 I G906 [G5719] will cast G846 her G1519 into G2825 a bed, G2532 and G3431 [G5723] them that commit adultery G3326 with G846 her G1519 into G3173 great G2347 tribulation, G3362 unless G3340 [G5661] they should change their minds G1537 of G846 her G2041 deeds.}
  23 G2532 { And G615 [G5692] I will kill G846 her G5043 children G1722 with G2288 death; G2532 and G3956 all G1577 the congregations G1097 [G5695] shall know G3754 that G1473 I G1510 [G5748] am G3588 he who G2045 [G5723] searcheth G3510 the reins G2532 and G2588 hearts: G2532 and G1325 [G5692] I will give G1538 to each one G5213 of you G2596 according to G5216 your G2041 works.}
  24 G1161 { But G5213 to you G3004 [G5719] I say, G2532 and G3062 to the rest G1722 in G2363 Thyatira, G3745 as many as G2192 [G5719] have G3756 not G5026 this G1322 teaching, G2532 and G3748 who G1097 0 have G3756 not G1097 [G5627] known G899 the depths G3588 of the G4567 adversary, G5613 as G3004 [G5719] they speak; G906 [G5692] I will put G1909 upon G5209 you G3756 no G243 other G922 burden.}
  25 G4133 { But G3739 that which G2192 [G5719] ye have G2902 [G5657] already hold fast G891 G3739 till G302 G2240 [G5661] I come.}
  26 G2532 { And G3528 [G5723] he that overcometh, G2532 and G5083 [G5723] keepeth G3450 my G2041 works G891 to G5056 the end, G846 to him G1325 [G5692] will I give G1849 authority G1909 over G1484 the nations:}
  27 G2532 { And G4165 [G5692] he shall rule G846 them G1722 with G4464 a rod G4603 of iron; G5613 as G4632 the vessels G2764 of a potter G4937 [G5743] shall they be broken to shivers: G2504 0 even G5613 as G2504 I G2983 [G5758] received G3844 of G3450 my G3962 Father.}
  28 G2532 { And G1325 [G5692] I will give G846 him G4407 the morning G792 star.}
  29 G2192 [G5723] { He that hath G3775 an ear, G191 [G5657] let him hear G5101 what G4151 the Spirit G3004 [G5719] saith G1577 to the congregations.}

Revelation 3:1-22

  1 G2532 { And G32 to the messenger G1577 of the congregation G1722 in G4554 Sardis G1125 [G5657] write; G3592 These things G3004 [G5719] saith G2192 [G5723] he that hath G2033 the seven G4151 Spirits G2316 of God, G2532 and G2033 the seven G792 stars; G1492 [G5758] I know G4675 thy G2041 works, G3754 that G2192 [G5719] thou hast G3686 a name G3754 that G2198 [G5719] thou livest, G2532 and G1488 [G5748] art G3498 dead.}
  2 G1096 [G5737] { Be G1127 [G5723] watchful, G2532 and G4741 [G5657] fix firmly G3062 the things which remain, G3739 that G3195 [G5719] are G599 [G5629] ready to die: G1063 for G2147 0 I have G3756 not G2147 [G5758] found G4675 thy G2041 works G4137 [G5772] perfect G1799 before G2316 God.}

Revelation 3:4-22

  4 G2192 [G5719] { Thou hast G3641 a few G3686 names G2532 even G1722 in G4554 Sardis G3739 which G3435 0 have G3756 not G3435 [G5656] sullied G846 their G2440 garments; G2532 and G4043 [G5692] they shall walk G3326 with G1700 me G1722 in G3022 white: G3754 for G1526 [G5748] they are G514 worthy.}
  5 G3528 [G5723] { He that overcometh, G3778 the same G4016 [G5698] shall be clothed G1722 in G3022 white G2440 raiment; G2532 and G1813 0 I will G3364 not G1813 [G5692] blot out G846 his G3686 name G1537 out of G976 the book G2222 of life, G2532 but G1843 [G5698] I will confess G846 his G3686 name G1799 before G3450 my G3962 Father, G2532 and G1799 before G846 his G32 messengers.}

Revelation 3:3-22

  3 G3421 [G5720] { Remember G3767 therefore G4459 how G2983 [G5758] thou hast received G2532 and G191 [G5656] heard, G2532 and G5083 [G5720] hold fast, G2532 and G3340 [G5657] change your minds. G3362 0 If G3767 therefore G1127 0 thou shalt G3362 not G1127 [G5661] watch, G2240 [G5692] I will come G1909 on G4571 thee G5613 as G2812 a thief, G2532 and G1097 0 thou shalt G3364 not G1097 [G5632] know G4169 what G5610 hour G2240 [G5692] I will come G1909 upon G4571 thee.}

Revelation 3:6-22

  6 G2192 [G5723] { He that hath G3775 an ear, G191 [G5657] let him hear G5101 what G4151 the Spirit G3004 [G5719] saith G1577 to the congregations.}
  7 G2532 { And G32 to the messenger G1577 of the congregation G1722 in G5359 Philadelphia G1125 [G5657] write; G3592 These things G3004 [G5719] saith G40 he that is holy, G228 he that is true, G2192 [G5723] he that hath G2807 the key G1138 of David, G455 [G5723] he that openeth, G2532 and G3762 no man G2808 [G5719] shutteth; G2532 and G2808 [G5719] shutteth, G2532 and G3762 no man G455 [G5719] openeth;}
  8 G1492 [G5758] { I know G4675 thy G2041 works: G2400 [G5628] behold, G1325 [G5758] I have set G1799 before G4675 thee G455 [G5772] an open G2374 door, G2532 and G3762 no man G1410 [G5736] can G2808 [G5658] shut G846 it: G3754 for G2192 [G5719] thou hast G3398 a little G1411 power, G2532 and G5083 [G5656] hast kept G3450 my G3056 word, G2532 and G720 0 hast G3756 not G720 [G5662] denied G3450 my G3686 name.}
  9 G2400 [G5628] { Behold, G1325 [G5719] I will make G1537 them of G4864 the synagogue G3588 of the G4567 adversary, G3588 who G3004 [G5723] say G1438 they G1511 [G5750] are G2453 Judeans, G2532 and G1526 [G5748] are G3756 not, G235 but G5574 [G5727] do lie; G2400 [G5628] behold, G4160 [G5692] I will make G846 them G2443 to G2240 [G5661] come G2532 and G4352 [G5661] worship G1799 before G4675 thy G4228 feet, G2532 and G1097 [G5632] to know G3754 that G1473 I G25 [G5656] have loved G4571 thee.}
  10 G3754 { Because G5083 [G5656] thou hast kept G3588 the G3056 word G3450 of my G5281 patience, G2504 I also G5083 [G5692] will keep G4571 thee G1537 from G3588 the G5610 hour G3588 of the G3986 temptation, G3588 which G3195 G2064 [G5723] shall come G1909 upon G3650 all G3588 the G3625 inhabitable world, G3985 [G5658] to try G2730 [G5723] them that dwell G1909 upon G3588 the G1093 earth.}
  11 G2400 [G5628] { Behold, G2064 [G5736] I come G5035 quickly: G2902 [G5720] hold that fast G3739 which G2192 [G5719] thou hast, G2443 that G3367 no man G2983 [G5632] take G4675 thy G4735 crown.}
  12 G846 { Him G3528 [G5723] that overcometh G4160 [G5692] will I make G4769 a pillar G1722 in G3485 the inmost temple G3450 of my G2316 God, G2532 and G1831 [G5632] he shall go G1854 out G3364 no G2089 more: G2532 and G1125 [G5692] I will write G1909 upon G846 him G3686 the name G3450 of my G2316 God, G2532 and G3686 the name G4172 of the city G3450 of my G2316 God, G3588 which is G2537 new G2419 Jerusalem, G3588 which G2597 G2597 [G5723] cometh down G1537 out of G3772 heaven G575 from G3450 my G2316 God: G2532 and G3450 I will write upon him my G2537 new G3686 name.}
  13 G2192 [G5723] { He that hath G3775 an ear, G191 [G5657] let him hear G5101 what G4151 the Spirit G3004 [G5719] saith G1577 to the congregations.}
  14 G2532 { And G32 to the messenger G1577 of the congregation G2994 of the Laodiceans G1125 [G5657] write; G3592 These things G3004 [G5719] saith G281 the Amen, G4103 the faithful G2532 and G228 true G3144 witness, G746 the beginning G2937 of the creation G2316 of God;}
  15 G1492 [G5758] { I know G4675 thy G2041 works, G3754 that G1488 [G5748] thou art G3777 neither G5593 cold G3777 nor G2200 boiling hot: G3785 I wish G1498 [G5751] thou wert G5593 cold G2228 or G2200 boiling hot.}
  16 G3779 { So G3754 then because G1488 [G5748] thou art G5513 lukewarm, G2532 and G3777 neither G5593 cold G3777 nor G2200 boiling hot, G3195 [G5719] I will G1692 [G5658] spue G4571 thee G1537 out of G3450 my G4750 mouth.}
  17 G3754 { Because G3004 [G5719] thou sayest, G3754   G1510 [G5748] I am G4145 rich, G2532 and G4147 [G5758] increased with goods, G2532 and G2192 [G5719] have G5532 need G3762 of nothing; G2532 and G1492 [G5758] knowest G3756 not G3754 that G4771 thou G1488 [G5748] art G5005 wretched, G2532 and G1652 pitiable, G2532 and G4434 poor, G2532 and G5185 blind, G2532 and G1131 naked:}
  18 G4823 [G5719] { I counsel G4671 thee G59 [G5658] to buy G3844 of G1700 me G5553 gold G4448 [G5772] tried G1537 in G4442 the fire, G2443 that G4147 [G5661] thou mayest be rich; G2532 and G3022 white G2440 raiment, G2443 that G4016 [G5643] thou mayest be clothed, G2532 and G152 that the shame G4675 of thy G1132 nakedness G5319 0 may G3361 not G5319 [G5686] appear; G2532 and G1472 [G5657] anoint G4675 thine G3788 eyes G2854 with eyesalve, G2443 that G991 [G5725] thou mayest see.}
  19 G1473 { I, G3745 as many as G5368 [G5725] I be fond of, G1473 I G1651 [G5719] rebuke G2532 and G3811 [G5719] chasten: G2206 [G5657] be zealous G3767 therefore, G2532 and G3340 [G5657] change your minds.}
  20 G2400 [G5628] { Behold, G2476 [G5758] I stand G1909 at G2374 the door, G2532 and G2925 [G5719] knock: G1437 if G5100 any man G191 [G5661] shall hear G3450 my G5456 voice, G2532 and G455 [G5661] open G2374 the door, G1525 [G5695] I will come in G4314 to G846 him, G2532 and G1172 [G5692] will sup G3326 with G846 him, G2532 and G846 he G3326 with G1700 me.}
  21 G846 { To him G3528 [G5723] that overcometh G1325 [G5692] will I grant G2523 [G5658] to sit G3326 with G1700 me G1722 on G3450 my G2362 throne, G2504 0 even G5613 as G2504 I also G3528 [G5656] overcame, G2532 and G2523 [G5656] am set down G3326 with G3450 my G3962 Father G1722 on G846 his G2362 throne.}
  22 G2192 [G5723] { He that hath G3775 an ear, G191 [G5657] let him hear G5101 what G4151 the Spirit G3004 [G5719] saith G1577 to the congregations.}

Matthew 13:1-58

  1 G1161   G1722 G1565 The same G2250 day G2424 Jesus G1831 [G5631] went G575 from G3614 the house, G2521 [G5711] and sat G3844 by G2281 the sea side.
  2 G2532 And G3793 crowds G4183 of many G4863 [G5681] were gathered together G4314 to G846 him, G5620 so that G846 he G1684 [G5631] having embarked G1519 into G3588 the G4143 boat, G2521 [G5738] sat down; G2532 and G3956 all G3588 the G3793 crowd G2476 [G5715] stood G1909 upon G3588 the G123 shore.
  3 G2532 And G2980 [G5656] he spoke G4183 many things G846 to them G1722 in G3850 parables, G3004 [G5723] saying, G2400 [G5628] { Behold, G4687 [G5723] a sower G1831 [G5627] went forth G4687 [G5721] to sow;}
  4 G2532 { And G1722 when G846 he G4687 [G5721] sowed, G3739 G3303 some G4098 [G5627] seeds fell G3844 by G3598 the way side, G2532 and G4071 the fowls G2064 [G5627] came G2532 and G2719 [G5627] devoured G846 them:}
  5 G1161 G243 { Some G4098 [G5627] fell G1909 upon G4075 stony places, G3699 where G2192 [G5707] they had G3756 not G4183 much G1093 earth: G2532 and G2112 immediately G1816 [G5656] they sprung up, G1223 because G2192 [G5721] they had G3361 no G899 deepness G1093 of earth:}
  6 G1161 { And G2246 when the sun G393 [G5660] had risen, G2739 [G5681] they were scorched; G2532 and G1223 because G2192 [G5721] they had G3361 no G4491 root, G3583 [G5681] they withered away.}
  7 G1161 { And G243 some G4098 [G5627] fell G1909 among G173 thorns; G2532 and G173 the thorns G305 [G5627] sprung up, G2532 and G638 [G5656] choked G846 them:}
  8 G1161 { But G243 others G4098 [G5627] fell G1909 into G2570 good G1093 ground, G2532 and G1325 [G5707] brought forth G2590 fruit, G3739 G3303 some G1540 an hundredfold, G1161   G3739 some G1835 sixtyfold, G1161   G3739 some G5144 thirtyfold.}
  9 G3588 { Who G2192 [G5723] hath G3775 ears G191 [G5721] to hear, G191 [G5720] let him hear.}
  10 G2532 And G3101 the disciples G4334 [G5631] came, G2036 [G5627] and said G846 to him, G1302 Why G2980 [G5719] speakest thou G846 to them G1722 in G3850 parables?
  11 G611 [G5679] He answered G1161 and G2036 [G5627] said G846 to them, G3754 { Because G1325 [G5769] it is given G5213 to you G1097 [G5629] to know G3466 the mysteries G932 of the kingdom G3772 of heaven, G1161 but G1565 to them G1325 0 it is G3756 not G1325 [G5769] given.}
  12 G1063 { For G3748 whoever G2192 [G5719] hath, G846 to him G1325 [G5701] shall be given, G2532 and G4052 [G5701] he shall have more abundance: G1161 but G3748 whoever G2192 [G5719] hath G3756 not, G575 from G846 him G142 [G5701] shall be taken away G2532 even G3739 that G2192 [G5719] which he hath.}
  13 G1223 G5124 { Therefore G2980 [G5719] I speak G846 to them G1722 in G3850 parables: G3754 because G991 [G5723] they seeing G991 [G5719] see G3756 not; G2532 and G191 [G5723] hearing G191 [G5719] they hear G3756 not, G3761 neither G4920 [G5719] do they understand.}
  14 G2532 { And G1909 in G846 them G378 [G5743] is fulfilled G4394 the prophecy G2268 of Isaiah, G3588 which G3004 [G5723] saith, G189 By hearing G191 [G5692] ye shall hear, G2532 and G4920 0 shall G3364 not G4920 [G5655] understand; G2532 and G991 [G5723] seeing G991 [G5692] ye shall see, G2532 and G1492 0 shall G3364 not G1492 [G5632] perceive:}
  15 G1063 { For G5127 this G2992 people's G2588 heart G3975 [G5681] has become dull, G2532 and G3775 their ears G917 are hard G191 [G5656] of hearing, G2532 and G846 their G3788 eyes G2576 [G5656] they have closed; G3379 lest at any time G1492 [G5632] they should see G3788 with their eyes, G2532 and G191 [G5661] hear G3775 with their ears, G2532 and G4920 [G5632] should understand G2588 with their heart, G2532 and G1994 [G5661] should be converted, G2532 and G2390 [G5667] I should heal G846 them.}
  16 G1161 { But G3107 blessed G5216 are your G3788 eyes, G3754 for G991 [G5719] they see: G2532 and G5216 your G3775 ears, G3754 for G191 [G5719] they hear.}
  17 G1063 { For G281 verily G3004 [G5719] I say G5213 to you, G3754 That G4183 many G4396 prophets G2532 and G1342 righteous G1937 [G5656] men have desired G1492 [G5629] to see G3739 the things which G991 [G5719] ye see, G2532 and G1492 0 have G3756 not G1492 [G5627] seen G2532 them; and G191 [G5658] to hear G3739 the things which G191 [G5719] ye hear, G2532 and G191 0 have G3756 not G191 [G5656] heard them.}
  18 G191 [G5657] { Hear G5210 ye G3767 therefore G3850 the parable G4687 [G5723] of the sower.}
  19 G3956 { When any G191 [G5723] one heareth G3056 the word G932 of the kingdom, G2532 and G4920 [G5723] understandeth G3361 it not, G2064 [G5736] then cometh G4190 the wicked G2532 one, and G726 [G5719] catcheth away G3588 the G4687 [G5772] seed having been sown G1722 in G846 his G2588 heart. G3778 This G2076 [G5748] is G4687 [G5651] he who received seed G3844 by G3598 the way side.}
  20 G1161 { But G4687 [G5651] he that received the seed G1909 into G4075 stony places, G3778 the same G2076 [G5748] is G191 [G5723] he that heareth G3056 the word, G2532 and G2117 immediately G3326 with G5479 joy G2983 [G5723] receiveth G846 it;}
  21 G1161 { Yet G2192 [G5719] he hath G3756 not G4491 root G1722 in G1438 himself, G235 but G2076 [G5748] is G4340 temporary: G1161 for G2347 pressure G2228 or G1375 persecution G1096 [G5637] having happened G1223 because G3056 of the word, G2117 immediately G4624 [G5743] he is caused to stumble.}
  22 G1161 { He also G4687 [G5651] that received seed G1519 among G173 the thorns G2076 [G5748] is G3778 he that G191 [G5723] heareth G3056 the word; G2532 and G3308 the care G5127 of this G165 age, G2532 and G539 the deceitfulness G4149 of riches, G4846 [G5719] choke G3056 the word, G2532 and G1096 [G5736] he becometh G175 unfruitful.}
  23 G1161 { But G4687 [G5651] he that received seed G1909 into G2570 the good G1093 ground G2076 [G5748] is G3778 he G191 [G5723] that heareth G3056 the word, G2532 and G4920 [G5723] understandeth G3739 it; who G1211 also G2592 [G5719] beareth fruit, G2532 and G4160 [G5719] bringeth forth, G3739 G3303 some G1540 an hundredfold, G1161   G3739 some G1835 sixty, G1161   G3739 some G5144 thirty.}
  24 G243 Another G3850 parable G3908 [G5656] he put forth G846 to them, G3004 [G5723] saying, G932 { The kingdom G3772 of heaven G3666 [G5681] is likened G444 to a man G4687 G4687 [G5723] who sowed G2570 good G4690 seed G1722 in G846 his G68 field:}
  25 G1161 { But G1722 while G444 men G2518 [G5721] slept, G846 his G2190 enemy G2064 [G5627] came G2532 and G4687 [G5656] sowed G2215 tares G303 G3319 among G4621 the grain, G2532 and G565 [G5627] went his way.}
  26 G1161 { But G3753 when G5528 the blade G985 [G5656] had sprung up, G2532 and G4160 [G5656] brought forth G2590 fruit, G5119 then G5316 [G5648] appeared G2215 the tares G2532 also.}
  27 G1161 { So G1401 the slaves G3617 of the householder G4334 [G5631] came G2036 [G5627] and said G846 to him, G2962 Sir, G4687 0 didst G3780 thou not G4687 [G5656] sow G2570 good G4690 seed G1722 in G4674 thy G68 field? G4159 whence G3767 then G2192 [G5719] hath it G2215 tares?}
  28 G1161 { G5346 [G5713] He said G846 to them, G2190 G444 An enemy G4160 [G5656] hath done G5124 this. G1161   G1401 The slaves G2036 [G5627] said G846 to him, G2309 [G5719] Wilt thou G3767 then G565 [G5631] that we go G4816 0 and gather G846 them G4816 [G5661] up?}
  29 G1161 { But G5346 [G5713] he said, G3756 Nay; G3379 lest G4816 [G5723] while ye gather up G2215 the tares, G1610 [G5661] ye root up G4621 also the grain G260 with G846 them.}
  30 G863 [G5628] { Let G297 both G4885 [G5745] grow together G3360 until G3588 the G2326 harvest: G2532 and G1722 in G3588 the G2540 season G3588 of the G2326 harvest G2046 [G5692] I will say G3588 to the G2327 reapers, G4816 [G5657] Gather ye together G4412 first G3588 the G2215 tares, G2532 and G1210 [G5657] bind G846 them G1519 in G1197 bundles G4314 to G2618 [G5658] burn G846 them: G1161 but G4863 [G5628] gather G3588 the G4621 grain G1519 into G3588   G3450 my G596 barn.}
  31 G243 Another G3850 parable G3908 [G5656] he put forth G846 to them, G3004 [G5723] saying, G932 { The kingdom G3772 of heaven G2076 [G5748] is G3664 like G2848 a kernel G4615 of mustard seed, G3739 which G444 a man G2983 [G5631] took, G4687 [G5656] and sowed G1722 in G846 his G68 field:}
  32 G3739 { Which G3303 indeed G2076 [G5748] is G3398 the least G3956 of all G4690 seeds: G1161 but G3752 when G837 [G5686] it is grown, G2076 [G5748] it is G3187 the greatest G3001 among herbs, G2532 and G1096 [G5736] becometh G1186 a tree, G5620 so that G4071 the birds G3772 of the air G2064 [G5629] come G2532 and G2681 [G5721] lodge G1722 on G846 its G2798 branches.}
  33 G243 Another G3850 parable G2980 [G5656] he spoke G846 to them; G932 { The kingdom G3772 of heaven G2076 [G5748] is G3664 like G2219 leaven, G3739 which G1135 a woman G2983 [G5631] took, G1470 [G5656] and hid G1519 in G5140 three G4568 measures G224 of meal, G2193 till G3650 the whole G3739 was G2220 [G5681] leavened.}
  34 G3956 All G5023 these things G2424 Jesus G2980 [G5656] spoke G3793 to the crowd G1722 in G3850 parables; G2532 and G5565 without G3850 a parable G2980 [G5707] he spoke G3756 not G846 to them:
  35 G3704 That G4137 [G5686] it might be fulfilled G3588 which G4483 [G5685] was spoken G1223 by G4396 the prophet, G3004 [G5723] saying, G455 [G5692] I will open G3450 my G4750 mouth G1722 in G3850 parables; G2044 [G5695] I will utter G2928 [G5772] things having been kept hidden G575 from G2602 the casting down G2889 of the world.
  36 G5119 Then G2424 Jesus G863 0 sent G3793 the crowd G863 [G5631] away, G2064 [G5627] and went G1519 into G3614 the house: G2532 and G846 his G3101 disciples G4334 [G5656] came G846 to him, G3004 [G5723] saying, G5419 [G5657] Make known G2254 to us G3850 the meaning of the parable G2215 of the tares G68 of the field.
  37 G611 [G5679] He answered G1161 and G2036 [G5627] said G846 to them, G4687 [G5723] { He that soweth G2570 the good G4690 seed G2076 [G5748] is G5207 the Son G444 of man;}
  38 G1161 { G68 The field G2076 [G5748] is G2889 the world; G1161   G2570 the good G4690 seed G3778 G1526 [G5748] are G5207 the sons G932 of the kingdom; G1161 but G2215 the tares G1526 [G5748] are G5207 the sons G4190 of the wicked one;}
  39 G1161 { And G3588 the G2190 enemy G3588 the one G4687 [G5660] sowing G846 them G2076 [G5748] is G3588 the G1228 slanderer; G1161 and G3588 the G2326 harvest G2076 [G5748] is G3588 the G4930 full end G3588 of the G165 age; G1161 and G3588 the G2327 reapers G1526 [G5748] are G32 messengers.}
  40 G5618 { As G3767 therefore G2215 the darnel G4816 [G5743] are gathered G2532 and G2618 [G5743] burned G4442 in the fire; G3779 so G2071 [G5704] shall it be G1722 in G4930 the full end G5127 of this G165 age.}
  41 G5207 { The Son G444 of man G649 [G5692] shall send forth G846 his G32 messengers, G2532 and G4816 [G5692] they shall gather G1537 out of G846 his G932 kingdom G3956 all G3588 the G4625 trap-sticks, G2532 and G3588 the ones G4160 [G5723] committing G458 lawlessness;}
  42 G2532 { And G906 [G5692] shall cast G846 them G1519 into G2575 a furnace G4442 of fire: G1563 there G2071 [G5704] shall be G2805 wailing G2532 and G1030 gnashing G3599 of teeth.}
  43 G5119 { Then G1342 shall the righteous G1584 [G5692] shine forth G5613 as G2246 the sun G1722 in G932 the kingdom G846 of their G3962 Father. G3588 Who G2192 [G5723] hath G3775 ears G191 [G5721] to hear, G191 [G5720] let him hear.}
  44 G3825 { Again, G932 the kingdom G3772 of heaven G2076 [G5748] is G3664 like G2344 treasure G2928 [G5772] having been hidden G1722 in G68 a field; G3739 which G444 when a man G2147 [G5631] hath found, G2928 [G5656] he hideth, G2532 and G575 from G5479 joy G846 over it G5217 [G5719] goeth G2532 and G4453 [G5719] selleth G3956 all G3745 that G2192 [G5719] he hath, G2532 and G59 [G5719] buyeth G1565 that G68 field.}
  45 G3825 { Again, G932 the kingdom G3772 of heaven G2076 [G5748] is G3664 like G1713 a merchant G444 man, G2212 [G5723] seeking G2570 fine G3135 pearls:}
  46 G3739 { Who, G2147 [G5631] when he had found G1520 one G3135 pearl G4186 of great price, G565 [G5631] went G4097 [G5758] and sold G3956 all G3745 that G2192 [G5707] he had, G2532 and G59 [G5656] bought G846 it.}
  47 G3825 { Again, G932 the kingdom G3772 of heaven G2076 [G5748] is G3664 like G4522 a net, G906 [G5685] that was cast G1519 into G2281 the sea, G2532 and G4863 [G5631] gathered G1537 of G3956 every G1085 kind:}
  48 G3739 { Which, G3753 when G4137 [G5681] it was full, G307 [G5660] they drew G1909 to G123 the shore, G2532 and G2523 [G5660] sat down, G4816 [G5656] and gathered G2570 the good G1519 into G30 containers, G1161 but G906 [G5627] cast G1854 away G4550 the rotten.}
  49 G3779 { So G2071 [G5704] shall it be G1722 at G4930 the end G165 of the age: G32 the messengers G1831 [G5695] shall come forth, G2532 and G873 [G5692] separate G4190 the wicked G1537 from G3319 among G1342 the righteous,}
  50 G2532 { And G906 [G5692] shall cast G846 them G1519 into G2575 the furnace G4442 of fire: G1563 there G2071 [G5704] shall be G2805 wailing G2532 and G1030 gnashing G3599 of teeth.}
  51 G2424 Jesus G3004 [G5719] saith G846 to them, G4920 [G5656] { Have ye understood G3956 0 all G5023 these G3956 things? G3004 [G5719] } They say G846 to him, G3483 Yea, G2962 Lord.
  52 G1161 Then G2036 [G5627] said G846 he to them, G1223 G5124 { Therefore G3956 every G1122 scribe G3100 [G5685] having been discipled G1519 concerning G3588 the G932 kingdom G3772 of the heavens G2076 [G5748] is G3664 like G444 a man G3617 that is an householder, G3748 who G1544 [G5719] bringeth forth G1537 out of G846 his G2344 treasure G2537 things new G2532 and G3820 old.}
  53 G2532 And G1096 [G5633] it came to pass, G3753 that when G2424 Jesus G5055 [G5656] had finished G5025 these G3850 parables, G3332 [G5656] he departed G1564 from there.
  54 G2532 And G2064 [G5631] when he had come G1519 into G846 his G3968 fatherland, G1321 [G5707] he taught G846 them G1722 in G846 their G4864 synagogue, G5620 so that G846 they G1605 [G5745] were astonished, G2532 and G3004 [G5721] said, G4159 Whence G5129 hath this man G3778 this G4678 wisdom, G2532 and G1411 these powerful works?
  55 G2076 [G5748] Is G3756 not G3778 this G5045 the carpenter's G5207 son? G3004 0 is G3780 not G846 his G3384 mother G3004 [G5743] called G3137 Mary? G2532 and G846 his G80 brethren, G2385 Jacobus, G2532 and G2500 Joses, G2532 and G4613 Simon, G2532 and G2455 Judas?
  56 G2532 And G846 his G79 sisters, G1526 [G5748] are they G3780 not G3956 all G4314 with G2248 us? G4159 Whence G3767 then G5129 hath this man G3956 all G5023 these things?
  57 G2532 And G4624 [G5712] they were caused to stumble G1722 in G846 him. G1161 But G2424 Jesus G2036 [G5627] said G846 to them, G4396 { A prophet G2076 [G5748] is G3756 not G820 without honour, G1508 except G1722 in G846 his G3968 fatherland, G2532 and G1722 in G846 his own G3614 house.}
  58 G2532 And G4160 [G5656] he did G3756 not G4183 many G1411 powerful works G1563 there G1223 because G846 of their G570 unbelief.

2 Timothy 1:6

  6 G1223 For G3739 which G156 cause G363 0 I put G4571 thee G363 [G5719] in remembrance G329 [G5721] that thou stir up G5486 the gift of favour G2316 of God, G3739 which G2076 [G5748] is G1722 in G4671 thee G1223 by G1936 the laying on G3450 of mine G5495 hands.

Hebrews 10:25

  25 G3361 Not G1459 [G5723] forsaking G1997 the assembling G1438 of ourselves, G2531 as G1485 the manner G5100 of some G235 is; but G3870 [G5723] exhorting G2532 one another: and G5118 so much G3123 the more, G3745 as G991 [G5719] ye see G2250 the day G1448 [G5723] approaching.

James 1:4

  4 G1161 But G2192 0 let G5281 patience G2192 [G5720] have G5046 her perfect G2041 work, G2443 that G5600 [G5753] ye may be G5046 perfect G2532 and G3648 entirely whole, G3007 [G5746] lacking G1722 G3367 nothing.

2 Timothy 3:1-17

  1 G5124 This G1097 [G5720] know G1161 also, G3754 that G1722 in G2078 the last G2250 days G5467 ill-tempered G2540 seasons G1764 [G5695] shall come.
  2 G1063 For G444 men G2071 [G5704] shall be G5367 fond of their own selves, G5366 covetous, G213 ostentatious, G5244 proud, G989 blasphemers, G545 unpersuadable G1118 to parents, G884 unthankful, G462 unholy,
  3 G794 Without natural affection, G786 trucebreakers, G1228 slanderers, G193 incontinent, G434 savage, G865 despisers of those that are good,
  4 G4273 Betrayers, G4312 precipitous, G5187 [G5772] being wrapped in smoke, G5369 friends of pleasures G3123 more G2228 than G5377 friends of God;
  5 G2192 [G5723] Having G3446 a form G2150 of piety, G1161 but G720 [G5768] denying G846 its G1411 power: G2532 from G5128 such G665 [G5732] turn away.
  6 G1063 For G1537 of G5130 this sort G1526 [G5748] are they G1744 [G5723] who creep G1519 into G3614 houses, G2532 and G162 [G5723] lead captive G1133 silly women G4987 [G5772] laden G266 with sins, G71 [G5746] led away G4164 with various G1939 lusts,
  7 G3842 Always G3129 [G5723] learning, G2532 and G3368 never G1410 [G5740] being able G2064 [G5629] to come G1519 to G1922 the knowledge G225 of the truth.
  8 G3739   G1161 Now G5158 as G2389 Jannes G2532 and G2387 Jambres G436 [G5627] withstood G3475 Moses, G3779 so G436 0 do G3778 these G2532 also G436 [G5731] resist G225 the truth: G444 men G2704 [G5772] being entirely corrupted G3588 in the G3563 mind, G96 rejected as G4012 concerning G3588 the G4102 faith.
  9 G235 But G4298 [G5692] they shall proceed G3756 no G1909 G4119 further: G1063 for G846 their G454 folly G2071 [G5704] shall be G1552 evident G3956 to all G5613 men, as G1565 theirs G2532 also G1096 [G5633] was.
  10 G1161 But G4771 thou G3877 [G5758] hast fully known G3450 my G1319 teaching, G72 conduct, G4286 purpose, G4102 faith, G3115 longsuffering, G26 love, G5281 patience,
  11 G1375 Persecutions, G3804 sufferings, G3634 which G1096 [G5633] came G3427 to me G1722 at G490 Antioch, G1722 at G2430 Iconium, G1722 at G3082 Lystra; G3634 what G1375 persecutions G5297 [G5656] I endured: G2532 but G1537 out of G3956 them all G2962 the Lord G4506 [G5673] delivered G3165 me.
  12 G2532 And, G3956 all G1161 indeed G2309 [G5723] that will G2198 [G5721] live G2153 piously G1722 in G5547 Anointed G2424 Jesus G1377 [G5701] shall suffer persecution.
  13 G1161 But G4190 evil G444 men G2532 and G1114 seducers G4298 [G5692] shall become G1909 G5501 worse and worse, G4105 [G5723] misleading, G2532 and G4105 [G5746] being mislead.
  14 G1161 But G3306 [G5720] continue G4771 thou G1722 in G3739 the things which G3129 [G5627] thou hast learned G2532 and G4104 [G5681] hast been assured of, G1492 [G5761] knowing G3844 from G5101 whom G3129 [G5627] thou hast learned them;
  15 G2532 And G3754 that G575 from G1025 a babe G1492 [G5758] thou hast known G3588 the G2413 sacred G1121 writings, G3588 which G1410 [G5740] are able G4679 0 to make G4571 thee G4679 [G5658] wise G1519 unto G4991 salvation G1223 through G4102 faith G3588 which G1722 is in G5547 Anointed G2424 Jesus.
  16 G3956 All G1124 scripture G2315 is given by inspiration of God, G2532 and [G5624] is profitable G4314 for G1319 teaching, G4314 for G1650 reproof, G4314 for G1882 correction, G4314 for G3809 instruction G1722 in G1343 righteousness:
  17 G2443 That G444 the man G2316 of God G5600 [G5753] may be G739 perfect, G1822 [G5772] thoroughly furnished G4314 to G3956 all G18 good G2041 works.

Joel 2:25-27

  25 H7999 [H8765] And I will restore H8141 to you the years H697 that the locust H398 [H8804] hath eaten, H3218 the cankerworm, H2625 and the caterpiller, H1501 and the palmerworm, H1419 my great H2428 army H7971 [H8765] which I sent among you.
  26 H398 [H8804] And ye shall eat H398 [H8800] in plenty, H7646 [H8800] and be satisfied, H1984 [H8765] and praise H8034 the name H3068 of the LORD H430 your God, H6213 [H8804] that hath dealt H6381 [H8687] wondrously H5971 with you: and my people H5769 shall never H954 [H8799] be pale.
  27 H3045 [H8804] And ye shall know H7130 that I am in the midst H3478 of Israel, H3068 and that I am the LORD H430 your God, H5971 and none else: and my people H5769 shall never H954 [H8799] be pale.

Deuteronomy 1:6-8

  6 H3068 The LORD H430 our God H1696 [H8765] spoke H2722 to us in Horeb, H559 [H8800] saying, H3427 [H8800] Ye have dwelt H7227 long enough H2022 in this mount:
  7 H6437 [H8798] Turn, H5265 [H8798] and take your journey, H935 [H8798] and go H2022 to the mount H567 of the Amorites, H7934 and to all the places near H6160 to it, in the plain, H2022 on the mountains, H8219 and in the vale, H5045 and in the south, H3220 and by the sea H2348 side, H776 to the land H3669 of the Canaanites, H3844 and to Lebanon, H1419 to the great H5104 river, H5104 the river H6578 Euphrates.
  8 H7200 [H8798] Behold, H5414 [H8804] I have set H776 the land H6440 at the face of H935 [H8798] you: go H3423 [H8798] in and possess H776 the land H3068 which the LORD H7650 [H8738] swore H1 to your fathers, H85 Abraham, H3327 Isaac, H3290 and Jacob, H5414 [H8800] to give H2233 to them and to their seed H310 after them.

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